Why do you hate black people, Sup Forums?

The state of race relations in America are not good. It's truly sad how badly its gotten. Trump has divided us so much, by putting people in groups and labeling them.

It's time to judge people as individuals. Not all Mexicans are rapists. Not all black people are thugs and "n*ggers" as you guys say.



Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you blame Trump for dividing when Identity Politics is 99% liberal in origin?

Are you a fucking retard?

Because the government supports them in preference to our own people.


That fucking nigger Obama made race relations the worst they have been since white people gave niggers rights (worst fucking idea ever). Literally fucking KYS.

Loving your own doesn't mean hating others.

I don't hate black people but they do commit a lot of violent crimes and I don't want to deal with any of that.

fuck you pussy. I'm hispanic-american and my race relations are great! but then again I'm a vet and not some cucked liberal bitch

Kill yourself, OP

Why are there so many Hispanics on this site these days?

>It's truly sad how badly its gotten.
JIDF racial divide an conquer thread. Both Blacks and whites deserve individual ethnosates free of jew influence. The jew fears this alliance more than anything.

I wouldnt hate them if they didnt live near white people

Over 50% of all violent crimes are committed by black people which make up only 13% of the population. You are so fucking dumb.

Shut up nogger, just because you are in America does not make you an american

I'm black and hate other blacks

You sound like you're 15.
I seriously hope you're 15.


How many white people do you see here?

The only white guy Obama hired was WH spokesman Carney, Obama's personal white whipping boy
Talk about identity politics

and the other 50% deserves to be treated like shit even though they're innocent?

Collectivise and associate as you like. Whether you are an Racial Identitarian or a Libertarian who only associates for self-benefit. Do what you like. But the mudslime is right:
>Loving your own doesn't mean hating others.
So fucking true
The thing is though that BLM doesn't care for Black Lives, only thug lives. And you definitely can make the distinction that certain groups have a higher proclivity towards certain patterns of behaviour. By using such knowledge as the basis of how you associate doesn't mean you hate someone, just means that you are protective of your own. This is perfectly fine.

Wtf are these new pics, are they trying to replace feelsbadman?

bike stolen


>in charge of identity politics

ugh.. no. the left is the one that keeps pushing racial tensions. did you know what those stupid SotU rebuttals? it was basically a buzzword fest / identity politics / cry for help.

actually, trump is gaining support from the black community. I think blacks are starting to get redpilled on liberal pandering especially in regards to immigration, MS-13 violent crime, welfare abuse, etc.

plus those tax cuts are going to benefit everyone, and the upcoming infrastructure investments will make a huge difference in neglected, democratic districts.

>1 pump chump
Season well and send to hell.

Black member of Mensa here. AMA.

Looks like the animators from the short animation that was posted last year.

Someone got the link?

Cool nazidude with great music goes around with this younger dude and sets things straight. Need link. It was two dads something.

I do t hate black people. I don't have my dog. Doesn't mean I think he should have the right to vote or be part of society as equals. It's unfair to blacks as a whole to force them into civilization.

Your picture sucks

Can you lend me some vibranium?

It's not about hate, nigger. But your people can't into love so you wouldn't understand

Didn't you watch Black Panther? White devils stole all of it.

Black Pidgeon pls. It's called cultural appropriation

>It's time to judge people as individuals. Not all Mexicans are rapists. Not all black people are thugs and "n*ggers" as you guys say.
>as you guys say.
>as you guys say.
>as you guys say.
Do you not see the irony, faggot?

gosh darn white people ruining ever again illtellyouhwut

I don't hate you, I hate being that you live in my society. I wish you would all go back to Africa and stop stirring up the sediment.

WRONG. NIggers divided themselves from the rest of America

I do not hate user. I see you for the character you are behind the mask.

How can I book a flight to Wakanda?

Why didn't your people build one of those flying pyramids you designed when you were kings 5000 years ago to fly to cotton belt and rescue you from slavery.

Does Neil deGrasse Tyson seem smart to you? Whites pretend he is to be polite.

