Why isn't there an anime about Hitler and/or Nazi Germany? Japan never did half-bake things and I believe they felt the same way about those of a more semite complexion. If Jewish people can call themselves god's chosen why can't the Japs do the same and hook them up with a one-way trip to Auschwitz. I'll never know sweet release until the Jews get their much overdue one as well.
Why isn't there an anime about Hitler and/or Nazi Germany...
>giving the nose people a reason to shut the industry down
>giving the nose people YET ANOTHER reason to shut the industry down
Stalin is cuter.
Why would Stalin-Chan bow to Churchill-San like that?
Those (((people))) have their SJWs trying to shutdown anime over the extremely graphic and sexualized GuP.
Hetalia exists and it sucks.
global 3
just stick with making fashy edits of characters and call it a day
There should be one about the early days of the NSDAP
>Implying they can ever stop the Chinese.
i would fucking love this. this is my dream
how hard is it for the mods to do their jobs. honestly.
Post Castro.
There is. Dragonball. All of em.
>you are Judan Keike, your typical teenage Jewish soldier who just wants a normal life, fighting for survival in your war torn country
>one day during an operation to assassinate Hitler the plan goes awry, you're prepared to shoot but when you see the stunning raven-haired loli in the lens of the scope you are somehow unable to pull the trigger
>you are captured and interrogated by the Fuhrer personally, when you tell her the reason you couldn't bring yourself to kill her she blushes and stammers out "D-D-D-DUMMKOPF!" before storming out of the cell
>she regains her composure and returns to announce that she has decided for reasons beyond you pitiful Jewish comprehension that she wants to keep you alive as her personal slave from now on
>"D-don't get ze wrong idea, it is not as zough I can't gas you b-because I like you or anyzing!"
>over the course of the war you become acquainted with her best friends as you eat lunch together, getting into all kinds of wacky hijinks and lewd misunderstandings while plotting world domination
>Goebbels-san, the charismatic Onee-sama of the group who's respected by everyone but always has to keep everyone in line
>Heydrich-san, the studious and serious student council president type who has an unsubtle crush on Goebbels-san and claims to hate you with a fiery passion
>Himmler-chan, the frail megane with an inferiority complex who always feels like she's a bother despite her high intellect
>Goering-san, the tough tomboy who's always boisterous and gives you a hard time though it's obvious she cares deeply for her friends
>Mengele-chan, the eccentric yandere who everyone is a little afraid of and is always smiling for better or worse
>each one has a unique route and steamy H-scenes hotter than any oven
>learn all about love, friendship, and coordinated artillery bombings in the historical fiction VN My Fuhrer Can't Possibly Be This Niedlich!
This idea could make millions. Six, at least.
there's a manga about Hitler by Tezuka called Message to Adolf
Hitlerina best girl. But seriously I'd watch an anime about Hitler.
Maybe he'd win in the anime ;_;
I read one manga about Hitler.
He looked like Levi from SnK.
you missed by a mile, retard.
And then there is this faggot.
At least we have Nazi duck loli.
Bringing back Sup Forums was moot's biggest mistake.
based r/Sup Forums bros using Sup Forums as Sup Forums
>Mengele-chan, the eccentric yandere who everyone is a little afraid of and is always smiling for better or worse
>each one has a unique route and steamy H-scenes hotter than any oven
I NEED this in my life, how do I make this happen?
The artist should have put Trudeau there as well.
Kill la Kill.
anime fags owned once again by BASED r/Sup Forums preteens and BASED moderation staff
There is literally nothing wrong with being a redditor as long as you browse redpilled subreddits.
>Why isn't there an anime about Hitler
If you can somehow get him into highschool, you're set
>crumbling to the nose people's wishes out of fear
I'm disappointed in you, user.
>not Hermlyun
Just count yourselves lucky that based Nips aren't anything like the (((American))) comic or cartoon producers.
Stop reposting a modified pasta from six years ago
The nips allied with WW2 Germany and they want to forget everything about WW2.
Meanwhile in Japan, a hero defeating the boss villain with a signature punch named after USA.
