OnePunch Man

Terror, Hell or something else?

Other urls found in this thread:

Your mom

I'd prefer Hell to that little terror.

I wonder what their mum looks like?

where is my stepping stone?


If they were put side by side would that be correct size?

Fubooty/Fuboobies all the way.

Murata is streaming again



Something else.

Why is Lin Lin so cute?

Alright, here is finally the Mosquito girl set.

I'll try to make some progress on what I wanted to draw of her but not sure I'll do much today, I'll see

Whos the kind user who made that wonderful gif?

Shit, wrong version.

Murata better draw Lin Lin in casual clothes.

He is already drawing Sourface again with different clothes...

Not sure if I would prefer girly clothes or tomboyish clothes.

Nice. When you add more don't forget this from volume 4.

So what's next now that the WDM hype and tournament are over?

>tfw Dogman was just a stepping stone for Garou
>tfw Dogman is back to being absolutely irrelevant now

Will he finally return?

Anyone got the link to one hurricane 6?

>tfw gary was just a stepping stone for S-class
>tfw Gary is right back to being absolutely irrelevant now
Feels absolutely amazing

yes, but I wont post it

>So what's next
Saitama accidentally meets Garou 5 more times while Garou levels up.
NEW monsters. NEW heroes.
Get ready for the epic expansion.

Whoops. She's not getting any new official art anytime soon so might as well put it right now with how tiny it is.

It's not out yet

I want to see her with her hair loose.


Aight thanks user. Saw that cover and thought it was released already

post the gif

Which one?

Tatsumaki, obviously.

I'd let these sisters take a shit in my chest.

Now to wait for the takoyaki stand.

>tfw Garou has gotten a ton of development and is killing monsters as we speak
>tfw Garou's name is mentioned regularly
>tfw HA is still as retarded and stagnant as ever with very few exceptions

Feels absolutely incredible.

I too have been mislead by leaked covers

What is this face trying to convey?



They gotta set up who will fight the new Demon monsters like Marshall Gorilla, Rhino, Sludge,Cockroach(if he is still alive), Do-S.

We only know Myah will face PPP in Season 3, I wonder if they will add TTM, Drive Knight to the MA raid.

WDM wont be there because he has stay in Q city(the only city that didnt get severely dmgd).

Sourface is a fucking nerd

Being two feet away from punching King

Amazing gif. That editfag knows what he's doing.


With the text on the side of the gif that looked like google translated jap it was probably found on Twitter.

>tfw Gary has already been outshine by Neo-hero association and Tatsumaki vs Saitama.
>tfw we'really about to see multiple S-class level up
>tfw Gary only helped to further the development of other characters while having no resolution to his own arc
I like Gary don't get me wrong. But he was a non-threat at the end of the day. His half assed villainy was no match for a real hero.

> That Sourface

I guess Murata is having a bit too much fun because it has been a while since he drew casual clothes.

I just want Murata to draw Fubuki in casual clothes. I bet she would look nice in jeans.

Yeah but he gets his shit kicked in at the end of the arc. He's a fucking jobber to Saitama

>tfw Garou gained major character development by the end of his arc and an opportunity to develop even more
>tfw Garou is mentioned by the first and only Neo fag in the story to highlight how incompetent HA has been
>tfw HA stays absolutely retarded and Neo fags will prove to be just as retarded
>tfw while these retards bitch at each other Garou will be developing as a hero and dealing with the biggest threats when Jesus makes his move

Too bad Garou is focused on his own development over trying to unite a bunch of retards.

being raped by dog with human mask

Garou gets healed by Saitama and it's revealed even their dreams are similar. Saitama also has expectations for him.

Being so fired up thanks to Dogman being a nice stepping stone he's ready to take on Kingu-sama himself.

>Saitama and King going back to play fighting games
Are we finally on track? Is the webcomic version of the MA arc finally happing?

Paizuri from Fubuki while Tatsu sucks the tip of my dick.

>tfw Garou gained major character development by the end of his arc and an opportunity to develop even more
So did everyone else garoufag. The whole point of the last couple of chapters is to show how the HA arc impacted everyone. How the Hero Association (which we already knew to be mismanaged and unweildy) is dealing with all the shit they caused. How the S-class are dealing with their encounters with the Dragon class threats, Psychos, Garou, and the ensuing fights. And how they are going to further develop.

Garou is about as relevant now as Boros was after his arc. A few people talk about his deeds but the real importance is how he changed some things and people.

He's a device for other people's growth now. Deal with it.