What is the square root of chicken? Is it watermelon?

Gas the kikes, race war now!

the ones i met irl seem fine, its basically how they are on the internet, twitter, worldstar, music, the news, that irk me

You're too expensive for us to maintain.

>loving your own doesn't mean hating others.
>being this disingenuous
This thread was literally started an hour ago by one of you

The curtain has been pulled back

> shill thread
> gay jidf artificial pushed faggot memes
> failing this hard

kek go back to your Yiddish hut kike

Two homies done shot demselves. You have only one 40 to spill on their improvised memorials in the alley around the corner from the bodega. Calculate the rate you must spill the Malt liquor in order to spill an equal amount over both improvised memorials. Bonus question: where the ho's at?


Why in the fuck did you even ask this question on Sup Forums OP? Lol.

> nigger logic
he means that 50% of crime is committed by niggers you stupid nig, the other 50% are committed by other races.

Fuck off shareblue


they are their attempt at creating memes
they are cold, artificial, plastic, and create no emotion
like I keep saying, the left does not know how to fucking meme or be funny
this is why they fail


I have a theory that most of the racism on this website is reactive and ideological in nature. If the other races voted for right-wing candidates with approximately the same frequency they vote for leftists, it wouldn't exist.

But I don't expect that to happen any time soon. I used to believe Cubans would vote for Republicans, for instance, due to their experiences at their homelands, so...

Yeah, you could have civic nationalism otherwise. Fuck tribalism.


I'm not Pigeon but I know him. Been drinking with him a few times.

Can't help you there, honkey.

>Implying we didn't evolve into the reptillians currently controlling society from the shadows

He does okay in interviews. He knows a good bit about astronomy to be sure. His politics are pretty lame. He doesn't impress me that much to be honest.


>trump divided us.
>not the years are ramped up racial tension under obama.
>Not the thousands of black on white rapes that happen each year to the ZERO fucking white on black rapes.
>not the fucking criminal behavior exhibited by blacks around the entire fucking planet.
>It was trump.

Not the thousands of black on white rapes that happen each year to the ZERO fucking white on black rapes.
>not the fucking criminal behavior exhibited by
That’s false

>Blames white people for everything that happens to them
>Claims white cops are out to get them when all they are doing is breaking the law
>The rap culture of drugs, spending money on useless crap and talking about “bitches” is just annoying
>Vote 90% Democrat for no logical reason and then don’t get why their city is so messed up
>Chimpouts that destroy everything
>Calling white people racist just because they are black and saying there is no racism coming from them
>Can’t speak English correctly
>Affirmative Action is a joke and even with it, black people cant do anything right
>Trying to say they was kingz n shit

There is some woman in California trying to sue WalMart, because they locked up black women hair products to prevent theft. It’s racist to not have your inventory stolen.

get rekt filthy fucking hooked-nosed khazarian kike

I don't hate black people despite being a National Socialist. The stigma attached to us is that we are equivalent or worse than the KKK. This is not true, those that larp or think they are associated with national socialism that do wish to kill people of other races, for no other reason than their race and not killing kikes for treason, aren't really a part of this movement.

Irl I get on just fine with members of the black community, others I don't get on so fine with. Its a case-by-case basis as everything else is.

Loud, rude, selfish, needlessly confrontational, smelly, dumb as fucking rocks, they ruin every part of town they move in to. They ruined South Africa. I feel terrible for waiters who have to wait on black tables. The majority of heroin dealers are blacks, they have the highest HIV infection rates.

>not all mexicans are rapists
>not all black people are thugs and niggers

true but the majority are. I don't mind mexicans or black people or anyone of different race. I hate the degenerates that accomplish nothing to society, which so happens to be majority black and mexican


Commie go home.

