I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her

I'm going to post her everyday, until you like her.

>implying I don't already

Why doesn't Araragi rape her constantly? You can't be arrested for fucking a ghost.

W-who is she?



The queen of anime.
Would probably look weird him just fucking the air.

Who's your favorite gatari, Sup Forums? Snail is in my top 3 btw.

Anyone who doesn't like snail already is a total fag anyway

Don't post her everyday. Let's not turn Snail into an obnoxious meme.
Snailfags are one of the very few -fags in Monogatari which everyone is either neutral to or likes and I'd rather you not ruin that for Snailfags. They got that way from having a great waifu and upstanding character when posting.

Who doesn't like snail?

See this

so cute


Something I've noticed about Monogatari threads is that a lot of people's no. 1 grill varies but Snail is pretty much always no. 2. I think if we average the ratings, this must make Snail a best.

Do people actually hate -fags that much? The only ones I see getting constantly shit on are crabfags, who are rare here anyway

Snail is always high tier. The nips have her one step below Senjou with Senjou varying based on when the poll was taken.
Snail's performance is always generally really good though especially since she never really appears outside her own arcs for more than a little while but still manages to be entertaining the entire time.

And Snake

If you aren't a snailfag then you are pretty much destined to get shat on.
The only -fags who don't outside of Snail are the minor character-fags like Tadatsurufags who are so small in number the only real banter they get is based around their being so little of them.


>good character
>good conversations with muraragi
>good arcs that deepen the connection between snail, muraragi and the watcher
>actually *died* for half of the anime
>you can clearly notiice snail is muraragis second third choice after crab and bat
Even if you have another top girl, her passing on is still sad.

Are you the same holic who shitposted in these threads about Bake and Miku? It's been a while

Snail is always the best. Most of the other girls lead to constant bickering.

Snail is the best

4 days before july 1st I'm gonna rewatch it in chrono order with 8hrs/day just go end it with that scene to be excited like a little school girl for the night remaining.

Doll is the best

Hanekawa is higher on the list than Snail. It's a plot point in Owari that his top three girls are Shinobu, Senjou and Hanekawa.

In Snail's defence however, by his own words she is the one he enjoys hanging out with the most.
She's not as jaded as the rest of his friends as spoken in Suruga Monkey and they banter off each-other the best as mentioned in the same book.

I can't remember how the comparison goes exactly but basically his relationship with Mayoi runs much closer to a relationship of equals whereas his relationship with Kanbaru still always has that distinctly power balance to it.

It annoys me I cannot remember how he refers to his relationship with Kanbaru since I know he mentions it in one of his monologues outside of his "You're the only person who I can talk to about the seedy depths" comment in Hana.

>it's always a doll in snail threads

Araragi's top girl is the one in front of him. You can call it a plot point but it's just him scrambling for solutions. He said he wanted to stay lost with Hachikuji forever.

I love you

Snail was Araragi's only true friend, every other character is using him in one way or another. Except Kanbaru but she wants to kill him instead.

Didn't he say 2 decades or something?
I remember Snail saying something like "You really want to waste 20 years with me? What about your girlfriend? That's pretty selfish Araragi-san." In Onimonogatari.

>He said he wanted to stay lost with Hachikuji forever.

I mean let's be real. That goes back to his entire "Not wanting people to die" thing. His being lost with Mayoi is literally the same solution in context as Shinobu being depowered.
It's a makeshift solution that makes no-one happy but allows everyone to live.

Araragi took to Oshino's philosophy way too hard and now he continues to find ways to make himself unhappy through intense selfishness.

Which I appreciate to an extent because it makes him a fairly solid character by having that key flaw being twisted as both a flaw and his ultimate strength.

It's very well done considering.

you mean have sex with him

That's my point, he's just saying that.

>Except Kanbaru but she wants to kill him instead.

Please put that into past tense. She WANTED to kill him and then has spent the entire series rescuing his ass multiple times in penance for that particular event.

Kanbaru is unironically a better good girl than Hanekawa,
Hanekawa is a fake good girl, a girl who mechanically pretended to be good because it was expected.
Kanbaru is a real good girl and is good as a part of her natural personality which makes her more troublesome in Araragi's opinion.

>inb4 real vs fake.
Objects are not indistinguishable, theory does not apply.

I suppose you're right about Kanbaru, she has a line in Hanamonogatari in which once she realizes her arm has returned to normal she wonders if Araragi had died. I have forgotten how the Monkey's paw worked but perhaps she still had bad feelings towards him which caused the paw to stick around. I will agree that Hanekawa is the worst girl.

all immortal snail+doll+bat with immortal half vampire araragi is the best possible outcome.
remember when they were all together in the cram school and they all smooched/sexually 'harassed'