>Garou was, ultimately, a stepping stone for other people
That's some next level pottery. Will garoufag ever recover?

Nah, everyone else stayed retarded except for Tanktop Master. Only Garou and other relevant characters, like Tatsumaki and Fubuki, gained major character development.

Garou is mentioned every step of the way in the aftermath of his arc. Boros was forgotten immediately and never mentioned.

Garou used these people to power up and got positive character development while the vast majority of the heroes stayed retarded. Bang conveniently retired to give way to Garou on the battlefield too. Deal with it. Kek.

Nobody even knew about Boros except Saitama, Saitama would've been promoted to S rank if they saw the fight and how strong Boros was.

>Nah, everyone else stayed retarded except for Tanktop Master
>Who is Dark Shine?
>Who is Child Emperor?
>Who is Bang?
>Who is PPP?
But stay deluded Garoufag. kek, it makes me wonder what drives someone to shitpost about an edgelord like Garou.

>Garou used these people to power up and got positive character development
And they are using him now. It's like pottery. How will you ever live with the fact that your glorified buttbuddy is the stepping stone for so many characters. That's a pretty big face being trampled on.

>HA arc
It's the Garou arc and it was ultimately about him realizing that he wants to be the saikyou hero

Genos is still a Saitama cocksucker, Darkshine is still a coward, MB is still a kid with anger management issues, Flash is still an idiot with a huge ego, Child Emperor is still autistic, Zombieman is still the dumbest detective there is, Amai Mask is still mental and Atomic Samurai is still obsessed with the idea of having an imaginary rival

Seems like it came from 2ch

Fubuki, duh.

I dont understand why people think Garou is a joke after being rekt midway through the Saga.

If we go by that logic then Yoshikage Kira is the biggest joke among mainstream anime/anime villains after a half dead Jotaro trashed him

Anime/Manga villains.

Exactly. Tells you a lot about Boros' "relevance".

>Darkshine is scared to this day
>Child Emperor went FULL retard
>Pri Pri remains an eccentric faggot
>Bang is obsolete and retires the fuck out of the story to give even more attention to Garou

No wonder Garou's gained so much development while the vast majority of HA stands still. Perks of being relevant and having multiple dimensions to his character. Kek.

>It's the Garou arc
You're both wrong it's the Monster Association arc. It's still the main focus. Even with the re-write the monsters association is the main antagonist. Garou is just a sub plot that takes center stage in the end.

>I dont understand why people think Garou is a joke after being rekt midway

Don't let the single of raging autist in this thread fool you. We're all just laughing that Gatou got beat by a guy in a dog costume after a year of hearing "Garou will beat him with his superior speed and technique" we all know Garou is going to become final boss tier as the arc wears

Don't you have a bigger folder you could be pulling images from? The least you could do if you're going to be a raging shitposter is give me some variety.

WDM would trash both Fubuki and Genos at the same time.

What does that have to do with anything he said?

The main focus is Garou's journey retard

He drives the story and its climax is all about his personal growth

Redraw shows Garou bonding with the kid and meeting MA to show how different he is from your average villain

Here's another image just for (You), babby.

there is a 2ch archive?

If you combine them, do you get the perfect woman?


>The main focus is Garou's journey retard
Actually the main focus is the organized monster group and the raid. Garou is a sub plot until just before the raid and then he snowballs. Even in the redraws, equal lip service is payed to both the MA and Garou so the balance is still the same. Even the most recent events were more about the organization's goaslls, hinting at the monster king, and showing how they pose a treat to world. Meanwhile Garou is given a one chapter update on his shenanigans and we'll be off to somethING else this next chapter.

Sub plot. Stop over inflating his presence at this stage in the arc.

Thanks, but this is old too.

Garou is always at the center of events or the direct cause of events here

He's always the main focus while MA has little to no buildup and acts as fodder for HA, Garou and of course Saitama

His arc can be divided in three parts
>Longest introduction / the initial hero hunt (still going)
>Martial Arts tournament that only happened because of Garou
>MA raid that only happened because of Garou and contained most of Garou's chardev

These are the stages in GAROU's arc you idiot

If we don't count Saitama ONE dedicated the longest time and focus to Garou's character by far

Realistically speaking webcomic made Garou seem like the new MC so the tournament's one purpose was to give Saitama some attention

However Saitama and the arc are still focused on GAROU because it's his journey

Here's a fresh one just for (You).

