Someone I know linked me to this website
He says this place is full of holocaust deniers. Are u guys for real?
Someone I know linked me to this website
He says this place is full of holocaust deniers. Are u guys for real?
Show me one picture of the Jews doing work during the Holocaust.
No. You can fuck off to Portuhal. Most people here dislike the Jews but they don't deny basic facts for real
picture of people behind fence
>muh 6 gorrillian
>basic facts
so you're saying a source familiar with Sup Forums's thinking told you Sup Forums is full of holocaust deniers?
>fake news
No, we're agitating to make the holocaust real. Certain hate groups have called our jewish friends liars for years, and it's time to prove those people wrong.
The numbers are lower then told. Some jews died, but it's lower then the estimated amount.
everyone knows the holocaust never happened
Cant deny something if its existence is only a fabricated myth.
That little slut in white tshirt doesn't look half bad.
i did happen it does not mean that was a bad thing though
I’m polish too but goddammit you are one dumb polack.
The holocaust did happen, but not like it is portrayed.
6,000,000 jews died in Auschwitz–Birkenau
6,000,000 jews died in Treblinka
6,000,000 jews died in Bełżec
6,000,000 jews died in Chełmno
6,000,000 jews died in Sobibór
6,000,000 jews died in Majdanek
6,000,000 jews died in Maly Trostinets
6,000,000 jews died in an unnamed underground extermination concentration death camp
1 jew died in Sajmište
48,000,001* jews died in total
*Jews killed in Italian & Japanese concentration camps not included.
Nope. 6 million tops.
Nope. 6 million per camp.
lol Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Holocaust denial is not a good hill to die on you guys. You gain nothing but proving it never happened and you'll make yourself look like a kook to everyone who believes in the conventional historians.
Obtain and read the actual Nuremberg trial transcripts, the Soviets were doing a standard show trial with outrageous and impossible claims, which was the main kind of trial they did at the time.
Camps and injustice, yes, "bone crushing machines" and "gas vans," no. Jews died from Typhus, starvation, overwork, and bullets, not from masturbation machines, death rollercoasters, and a need for lampshades and soap.
> Jews lie about Polish wartime atrocities
> Jews are totally telling the truth about German ones though
Investigate treblinka now, the jews are weak and can't flex US power
Lampshade made out of your grandmother with a timestamp or it never happened.
Thats were your wrong kiddo, holohoax being exposed inevitably leads to the JQ
Sage this shit dirty new fags. Stop posting.
Overturning the foundational myth of the liberal world order is the single most important thing to waking people up. Also show your flag kike.
You again.. You forgot your special name, fag.
This place is full of literal 15 year olds who just believe whatever image macro propaganda they see posted on here.
I deny the holocaust, and I'm your polbro
Holocaust didnt happen
>Someone I know linked me to this website
Yeah, that's a new one, shill
they only believe the conventional historians because they've never taken the time to investigate the claims
How can you deny the holocaust you have the camps in your country and everythig
sorry, please don't go sharia on me
sup you dumb nigger
Get a load of this guy, he still thinks the holocaust was a real thing. What a fag lol.
Where's our gold tuga user? MUH REPARATIONS!
You forgot the 6 billion trillion in the arctic.
nope, this is a cabbage selling website, nothing to see here