Dem caught playing Candy Crush during state of the union, and now it's trending. The whole world will see how little these people give a shit about their country.
Dem caught playing Candy Crush during state of the union, and now it's trending. The whole world will see how little these people give a shit about their country.
lets keep putting niggers in government seats
what could go wrong?!
The only people who care are pumpkin worshippers
why isnt she tweeting. why must she listen to anything. especially this guy. he's her party's opposite. you think fucking fisa authorising jew loving republigoyim are perfect? THEY SHOUTED CURSES AT OBAMA DURING HIS! curses that werent even true!
who cares, her handlers will tell her whatever opinion she needs to have of the speech later on
Holy fucking damage control right out of the gate!
Fucking these people. Who the fuck elected these shitheads to be representitive of the will of the American people, they’re fucking traitors the lot of them.
Ugga Ugga Jigga-BOO!!!
your twatter user goy has the jew brackets around his name
>blacks being lazy at their job
I am truly shocked by this development.
I don't think women should be politicians.
Yeah, she should drop the phone and instead listen to a speech given by an orange-colored failed steak-salesman instead, about how his plan to kick out minorities will somehow make American great "again"
Fuck off Candy Crush shills, i'm not giving your shitty mobile app free advertisement.
It's kind of her job, to do that though....... You know, what she's getting paid to do, by working tax payers........
You might be on to something...
Wow like so hip! I play Candy Crush™ in class when my boring old white teacher is talking. Fuck Drumpf!
My gf said that and her reasoning is "women are too emotional for public office"
Or how little she cares about Trump's speech. These political speeches don't mean shit and everyone in the legislature and executive know that. Even Trump. Its just pomp and pageantry, anyway, so I honestly don't care if anyone plays games just to pass the time.
that’s a keeper, bub
lol, not on my fucking dime
Then why even fucking show up
it doesn't look like candy crush tho
They're not paid to go to the state of the union, dumbfucks.
Bitch, everything they do relating to politics is paid for by the tax-payers. Even their fucking private uberXL to get there
Surely liberals see this as a YAASSS QUEEEN moment. As in "haha she's not even paying attention to Trump's bullshit, how awesome!"
They shouldn't be allowed to vote or work either
Kill me now
Dems weaponized their IRS/CSSD and FBI to adopt and traffick kids.
Lois Lerner is small change.
Dems targeted conservatives to take their kids and sell them into trafficking. Obama agents like nate imes are the ones to focus on Sup Forums.
I would have done the same thing. I Don't clap foe anything anyways. /blogpost
That’s exactky what I thought when I saw it. Now I want to know what game that is
Politics. Half of it is keeping up appearances and engaging in the retarded pageantry. Why do you think Pence and Ryan stared at the back of Trumps head like he was the fucking messiah instead of just listening like normal people. Its because the camera is on.
That sort of looks like the desktop (or whatever the fuck they call it on phones) to be honest.
You know you have to be 18 to post here right?
The only people who don't care are livestock
Nope, its a game clearly
Lmao imagine paying taxes to these people.
Who the fuck even knows, dude. The picture has the resolution of a shit stain.
Black people.
>why don't people want to listen to trump sucking his dick for like an hour
it's a mystery user
>mobile games
Stereotypes exist for a reason
She used to cook mosquito hamburgers and dirt cookies. Now she's in the House of Reps. Started from the bottom now we're here. Fuck you cracker honkeys.