Little Witch Academia

2 days left until the last episode.

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This is the Magical Post of Yay. Reply to this post and you will be blessed with great amounts of Yay this week, but only if you reply "Don't lose your Yay, Akko!"

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

Never forget


I fell off the parade boat when Lotte's parents got mossed, I guess the series picked up again?

that kaiba boy needs to get laid

Don't lose your yay, Akko!

Which witch will you repopulate the earth with?

Still trippin. Constanze is still best

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

Only the smuggest are worthy.

I dont like kids.

Barbara, Jasminka, Chariot/Ursula, and Croix

Kagari Akko!!!

C&C are the cutest!

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

I need Croix blushing when Chariot touches her shoulder.

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

I want to be Sucy's boyfriend AKA sex toy

Lotte is for ________

Kimi no Sei with LWA
Who's with me?


I'm still amazed at how some people thought there would be Yuri in LWA. What made them believe that in the first place? The two OVAS didn't had nothing implying Yuri and yet half the fanbase are Yurifaggots. Reminds me of the Voltron fanbase where everyone ships the boys and even threaten the animation studio to leak important information if their ships don't happen

being invisible

Its a show about school full of girls.

Bullying and sexual harassment

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

Two days until this series is forgotten.

depends, i have no idea what that is

So is this shit actually any good? I have some time to kill this weekend and I'm trying to decide which Chinese cartoon to marathon

>I'm still amazed at how some people thought there would be Yuri in LWA.
I think you have a weird idea of how shipping works.

>What made them believe that in the first place?
Serious reply, probably picture related.

>Reminds me of the Voltron fanbase
Also thanks for pointing out you're crossboarder cancer.

Delusional yurifags, as usual.

Yuri NTR

Akko trasportation

It's okay, but you'd probably be better off watching something from your backlog.

Shippers are dumb

Barbara is gay! And I love her!

>akko will NEVER EVER fly
>the first opening will NEVER EVER happen

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

We're all gay.

>even threaten the animation studio to leak important information if their ships don't happen
no matter how many threats otaku make, the only reason japs fear them are because they don't have real american power like me

Spin-off never

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

Season 2 confirmation when?

No u

That picture was a commission through the kickstarter. It was also never officially on the artists pixiv.

People keep saying this was official?

>Also thanks for pointing out you're crossboarder cancer.
Are you stupid? Almost everyone here is from Reddit. At least be thankful he is from /co

Life sucks

After kek la kek season 2

at 2019

>crossboarder cancer
I still don't get this meme. There can't seriously be people who only check one board right? Sup Forums is such a big and fun place thats its literally impossible to stay just in one board

Does this work

>liking this adorable bully

Haha what a faggot!

Let's laugh at this SJW.

>Almost everyone here is from Reddit.
>I'm from reddit, so everyone else is, too!
>be more accepting anonymous! we lurbe Sup Forums!

no because that's stolen art bucko

Why would I want a series with chariot bullying and kwa being lowkey angry?

>That picture was a commission through the kickstarter.
People keep saying this based on absolutely fucking nothing

>Almost everyone here is from Reddit.
Talk for yourself faggot.

Everybody knows mugino is cancer

>Voltron fanbase
Oh god don't remind me. So many Mir employees are now starving to death because of him

I want Sucy to drug me into a sleep paralysis state then rape me while she bites my neck with her teeth

Crossboarding isn't about browsing other boards. It's having some other board as your main and bringing your dumb memes and culture to another one.

Or, by simply being a newfag and not knowing how shit's customarily done.

I don't like Barbs. I LOVE her!

Someone show the poll to this newfag

That couldn't be Mugino tho, the grammar is correct and it doesn't say btfo even once.

>believing in a bait poll

It's from a page in the LWA fanbook, and the "artist" is Yoh Yoshinari.

Please guys never become this or i'll stop loving you

>It's from a page in the LWA fanbook
What nonsense are you talking

No it's not. It's from a pixiv account some people were speculating to be Yoshinari.

Amanda Hugginkiss

Well no one here is tumblr-levels of delusion, I hope.

What a handsome chick

Don't lose your Yay, Akko!

How Big is her dick?

Is tumblr really this dumb?

Always bet on the worst ending possible.


Don't lose your Yay, Akko!


busted, asshole

Is this a serious question

>amanda never actually figured out who killed her dad

Big enough for Akko to forget Diana.

if people become like that i'll personally come to their house and give them a need for an ambulance

They raped his ass in court right?


Barbara, that butt was made for breeding

>tough guy

Chariot sucked out his magic and killed him, duh.

No, he got away with everything just like Croix

Croix did nothing wrong.

on top of that, i also am antidiana and gay

Unless he signed an NDA he won't be in any trouble.
That's why you don't let random retards see classified stuff without an NDA.