Hey Sup Forums, we should donate a rain water tank to an African village

Hey Sup Forums, we should donate a rain water tank to an African village.
What should we write on it?

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add 10 gallons of bleach to purify any water put in this tank


>if you can read this you're on the wrong continent.

"Blame the Jews"

well, thats thread.

Sup Forums is not able to do such feat.

Top kek

Heads up your being watched.

>>African village

Nigs gonna nog

We wuz kangz

>"We Hope you niggers drown on it. With love Sup Forums"


brainlet. they actually have to do this. in fact, if you don't add bleach to the water, you're pretty much guaranteed to die of some horrific bacterial infection.

okay, i'm sending $13,000 to cover the costs.

"Come to Israel black man'

Oh shit, who's watching his being?

so edgy. these nigs aren't hurting anybody.

of course, it takes a table spoon of bleach to purify a gallon of water.
adding the amount im suggesting would kill anyone who drank enough of it.

Dumb niggers will probably just sell the water tank for some drugs.

>drown on it
You only had one job

Wher da purpl drank at

That's looks to be about a 1000 gallon tank. So you do the math you fucking moron.

"Drink from this basin to receive Ebola's blessing"



jews cause aids

Gosh, and that dead stare of blank hatred feels super rewarding. Aren't you glad you donated?

>10 pounds of salt added to a full tank will prevent AIDS

>beware of jewish ships!!!

10 pounds of salt would actually be beneficial as a water softener and still potable.

Slow down Dan, I never claimed to be an expert on getting Africans to kill themselves with bleach now did I?

"Now you have no excuse to come here."
- On behalf of Western Civilization

>free gold in double-bottom


>niggers btfo

they look like wild animals


So increase the dose until the desired ratio is achieved Mr. No-Fun dipshit.

Where's da white women?

>Hey Sup Forums, we should donate a rain water tank to an African village.
No. Stop sending aid to Africa. You are making an entire continent dependent on aid to survive. Let them die.

>What should we write on it?

Fuck that.
I'm in portland and pay taxes on my rainwater.

YES this is great!

Self-censorship is a worse crime than anything the authorities are capable of, I would happily run you off the road and make it look like an accident.

How do you not get the joke

this is stupid. youre just telling them to go to yours. do you really want that kind of stupid in your country breeding? dont breed as well, idiot. the same goes to the idiots who agree with you.

>we should donate a rain water tank to an African village.

you're right. but we should pack it with gunpowder and nails and drop it from 40,000 ft

Gas the bikes race car when?

Definitely this


For white people only.

it would just make them vomit, wouldnt kill them

>Nigs gonna nog



WHO AIDS incubation vat #4790

literally not one single comment ITT is remotely funny. are you all 15 or something?

pro-tip: edgy != funny


Hitler did nothing wrong



He's right.

We should write it in Hebrew instead.

>going with AIDS
>not using /ourvirus/
after all she's done for you?

“Stay in Africa”

40 keks

n~ sheet

Niggers existing is hurting the whole planet

"Wash your hands after you use the bathroom."

That will put them 50 years ahead of the rest of the 3rd world.

This is the most depressing thing I've ever seen

This basically HAS to exist at this point, right?

Like maybe they even hired fat losers who said they were tech savvy because they like Raspberry Pi's. And now they just don't know what to do with the whole office.

>how come the Mulder guy predicts everything weeks in advance but when we ask him how he knows,he talks about psychic pedo vampires and tells us to look in Antarctica?

In loving memory of Adolf Hitler, we should have listened.

Pay an African warlord to go and shoot the water tank. That will teach those fucking plebbitors.

Go back to africa

That's what an American nigger with bigger IQ would do. An African nigger would simply shit inside the tank spreading medieval diseases already extinct in civilized countries.