How come that the most American capeshit moment was created by nips?
These don't look like dumb edits by Sup Forums at all.
this. If you retards dont want Japanese cartoons to get banned from your jewish controlled countries, dont give the Japs an idea of having a Nazi/ Hitler anime
>Missing slit eyes and catfish mustache
I just want an In the Aeroplane over the Sea adaptation
They're all 100% real, printed in actual comics. A simple 20 second google search would have confirmed as much, libtard.
it would look more like Chinese than Juden user. Not that they have any differences
Chinese don't intentionally semi-castrate themselves to appease an invisible superman.
*tips fedora
Is this the designated crossboarder shitposting thread? Sure smells like it.
*tips kippot
>implying only Sup Forums likes Hitler
Communist Keions a cute!
What about Helghan Keions?
>Being so brainwashed by Sup Forumsmblr that you think that Sup Forums isn't always right
They already shut down a manga biography of him after just a few chapters years ago.
was it Waga Tousou? I thought it was finished. Never knew that it was axed
Old Sup Forums was right mot of the time. New Sup Forums is wrong all of the time.
Sigh.. okay, I'm just going to say something that I've always been bothered by and irritated from...
I need to vent.
I HATE that LITERALLY nearly every single anime except for some old ones (and sometimes even at those) have these vulgar themes or "not supposed to be a vulgar themed" but has a trillion boob's and sexual moments at every damn scene..!!
Like a bunch of twelve-year-old girl faces on these "boobed out" PORNSTAR yes I said PORN-STAR bodies or having this sissy boy theme of some sort OR even having incest scenes like that anime "Bento" I mean for crying out loud on funimation channel there was that one trailer "Cat Planet Cuties" which is LITERALLY HENTI (which is yet ANOTHER HUGE thing that gives anime as a WHOLE a bad rep') or that FUCKING ANNOYING AS FUCK anime cliché of a character being OBSESSED and I mean O-B-S-E-S-S-E-D with another character that's just trying to exist and play their role ~AHEM~ Mikasa on EREN every 2.5 ~COUGH COUGH~ risking every fucking mission I mean fuuuckk.. Levi couldn't've said it better, "we all get that you love him, but try not to get us all fucking KILLED" LIFE FUCK ME DUDE LITERALLY annoying as SHIT and now the writers are making it so that apparently they get married???!!!!
yet ANOTHER CASE of INCEST from these writers in Japan and their supporters (NOTE: I ducking realize they aren't blood but they grew up as kids together so it might as well fucking be since eren only wants to look at her as a sister but the writers INSIST of giving into this constant sickening pattern of bull fucking shit writing like why in the actual FUCK can't you just leave my man eren be??
why does he HAVE to marry his own fucking SISTER DUDE it ain't like they were both like twenty-one and their parents found each other and bada Bing bada boom NO..!THEY-GREW-UP-AS-CHILDREN-TOGETHER as brother and sister so get that through your fucking thick-ass SKULLS PEOPLE!!!
they want to make you seem like they were supposed to be mature enough at that age and that they knew what they were doing and are aware but nah.. nah these fucking writers of these sad excuses for anime arcs actually enjoy this fucking twisted as shit THEY WERE MADE TO BE BRO AND SIS so they can write this fuck-shit
once AGAIN PEOPLE LMFAO there's LITERALLY "ANIME" OUT THERE that don't shy away from this and are LITERALLY about the incest arcs like LITERALLY it's a "bro and sis" "ANIME" and the fact that mikasa and eren are even SUPPOSED to be brother and sister is just sickening and they honestly create that character like eren who is fine and is just being a clueless character doing his part in the stories and then this crazy fucking brother-dick hungry "tragic past" Mrs. "I have a reason for why I am doing this I can explain" bitch who won't leave him ALONE and risk everyone's life for him like they're boyfriend and girl friend but NAW they're also SUPPOSED to be siblings and it's ALRIGHT!! NO HARM DONE! until the writer finally stops teasing like they're going to finally let him be and ditch the incest/fanfic scene and move on.. but nope, they must get married now to complete the sadly common, twisted anime cycle..
