What is wrong with Texas?

Is it going the way of Virginia?

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lots of illegals

Austin, Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio

Mestizos, also polling population is important, would like to see it

How the fuck did we lose Alabama with those numbers?

mexican intellectuals

Roy 'Rape your kids' Moore.


Texas - 13,468 people polled.

"Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted January 20-December 30, 2017, on the Gallup Daily survey, with a random sample of 171,469 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on the total sample of national adults, the margin of sampling error is ±1 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

Margins of error for individual states are no greater than ±8 percentage points and are ±4 percentage points in most states. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting.

Each sample of national adults includes a minimum quota of 70% cellphone respondents and 30% landline respondents, with additional minimum quotas by time zone within region. Landline and cellular telephone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods."

I don't think you realize how much Texas wants the fucking wall. I was born in Laredo, Texas, a border town and I still remember growing up with whites with blonde hair and blue eyes. I went back recently and you can't go anywhere without seeing a fucking spic, someone speaking spanish, and even having billboards in spanish.
I want that fucking wall and no fucking amnesty.

Texas is now Mexico. All school age children are brown.

Lots of guns, poor health care, obesity, republican written text books.

>ITT: polls
'nuff said

Didn't Texas get an influx of Californians trying to get out of their shitty state?

Problem with this is it doesn't take into account party affiliation, you always want to weight polls based on party affiliation. This poll is either totally random or they just haven't given us the weight of the poll.

wtf happened to virginia

Texas is full of moderate republicans that are pretty wealthy. The same kind that turned on Trump near Atlanta, in Utah, and near DC.

Pulls are BS. It’s funny that after seeing a million of these polls, I have never been asked nor no one I know has been asked to take it. When you look at the stats they poll 300 people or so.

anyone else notice how trump's approval matches almost perfectly with how red or blue a state is?
over 58% red = high approval
40-57% red = medium approval
>40% = low approval

except texas

Only the wealthy. They will continue to come over the years. Texas gets stronger economically, but Austin might be lost in the coming decade.

Most retarded argument I've heard. I've been called to do a poll. Chances are most people aren't because this country has hundreds of millions of people.

More like Mexico because Texans are massive civic nationalist retards lmao

California el segundo, probably.

They polled 160k ppl. Since Ds are certainly overrepresented his real approval rating is around 42-3%

Where do you live now? Did your family participate in the Martha Washington day celebration?

When did these approval polls become common place?

>Californians moving into Austin/Dallas
>Houston full of blacks and illegals
>El Paso/San Antonio illegal cities
>Most conservatives are more libertarian than neocon

if Trump wants to win over Texas conservatives he needs to be stronger about immigration. Maybe allow states to have their ability to curtail immigration and not be a federal issue. :)


Meant for

Relax, come 2020 the librals will shoot themselves in the foot again.

Fun fact: there are a lot of illegal aliens in Texas, and a lot of anchor babies. It took Obama 8 years to deal decades worth of damage.

Or this is an acceptable answer

Texas is a neocon bush state. So was Virginia.

Where do I go when Texas is lost anons?

Why didn't they just use three different colors instead of different shades of green. It makes it harder to read.

borders are a federal issue. it can't just be left to the states.

florida, minnesota, maine/new hampshire, nevada. make them solid red states. they effectively balance out texas's electoral vote. you're welcome

Dude Laredo is a fucking dump. It's totally lost to Mexicans.

If anyone is not worried about Mexicans, go visit Laredo or El Paso add see what kind of destruction they can do.

Essentially, our big ass cities keep getting bigger, as well lots of transplants from around the country and immigrants have been pouring in over the years.

>implying you republicunts will win the midwest again
Trump will be the last GOP president. He may win 2020 but by 2024 the demographics will go our way and we will never lose again.