>1 post by this id
>Clueless as to what Sup Forums is really like, probably second visit

Sage and move along, anons.
Also, if you see any new "meme" faces that appear to be similar in style to this (such as the ones talking the memo down) you know it is from the same faggy source

May I please remind you again to put 'sage' in the options field if you do wish to reply. This prevents the post bumping for anyone who is an extremely newfag


Here is another example with the typical

>Why do you hate black people Sup Forums

They all appear to be the same "artist" (autist)
Sage all slide threads.

sage, also fuck this meme

>new shareblue nigger wojak
Time to stop shareblue, left can't meme
>shill thread

This has been bubbling since the Obama era and now we are seeing how bad it is.

Over 60% of people say race relationships worsened under Obama.

>"Sixty-six percent (66%) of whites and 51% of other minority voters believe that race relations in this country have gotten worse since Obama’s election, but just 38% of blacks agree."


We gonna steal your wimmin, black boi. Them negresses be wantin our BVC - Big Viking Cock. How can bl*Ck subhumans even compete?

We gonna plunder then ebony princesses, black boi!

Holy fuck. That painting is hanging on the wall at my office. Pretty sure we have the original. There is also one of a high school football player with a qt in a prom style dress.

I dont hate black people

I hate niggers

Listen up nigger, Trump wasn't the one who keeps on dividing us. It isn't white people either. You see whites have spent the last couple of decades self policing racists amongst us. He had civic nationalism drilled into our fucking heads. We turned the KKK into an obscurity. Do you know who fucking divides us? Minorities. Blacks, Mexicans, Mudslimes, Natives, ect. You can't let go race. You constantly blame your own shortfalls on us. You call openly for our deaths and theft of our property. You never call out your own for racism. Now minorities are choking on their own vomit because whitey is tired of always making the sacrifices in the name of diversity.

Also you won't let us treat people as individuals. You scream racism and riot if when we do.

Fuck off with your ugly forced drawings.

niggers are obnoxious scum

report all of these threads anons. it's the same trash slide threads with no content.

>That pic
>Blanket statement 1
>Blanket statement 2
>Accuse your enemy what you're guilty of
>Phrase 1
>Phrase 2
>1 Post by this ID
Stop fucking replying to this shit already, Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums needs to be cleansed of normies NOW

Ugly nigger wojack

An Apology To The Black Man From The White Race

By Arthur Kemp

We apologize for giving you doctors and free medical care, as a result of which you have been able to survive plagues and catastrophes and grow in numbers;

We apologize for teaching you to read and write, and for building you thousands of schools which we have repaired after you vandalized them and burned them down. After all, if you could not read, how could you have learned the words of Karl Marx, Mao Tse-tung, and others who taught you how evil we are and how oppressed you are?

We apologize for building factories and highways and buildings that gave you employment;

We apologize for developing farms which to this day feed the bulk of Africa;

We apologize for providing you with warm clothing made of fabric instead of leaving you wearing the animal skins which you wore before our arrival;

We apologize for taking minerals from the earth which you neither used, nor wanted, nor even knew were there;

We apologize for those among us who have established welfare organizations and have devoted their entire life towards making life richer and better for your people;

We apologize that we have built roads and railroad tracks between towns and cities which you now use every day without thinking;

We apologize for paying the lion's share of taxation while spending less on ourselves than on you;

We apologize for giving you law and order and a strong central government which prevented your own warrior nations like the Zulu and the Matabele from slaughtering black people by the hundreds of thousands as they did, year in and year out, before we came;

We apologize for teaching you the English language which has opened to you the entire world of European thought, culture, and commerce;

For all these sins we humbly beg forgiveness, and if you will only accept our apology we will be happy to take back all of the above evil and horrible things we have done to you and return to our European homeland.

What color is your hug dot?

I don't hate blacks, I just want a good future for whites. Some people here want you dead just because you're black but I wouldn't kill you.

Cause they continually act like savage animals while blaming whitey all the while as whitey hemorrhages money to them.

I don't hate black people. Having grown up in a mostly white suburb, I took Martin Luther King up on his challenge to judge others by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
The thing is, with judging people as individuals as my starting point, I started to notice broad differences in the average behaviors between groups. So now I play the odds, until I can get to know people individually, when it's back to judging content.
What I don't do is forgive, forget and ignore anti-social behavior to prove I'm not a racist.