IIT we predict what tomorrow happening will be .
I'll start
A subway station in NY is blown up, more than 100 people die, the cause is a lone wolf black man.
IIT we predict what tomorrow happening will be .
I'll start
A subway station in NY is blown up, more than 100 people die, the cause is a lone wolf black man.
Several dozen citizens in a Tokyo tram are killed when one of the three Muslims in the country derail the train. The majority of them will be school children.
We find out jews killed Seth Rich
Has to be a lone wolf white man or msm won't cover it.
8.1 earthquake in mexico
A Russian man ends up jizzing in OP's mother, and she blows herself up in Tanzania after finding out she miscarries.
Truck of peace in Europe
An indian will poo in the loo
Man keeps reliving the same day, even he he dies
The Storm Begins
schiff military tribunal
Greater Overton Window shift to the Right.
Ecconomic Fusion Power invented so we can Space age
Bill Clinton is killed by Alt-Right follower.
Fuck you asshole I am in Mexico currently
>IIT we predict what tomorrow happening will be .
Absolutely nothing
the media once again claims trump is a racist, this time because obama is implicated in the newly released memo and it is black history month.
God will punish my country once again for murders happening everytime without rationality due to extremist president.
Sweden starts a civil war.
Multiple earthquakes everywhere, the east coast of the US is safe though.
Well your gets doomed us both. May God have mercy on our souls
Kek make it so! Shadilay!
A massive surge in right wing parties all over the west. Also Assad starts an Offensive and ISIS stages YUGE terrorist attacks across the world.
where are you at?
so far the last earthquakes have been near the south, if you are above mexico city you should be fine
This minus terrorism
fuck, what are you doing to them?
Norks Nuke San Fagcisco
RIP Mexanon, can I have your sister?
Great Cascadia earthquake. 8.7, greatest catastrophe of our generation.