I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her.
I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her
Brayden Diaz
Anthony Johnson
>implying I don't already
Adrian Gonzalez
Why doesn't Araragi rape her constantly? You can't be arrested for fucking a ghost.
Asher Taylor
W-who is she?
Christopher Smith
Thomas Phillips
Austin Brown
The queen of anime.
Would probably look weird him just fucking the air.
Owen Flores
Who's your favorite gatari, Sup Forums? Snail is in my top 3 btw.
Carson Stewart
Anyone who doesn't like snail already is a total fag anyway
Owen Lopez
Don't post her everyday. Let's not turn Snail into an obnoxious meme.
Snailfags are one of the very few -fags in Monogatari which everyone is either neutral to or likes and I'd rather you not ruin that for Snailfags. They got that way from having a great waifu and upstanding character when posting.