WTF is this?

Anyone seen this? Heard about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just pic related with a weird countdown, with a little over 5 hours to go. Seems to be referencing Seth Rich with the panda.

Perhaps it's the memo ??

Swiss IP in page source at bottom

whois lookup tells nothing

bumping for answers

Could the D stand for disclosure?

Happening at 0600 GMT?

His name was Seth Rich


Is this getting slid?

probably not but we can hope.

Are you retarded?

Its a logo of the democratic party and its on fire.

Fuck, melennials are retarded


Memo + Seth Rich murder confirmation would be too much for a Friday.


These digits say otherwise.

The memo is the Seth Rich murders confirmation, that's why they said it was so damning and couldn't believe this would happen in the USA.
Check em.

What if the memo has the facts about the seeth rich murder?

Look at the last answer here.

FBI user is James Comey.


as clear as an azure sky of deepest summer






Bump why is nobody talking about this



never read this, interesting


it seems the shill activity is rather high on Sup Forums today

Kim Dot Com, mayhaps?

This adds validity to the FBI Anons claims.

so what's FISR?


How do we best it...this memo is getting things to desperate measure I feel. Comey tweets outta nowhere, repub train crashing into dump truck..shots getting wild my man.



Panda Panda Panda


Holy shit. There's the link.


azure sites


t. disinfo / fake and gay

Probably viral marketing.

I bet OP is the one who created the page and pretend to spread it out to Sup Forums. What's your plan, OP, stop lying.

Once more