>Garou is always at the center of events or the direct cause of events here
Once again, even in this tournament arc Garou is only relevant as a side plot, the mysterious masked fighter that showed up last year. But the real focus is the monster cells and the Suiryu sub plot.

>He's always the main focus while MA has little to no buildup and acts as fodder for HA, Garou and of course Saitama
Which is being addressed in these re-writes. Now we have more of a face to put to the organization and more personality for their members and even the fodder. You can see why Garou isn't the sole catalyst for this arc anymore. And it's always been referred as the Monster Association arc even before that.

Here is a sketch for now, I'll clean and color it later.

Genus should just whore her out on the side to make extra cash

What is it about Garou that arouses such fear and hatred from stepping stonefags?

Is it his great potential and work ethic? His newfound motivation and bright future? His inner kindness and external beauty? His distaste at the corruption infecting the so-called Hero Association?

so how regular is the manga coming out ?

every two weeks


>Stop over inflating his presence

>Garou is introduced, 1st flashback
>Garou gets 7 fights in a row, briefly interrupted
>Garou befriends the ugly child
>2nd Garou flashback
>the moment MA appears Garou is right there to give them a welcome
>Garou inspires AS to gather other martial arts masters for a meeting
>Garou inspires Saitama to participate in the tournament
>Saitama thinks about Garou after the tournament, they meet again, another parallel between them
>Garou gets 3 more fights in a row
>3rd Garou flashback
>Garou is kidnapped by MA
>Saitama is butthurt that Garou is not coming to hunt him
>Garou gets to see MA's HQ for the first time
>Garou refuses their ideology
>Saitama and Garou meet again
>Garou officially gets into a conflict with MA and fights them while the limiter is explained
>HA just now find out the HQ location thanks to Garou
>Garou kills Royal Ripper and saves the ugly child before them
>Garou fights Rover
>Garou meets Psykos
>Garou one-shots Pri Pri and the latter warns DS not to underestimate him
>Garou fights Darkshine while HA are shitting themselves
>Garou's limiter starts breaking and Darkshine's cowardly nature is revealed
>Garou thinks about his goal
>Garou fights Fubuki and calls himself a God threat
>Garou saves the ugly child again and kills Golden Sperm
>Garou fights everyone
>Garou fights Saitama
You seem very confused. Tournament and MA are subplots. Garou is the main plot in his arc. He not only starts every stage, but also gets the most focus in the whole arc. Post arc Garou's impact on others greatly eclipses MA's impact too.

Garou's longest and only 'break' in the MA stage is 6 chapters. That was a skirmish of heroes vs monsters. Garou is in 24 chapters out of 37 in the MA stage and his final fight is 12 chapters long. That's 1/3 of the fucking raid and he calls himself a God way before that.

Garou also got the most extra material in the redraw.

Tl;dr you're deluded.

Who is the third best martial artist after Bang and Suiryu?

Is it Snake? Not many people can utilize martial arts to fight both humans and monsters. Snake does a pretty good job. Suiryu did an excellent job and Bang is an absolute master of it.

If tournament arc is a subplot it's for the MA arc, certainly not for Garou.

And yeah, you listed every single actions of Garou that we already all knew, congratulation.

She's dead

Bomb is supposed to be the second best martial artist.


It's a sublot for Garou's arc, just like the MA stage. Garou made Saitama curious about martial arts so Saitama decided to join the tournament. MA appear again near the end of the stage but Saitama's main concern is still Garou. Garou unsurprisingly meets MA first and gets special attention.
Technically I didn't list everything because Garou consistently gets more stuff in the redrawn version of his arc to flesh out his character and make his development less jumpy.

This Suiryufag is beginning to sound like Garoufag up there.

Suiryu is just some filler character, won't even bother laughing at him anymore, just let it go already.

Bomb or Garou

That's like it's Bang's subplot because the latter trained Garou which allowed everything.

You're retarded.


>Is it his great potential and work ethic? His newfound motivation and bright future? His inner kindness and external beauty? His distaste at the corruption infecting the so-called Hero Association?

garou is the best fucking boy everyone pack up

it's MB that meets the MA first. Garou was just on the scene later so they came in contact with him because why not since he's against heroes.

>He not only starts every stage, but also gets the most focus in the whole arc
And yet he only gets mentioned maybe twice in the tournament which is supposed to be within his arc right? He's not even relevant to anything that has happened in the last dozens of chapters minus getting knotted and knocked through a wall.

I didn't realize I was talking to you Garoufag since you weren't using your avatars but no. This is the Monster Association arc. Deal with it.