We are about to have an anime about reality-warping Heydrich, though.
I want a Nazi fantasy/isekai anime. Something about the ideology just screams that it would be great in that genre.
>Hitler sent to Thule at the end of WW2 by Goebbels using a ritual sacrifice magic in the bunker
>has to defend himself from fantasy monsters with his magic Luger "Wunderwaffe"
>eventually he has to save the country he ends up in from the oppression of "The Jew"
>the Jew is too strong with his army of golems and futuristic weapons
>Hitler has to learn esoteric Aryan magic to defeat him
>turns out Jew is from Earth and went to this world and the past with jew magic to stop hitler
>Hitler beats the Jew in an epic battle and finishes him off, using him as the sacrifice to return to earth
>season 2 Hitler appears in America in a civil war
>he gets attacked by a group of leftists and realizes they are brainwashed by Jew magic
>he has to save America before he can get back to Germany
>after being nearly ovewhelmed by tons of nonwhites and communists, he is saved by the nationalists
>hitler tells them about the brainwashing magic and they realize the money is how it's transferred
>He goes on a secret mission with a group of commandos: "Zyklon-Ben", "Moonman", and "Baron", who pilots a rewired golem named "Manifest Destiny"
>They defeat the seven headed Jew hydra super golem "Federal Reserve" Breaking the mind Control of the American population
>hearing that Federal Reserve died, the JewWO has communist china invade Japan
>Japan begs America for help and Hitler decides he has to help too
>he Rewires a golem suit (mecha) with aryan magic into "Blitzkrieg" and drives back the invasion with the help of "Manifest Destiny" and Japanese "Rising Sun"
>the Chinese golem "Red Menace" eats magic and almost beats him, but is destroyed at the last second by putin and his golem "Tsar Bomba" from behind
Season 3 proper is invading Europe and saving Germany with awesome Mecha and magic fights since I'm out of characters in this post
I GUARANTEE YOU there's a fanbase out there at work faithfully writing out twisted fanfics of all sorts fueling this incest hentai porno pervertedness I mean c'mon dude.. you're beating to a fictional character... a fucking animation you sick weird individual, aren't you tired of this programming shit already..? hug?) and EVEN bestiality with always constantly having some half cat half pornstar girl with a twelve-year-old girl's face on it
LITERALLY this stuff is in nearly every single fucking "anime" that has EVER been created like why when I want to look up a anime about cooking or about being a chef I have to sit through a whole bunch of boob porno schoolgirl chicks with these two-year-old faces like I'm supposed to be subliminally programmed with pedophilia tendencies or some twisted shit some fucking strange form of sexual programming
and let's talk about ALWAYS having that one skinny kid with glasses surrounded by these half cat half porno lady body with ten-year-old faces who're all trying to get at him but he's too submissive and WEAK (as the girl or creature who's supposed to be a overly sexualized female is more sexually dominate and just overall dominate over the men) to indulge in anything like it's some sort of manifestation of REAL-LIFE modern-day Japanese society
(since there was a resent test did in Japan that there are less marriages happening in Japan now 'cause the men mostly feel like the women are too independent and don't need them and are better at getting jobs and making moola and overall apparently making them more dominate with that silly-ass logic and would dub marriage as folly and find it not needed like love apparently has no say in the matter and doesn't exist and that it is all about trying to function and trying to fit inside of society and what's the best way to do that instead of marrying for LOVE instead they'd rather marry for money and functioning in their cities/states/country and I know, not every fucking Japanese person is like this.. just a large sum.)
with all these overly dramatic sexual scenes aka "Up-Skirt/Down-Shirt" scenes always trying to depict some weak-ass forayed motherfucka 'round these thirteen-year-old faced boob women catering to these prepubescent boy's or perverted pedophile's corrupted sexually twisted fantasy
THIS FUCKING "Kawaii Desu Chan" flashy, weird, pedoish, pervertedish, overly sexual, dumbfounded "ANIME" is so fucking disgustingly overdid in the HIGHEST and most BRIGHTEST sense of the saying!
have you ever honestly EVER just stopped and thunk of what this would do to a child's BRAIN?! and even your OWN HEAD!?!
