PSA: this is how you determine who is white, not hair or eye color

You have to be seriously autistic to try to say hazel and brown eyed Europeans aren’t white. You can’t even back that point by anything remotely scientific. This is how fucking stupid people who think that are. They worship Nazis, like edgy teenage spergs. But they believe the fucking propaganda that the Nazis’ enemies made up about them. Nazis never thought that only blonde hair and blue eyed people were Aryans. Nowhere will you find a text from them saying that (nearly half the Reich had brown hair and eyes). It was made up to make them look bad, and here autists are believing just that. Blue eyes are caused by a single mutation: the OAC2 gene. That originated somewhere 10,000-15,000 years ago. Not all white people carry that mutation. Blue eyes do look better, but it’s not to do with race. It’s a single mutation that we have the fucking knock out studies on. We know the exact fucking gene that causes it. Whites are just by far the most common group that carries it. Anyone who says whites have to have blue eyes or blonde hair is seriously an autistic edgelord or a D/C kike lefty.

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related it's you

I’m not swarthy and I have blue eyes. Although they’re pretty darkish blue.

I guess you gotta be extra carful not to inbreed with the other blind-eyed cunce

Sure thing Muhammad

You went a little overboard including all of russia, but youre right

Purity spiraling is stupid.



>a shitposter has the answers
Nice try kid. I trust the founding fathers on this issue. I trust Ben Franklin. You tawny's keep trying though.

And before any retard enters this thread and brings up Varg, I'll let you know right now he isn't white.

So you’re going to ignore science and instead try an appeal to authority argument. Are you honestly that autistic. Besides just that, that sounds like a fake quote. Where did it come from? What book or paper? I’m 80% sure it’s fake.

>ignore (((science)))
Yes I am. When an octoroon like Brittany Venti can get a 33% black on her test something doesn't add up. I can just use my eyes. I don't need a kike in a lab coat to tell me who is what. Fuck em.
>i-it m-must be fake
Read em and weep tawny

He doesn't look 100% white for me and I am not even joking.

>meme flag
Nice try tawny. I know your brown ass is up to your typical tricks again.

I wasn’t saying for certainty the quote was fake. Even now assuming it’s real Ben Franklin was alive in a time well before we figured out genetics, evolution, or had a basic understanding of anthropology and human origins. You argue like a hardcore fundamentalist. It’s retards like you who make white nationalists in America look bad.

Science : all DNA samples collected from neolithic Europeans show that they had blue-green eyes, and blond hair.

Any other eye colour or hair colour is a result of migration of individuals that came to Europe from the Steps or the Uralic mountains(or any other fucking place where they have those eye colours).

Why do blue eyes exist in populations outside of Europe? Because europeans went there and bread with the locals.

The conditions present in Europe after the ice age were such that humans needed to develop blue eyes, blond hair and light skin in order to get enough vitamin d, protect against uv light and reflected light on the snow(hence blue eyes are the best natural protection against snow glare)

>Science : all DNA samples collected from neolithic Europeans show that they had blue-green eyes, and blond hair.
completely wrong lol

>assuming it’s real
It's fucking Did you read the url or just click the link? Oh, wait, you probably don't use a script and just go to whatever someone puts out. Fucking tawny's man.
>Ben Franklin was alive in a time
Before jews took over America. He saw every kind of immigrant with his own two eyes. He was well traveled and he knew. He saw people before all the population migrations that came recently.
>You argue like a hardcore fundamentalist.
I'm a bible thumper too. Does that chap your ass.
>It’s retards like you who make white nationalists in America look bad.
If historical facts make you look bad then you have the problem, not me. Keep calling yourself WN like the jews haven't already demonized the term. Doesn't matter what you call yourself so you may as well be blunt.

You take a retarded nordist view on that. Fucks sake. Do you really need for me to explain why it’s impossible for them to know from DNA what eye color people had over 10,000 years ago. Can you honestly believe that autistic junk science. It’s not even really junk science because it’s not scientific at all. It’s 100% fiction.

>it’s impossible for them to know from DNA what eye color people had over 10,000 years ago
it's not, it's fairly well known which mutations affect eye color

Do i pass niggers?

Okay, assuming that the body tissue somehow hasn’t all completely decayed in what was over 10,000 years (there’s no fucking way their cells lasted 10,000 years) you can’t really determine what eye color they had. You could probably say what race they were from their DNA. But that’s because like a DVD when some info goes missing the rest of the data allows them to still see a pattern. Eye color would be virtually impossible to detect. It’s just fucking retarded. You need an 8th grade education to believe it.

would bang using a false name


>doesn't like to stay anonymous on the internet

>body tissue
they can extract good quality DNA even from teeth, and often times the resolution is high enough to look at specific genes of interest
it's true, sometimes DNA is too damaged and they can't say anything, but they are getting good at it, especially in the very last years
but I'm sure you explored all the literature about it to draw your conclusions

>10000-15000 years ago
This reality hasn’t even been around that long

If you’re going to use Ben Franklin’s anedoctal evidence he gathered from observations then you’re retarded. What you’re probably doing is using confirmation bias when you see people you think are “anglos”. Also, blaming the Jews for literally everything is a bit stupid. I’m not saying they don’t have a good grasp on media and wealth though.

>try to say hazel and brown eyed Europeans aren’t white

They aren't. I'm fucking Aryan, the only true whites.

They don’t get DNA from the enamel though. The reason they extract DNA from teeth is because the dentin and pulp under the teeth are usually the last cells to decay. To be completely honest, I’m not sure how long those cells can be preserved. But they wouldn’t get a good sample if it were over 10,000 years old.

again, totally depends
we have even extremely high quality Neanderthal DNA due to it being found in a cave at very low temperatures and with good freezer-like conditions
it's often the same for stone age Europe

notice how high the coverage is in some

Feels good to be a nigger

Well, to be fair there were only around dozen samples of DNA we ever got from Neatherthals. Most of the reason we can tell non-Africans have 2-4% Neatherthal DNA is because it’s a different pattern than homosapiens’ and because it matches closest to the samples we got from Neatherthals. Eye color is incredibly hard to determine because it’s mainly caused by 2 specific genes. We have no idea what eye color they had, or what skin color (it’s fairly safe to assume it was light). Well over 99% of our DNA we don’t know what it does. It’s just useful in finding homogolous clusters.

>don't trust ben even though he was a legit genius with a lifetime of experience
>trust these kikes in labcoats instead
No thanks. So tell me, are we 99% genetically similar to chimps? Consider this a shit test. Figure out how to pass it and I'll forgive you for the ad hominem.
>What you’re probably doing
You got it all figured out huh.

Race is more than Skin Color. Everybody knows that.

>still tinged with yellow

No, it’s 96% roughly. And you’re delusional. Kikes don’t influence the science community. They couldn’t if they wanted. They could undermine science perhaps, but eventually peer reviews will show they’re full of shit. Ben Franklin was a smart man but he wasn’t a scientist or a racial expert. He had the right idea that whites were good, but that’s really the full extent of it. Just accept you’re wrong and stop making us look bad. People like you are what the kikes want WN to be like.