Is a war between Greece and Turkey imminent? Feels like they threaten us every second day. Any Turkanon willing to enlighten me?
nice thread faggot
Why's that?
Hope yes, then all europe will get the chance to nuke turkey out of existance
for the 300
>winning anything ever vs Turks
I mean cmon, at this point your asshole is just hungry for them right?
Greece has beaten the Turks. That's why we are free from them. Do you think they were expelled from the Greek peninsula by their own whim?
Turkish Army is a trainwreck due to all the purging done by Erdogan.
I think all european countries beat the shit out of the turks, Greece have done it doens of times, i will not even mention England, France, Russia, Serbia, Portugal, Spain, so it would be pathetic.
Wish for that but which European country has benefit of a huge military expedition against the 8th power in the world? I wouldn't blame them if they didn't give a shit.
Why are you posting stuff from actual real life gulen propagandists
They are already invading Syria so they seem quite functional to me.
I posted more so people can see what kind of threats they are doing to us.
probably a nigger
or turkish diaspora
They're trying. It's pretty awful though. Greece one the other hand has an okay army.
Θα πάρω το
θα πάρω το Τοοουφέkι μοουυ
American born Greek and U.S.Army Ranger. Would immediately join up to destroy Turks. There are millions of Canadian, USA, Australian, British, french Greeks that would be willing to spill their blood on greek soil. Depending on aggression of attack hopefully NATO countries join to stop turkey.
Η ταν η επί τας
The CHP is a disaster and the kurds are in prison so erdogan's biggest election threat is an insane pol-tier nationalist woman.
Erdogan is mirroring their rhetoric the same way he did with the other parties every time he was ""moderate,"" he's a good politician
diaspora turk
Kek, I always wondered why Turkish diaspora seems even more fanatical than regular Turks.
you are meme people
Greece is no28 in the workd which is impressive for a country it's size. Still, Turkey could potentially beat anyone 1v1 in the EU.
What does this mean? "Eat plenty of beans".
nobody likes turks/muslims
so they have nothing else
There are 7 million Greeks in diaspora. Still I don't think many would leave their living room to go die in a cold trench. It will be the untimate honor if some do, though.
I can't tell which side is which in that pic.
I see your point. Unfortunately for us they seem to love their country more than the average westerner, and that made them strong.
only 2 million
You think Turks would carry a flag with a cross? These people did kill muslims so you should be indebted to them. They were heroes.
they are extremelly delusional
especially the american ones since they were never in turkey
thats why americans here take poland serious and think that irish are celts
3 million only in USA.
On paper yeah, but as I said they wouldn't fare so well in a real war.
Not just diaspora Greeks, shitload of Serbs, Bulgarians and Romanians would probably volunteer.
It would be a pretty major thing, Turkey attacking Greece.
if you can afford to go to war
If Turkey invades Greece and Nato doesn't help you guys then I would come as a volunteer. No fucking joke, I swear to God. I despise Turks and I've been wanting to kill Muslims for a good while now
>my grandparents were Greeks
t. Andrew papadopulus
they can you shitskin
Why don't you support the Turks? You must have very low IQ.
turkey cant take over Greece
But are they? I wish Turkey is like a paper tower ready to fall (being from Constantinople myself I would only dream of taking back my stolen family home).
What I see though is Erdo poinfigering USA, Russia and the EU, disputing EU borders, killing the Russian ambassador and shooting down a Russian plane and the response? Nothing at all. All good.
That either means that they are scared or they need Turkey
Not according to this video.
>Not just diaspora Greeks, shitload of Serbs, Bulgarians and Romanians would probably volunteer.
It would be a pretty major thing, Turkey attacking Greece.
Thanks Montenegran user. You are trully a son of Byzantines.
haha, its a Greek idiom
Eat beans( cause beans cause farts) so
you can fart my balls( you are not gonna do shit)
Its kinda lame
that some original reply you got out there user , should i call you ahmed in return ?
what a meme flag
Greece Morocco
Population 10.8m 35.2m
Global Military Rank 28th 54th
Lol, you suck.
the green monsterman
told me
this video is trash
Reminder that Greeks are Jews and Turks are the good guys.
Notice their cowardice of playing the victim card.
My friend Greek American children are still taught φεγγαράkι μου λαμπρό as their first song. Greek memory is long and revenge is a dish best served cold.
You know how second generation Muslims double down on culture and become extremists? Lol same for Greeks but we have a superior culture, ethos and history. Go to Chicago and tell a young Greek kid about "Istanbul" he'll start yelling at you.
Even non greeks are moved by our history. When I first joined up we were told about Leonidas and sacrifice regular Americans were tearing up. Joey from Iowa may join us just for the hell of it
When did you immigrate to Sweden? Did you come through Greece?
Whatever you say Muhammad.
this is a lonely swedish neet
I can definately imagine everyone in the balkans ganging up on Albania and Bosnia, taking advantage of the ensuing chaos hahahha
>Bulgarians fighting on Greece's side?