I mean people I wanna love anime too but come the actual FUCK ON!!!!!!! you honestly get so sucked into the bullshite that you stop fucking questioning why LITERALLY.. YOU JUST STOP and or asking for something fucking BETTER than what in the actual FUCK we are seeing and just accept the boobie, pedo, bestiality & incest bull fucking SHIT WE FUCKING SEE ALL THE BLASTED TIME!!!!!!!..
honestly, I wanna like Japan but.. to be completely bluntly honest/sincere with you... they're honestly having me questioning them like every fucking second now at what the fuck type of water these people are drinking or what type of drug these writers and art & design directors are on/taking 'cause.. that shit HAS to be the hardest fucking shit this reality has ever fucking known dude.., even in that wolf family anime movie the woman slept with some wolf creature and YET AGAIN Japan and it's many MANY PEOPLE (Including ALL who support this) CEASE TO AMAZE ME..!
Sleeping with this beast creature aka Wolf aka BESTIALITY creature and had these abominations of an offspring (and I GUARANTEE YOU NO-ONE will like this OR even show support for this 'cause everyone has seen it FOREVER and there has NEVER been anything any different!)
.. it's like even in video games of the anime sort OR just video games in GENERAL always tend to have that one picture that the devs use to promote their game.. have you ever seen those "Game Ads" on some sites that ALWAYS has like this pale-faced giant boob skimpy outfit eleven-year-old face woman just flashing at you telling you to.. "CLICK PLAY NOW" or "SIGN UP HERE" with some bullshit ass name now, granted, most of you out there are probably already aware (and if you aren't you are now..) that these ads carry malware and viruses that can permanently damage your computer and cause major problems for your PC consol to BEGIN WITH BUT even THEN there is bigger name games like TERA that have the EXACT-SAME-THING it's like.., if you want people to pick up your game... JUST MAKE YOUR GAME GOOD AND PUT IN WORK instead of making a VULGAR IMAGE catering to prepubescent little twink boys or perverts/pedophiles
I mean C'MON literally, anime could be such a good thing... it has potential to be brilliance in its finest form.... EVEN with different ethnicity's other than the same white-haired pale-faced characters we always have shoved in our faces and down our throats
Honestly?.. It's time to literally stop this grotesque cyclic pattern and just fucking REALIZE......You-Don't-Need-Vulgar-Sexuality-Boobs-Bestiality-Incest.. to fucking enjoy a FUCKING ANIMATED SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where is this pasta from? tumblr?
Gone off your meds again, Jessi?
Stalin was a friend of the nose. The Bolshevik Revolution was 100% foreign Jewish migrants who took over the country, took the means of production and promised a Utopia. What happened though was that they lived a life of lavish luxury at the expense of the Russians and committed mass genocide via ethnic cleansing and forced famine (Holomodor) which took the lives of 90 million white men and women.
Why do you think (((America))) hates Russia so much? Because the Jewish influence here is bitter that Russia took their country back and overthrew the noses.
Is that why he was planning to send them all to the gulags just before he croaked?
Revisionist history of the West. Pick up a textbook from the east and you'll read a different story.
This shit is fucking awful. The worst anime got are dubs and "professional subs" like CR saying shit like normie.
I prefer an Er Ist Weider Da type of Hitler anime
Jews fear the samurai.
>Because the Jewish influence here is bitter that Russia took their country back
Yeah I'm sure America really loved Stalin.
not really. At least for a couple of million of them
>inb4 the congress is the voice of the American people
The nazis were cool.
Anime is expensive as fuck to produce with little profit to be made, and good luck finding a tv station that can broadcast it to the masses without much outrage or whatever.
Best you can do is OVA or OAD format, doujin, game, or even manga. That's the bypass if you ever want your pro-National Socialist content.
The LDO would hate everybody posted in this thread.
There is an amendment in the bill of rights that prevents lawsuits like that from happening. I have faith in Japan.