Old and dead series

anybody remember To Love Ru? it was super interesting back in its day. i hope it comes back some say haha.

We may never get to see an animated Rito spend the day as Mikan's panties.

I feel so naive for actually believing that the story would actually go into space.
I think that Yabuki only sees tlr as porn that pays his bills.

d-does this happen in the manga?

Yes. I think it was Darkness though.

Best girl

Two of the extras: Anxious ~Is this Alright ~, and Anxious ~ Distressed Maiden and Big Brother ~. CXC used to have them.

>tfw ywn spend all day against your imouto's cunny

It starts like this.

And ends like it always does.


Is this thing on?

Rito got a full and close up view

Never mind that. He got to absorb the sweat off her mons all day.

>no more Riko getting into lewd situations

>tfw no more Mikado

The fuck happened to CXC? Their reader never got back up at all.

This picture really is an optical illusion by Yabuki Kentarou. Most people don't even notice it at all.

I know they'll make another series to actually have Rito choose one girl or go with the whole harem, but man the wait will be killer. Now that the darkness storyline is no longer a factor, wonder what the next plot will revolve around.

Also Mikan best girl.

The man is an evil genius; we're damn lucky that he's on our side.
Cheer up, have something hot to drink.

I have the weirdest relationship with that manga. It was literally one of my favorite reads prior to the last 5 chapters. I actually looked forward to the releases. Which is rare, since I've become jaded with age and hardly find a manga that makes me excited for new releases. It was doing everything right with best girl Nemesis getting more screentime. Then Harupocalypse happened.

What a fucking pathetic excuse for an ending. At first I was angry, then I was depressed finally I'm just completely indifferent. He really did pic the worst possible ending for the series. What a fucking hack. Hope it was worth it.

Dude has a full and close up view of almost every pussy in TLR there is. Even the villain women too.

If you're waiting for newer chapters in a subsequent sequel, then TLRD's ending is perfect. If you don't want new chapters of the thing, then TLRD's chapter is bad.

That face man, that fucking face, is enough to have a good moment.

Wait, there's a sequel?

It exists in rumors, coy statements by the creators, and wishful thinking only. Best to assume it'll never come and move on.

Why would you assume they would drop such a huge cash cow? I'm sure To love Ru will come back after the olympics.

I never noticed how slutty those panties were that Momo replaced. Why is mikan wearing short skirts and frilly panties? Isn't she like 12? Sure there were girls in middle school doing the whole whale-tail thing but I don't remember so many miniskirts.

What's the optical illusion? I don't see shit.

Because fans are fickle. The ending left a lot of blue balls out there, so I'm betting against people flocking back for another round.

I just want Yabuki to start his next series.

need to take advantage of more cool Mikado like characters. Tearju is fine but Mikado is mmmmmnhhh

Let your eyes drift around the base of the chair back and you'll see that the support post isn't hiding anything, from a certain point of view.

I'm trying with all I've got and I still don't see it. Fuck.

Relax, let your eyes drift from thigh to thigh without seeking details, it'll come to you.
You HAVE seen one before this, right?

>you watch the full anime series and ovas
>you read every chapter at least 3 times
>you make a lot of fan-arts of A-tier grade
>make a cosplay whit your friend sister
>even do a real life parody

>mfw Rito still cannot score

Loving a dead manga is painful

At least the mangaka still alive, not like that other...

>To love Ru will come back after the olympics.
I really hope so, TLR has been one of my favorites for too many years so I would really love to see a real ending at least for closure.
Actually I could be fine with just a epilogue chapter where the harem is already established.

I would be fine with a real harem epilogue chapter, but I would much enjoy it if TLR revives into a new series in the near future. There's so many storylines and events that still need to happen for that real harem to show up. Like Risa is getting down to fuck real hard.

diffent user, still don't get it

Concentrate on the fucking post of the fucking chair. You don't really need to have your eyes drift whichever which way. It's fucking magic.

Fucker, I finally see it. It's so goddamn subtle that I'm not even sure if it was intended. I was about to say that I don't know why I spent so damn long looking for it, but I know exactly why I did.

Cut them some slack. If you don't know what something looks like, it can be hard to see.
Yabuki is too good for his own good sometimes.

I miss this series

I feel like it has to get a sequel. Too much shit doesn't make any sense otherwise.
Like, why would they move Nemesis into the school and announce that she's going to support the harem plan what, 3 chapters before the end? We all know TLR is too popular and profitable to get canceled, so it's not like they weren't planning for the end at that point. Not to mention how in the last chapter, Rito tried to tell Lala he couldn't date her and he literally broke out in tears instead, followed by a subtle approval of the Harem Plan by Haruna directly after.
I just can't imagine that they would do any of that if they actually intended to end the series right there.

How is he able to recreate the illusion even in pencil? That's too amazing.

Can we get a new season? I'm sure there are some chapters left to adapt right?

Only like the entire last arcs.

one of my favorite part.

They could do that to rekindle interest before relaunching the manga. They could also do it to milk the last few bucks out of the fandom.

>reddit spacing
>blatant newfag tripfagging
lurk for 2 years before posting, cancer

You see it? Completely different user. I don't know what I'm supposed to end up seeing or how this is an optical illusion. I've always been retarded at these kind of things.

You forgot the most important part: "not even using an anime reaction image"
also, ">reddit spacing" - let that shitty meme die already

it still violates rule 1 but they have been used long enough it doesn't matter, there are still exceptions. reddit spacing isn't a meme

Actually I'm just not sure what the end result is and whether or not it's some peripheral vision type shit or something. I am staring at the post around where her thighs are which is slightly above the bottom.

I don't even care about the actual result itself anymore. I just want to see the damn thing at this point just to prove I'm not completely retarded.