I dont think we will ever witness that
I hope they do invade Greece so that we can declare a Holy Crusade and finally exterminate the Turk once and for all.
Hopefully, bro. But why didn't the same happen with Cyprus in 1972? They were left to die alone even by Greece itself.
Reconquering Constantinople and northern cyprus when?
>Muh gulen
Please just die you Muslim scum
>Global Military Rank
is that an online poll ?
when will you retard realise that real life isn't all about numbers
Turks are Mongols, that's why they have whiter skin tone and bigger skulls than Greeks. The guy on OPs pic looks like a typical Israel Arab-Jew. That's what modern Greeks are.
Since when Arabs like Turks?
The world has truly changed.....
Could be. Some of his videos are bad. Either way I would volunteer because I don't want them occupying Greek territory even for a minute knowing what these sick cunts would do to the civilians and the cultural heritage in Greece
science and facts > sand magic
The Turk will always win.
implying Balkan squabbling would matter if Turks attack
Bulgarians are strange folk. Some of them assured me they are friends of Greece and hate Turks and some literally marry Turks and go live in Constantinople.
They seem to not care for Macedonia (the real one) but back in the day when Russia offered them Greek soil, they happily took it.
And there was also a lot of historical conflict between Byzantines and Bulgars.
Still hope they are friends because they can give military access to Turkey.
i don't
She has thicker eyebrows than me. Yickes.
the same haplotype, why dont they just team up vs russia or somethign
Actually Mühåmmåd y DNA Haplogroup analysis of Turkey shows that only 1 in 10 Turkish citizens has *any* Turkic DNA. That means 90% of their population are Turkified peoples like Armenians, Kurds/Persian, Arab and sadly greek
before the turks will die out
they will kill people with suicide attacks (asiatic mentality) and destroy historical sites
they did/do that already with those which arent in tourist regions
You are right. That's why I wouldn't surrender to the Turks even though they are no.8.
Still, don't make fun of a country that is doing it's best to survive against the odds. As desert folk, you should understand that.
I have nothing against you btw, I think Morocco is a lovely country with rich culture.
why are there so few turkish terrorists
without human rights
america would destroy those stinky gooks in 1 day
I hope Turkey retakes Greece and the rest of the Balkans.
Thanks bro. Netherlands for some reason understand the true evil Turkey is more than any other in the EU.
To end the bullshit, most Greeks have served in the army and they know the sad truth, right now if a war between Turkey and Greece starts, we are fucked.... Like everything else, army is corrupt and inefficient as fuck + many young Greeks are totally westernized and so will flee like faggots the moment war starts
Turks on the other side have really highy social energy at the moment, just check the response of normal people during the coup attempt
Thats my 2 cents
it just banter man , stay safe
>also gimmi my money back , i really need it
Why's that? What kind of clains they have? That they genocided the whole area 600 years ago?
I know. They are filthy rat people and they all need to eat shit and die
Hey I didn;t take anything from you. My governments steals me more than anyone else.
turks are more nationalistic and hate arabs and other people
because they are retarded
do they still take money from people's bank account/limit how much you can withdraw or was it a one time thing ?
i trusted a turk and lost money
never trust a turk
To be fair, being a terrorist is the ultimate autismo.
>Do you think they were expelled from the Greek peninsula by their own whim?
>And how can man die better than facing fearful odds,
>for the ashes of his fathers,
>and the temples of his Gods?
we are a people of RANGERS we are Prodromoi that fear nothing and explore the world. You are disgusting Germans with a death drive that yearns to destroy Europe and yourselves. Go live and die in your horrible country filled with depression.
Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.
Greeks explored the world as your horrible people sat in the hills eating clay. Fuck off German you won't exist in a few generations
Was like that until a few moths ago. Not sure if it changed. Now they take people's first home if they owe more than 500 euros to the government.
In Greece you are either corrupt or a victim. The system here needs a total overhaul but as I said corruption is so prevalent I lost hope.
this dutch turk
has a shitskin brother with thick eyebrows
he has a squarehead and wears glasses
slightly mongol eyed
ugly armenoid
they can take your home if you owe them 500 euros ?
>I lost hope.
can you pass as a 13 years old syrian refugee to go to germany/sweden ?
We are still halfway through our liberation.
Almost made it in 1920, but it turned sour for us for a lot of reasons.
My heretage is all dutch with 1/16th french and 1/16th german
Implying anything ever happens
anglos french and russians
I don't think he's ethnic German. I would be shocked if he was.
The edges of your fingers are red from all this wanking.
i have busted many shitskins who pretended to be europeans or white
you are a turk
unless you show face with time stamp
Indeed but Greec did a lot of mistakes as well. If we kept Venizelos in power things would be different.
I am a Greek
are you new my brother?
Many Turks are Greek rapebabies so there's all kinds of complexions there.
my cousin used to work for DENK
you are really from Constantinople
or just by heritage?