I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her

I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her.

>implying I don't already

Why doesn't Araragi rape her constantly? You can't be arrested for fucking a ghost.

W-who is she?



The queen of anime.
Would probably look weird him just fucking the air.

Who's your favorite gatari, Sup Forums? Snail is in my top 3 btw.

Anyone who doesn't like snail already is a total fag anyway

Don't post her everyday. Let's not turn Snail into an obnoxious meme.
Snailfags are one of the very few -fags in Monogatari which everyone is either neutral to or likes and I'd rather you not ruin that for Snailfags. They got that way from having a great waifu and upstanding character when posting.