

both left and right are 10/10 shows so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove op

It got good.

At least the artstyle is dead.

Wouldn't you love to have a cute girls doing cute things anime with left's art?

I don't know what you're trying to prove by picking two completely random series. How are Onisama E and Hidamari Sketch anything alike in any way? Can you give me an explanation as to what this is meant to demonstrate? That they are illustrated in a distinctly different style from each other? I can think of a million different things that the same logic would apply to.

It got wider

Normal vs moe
Modern people like moe art user

No, it looks like shit.

That's 13 years ago, not "now".

>hidamari sketch
Try 10 years ago.

"Now" being over a decade ago?

Moe is shit. There's nothing but moe now.

Moe was a mistake. It's nothing but trash.

>that Nanakoface

Agreed. Fuck moeshit and fuck the otaku who eat this trash up.

Hidamari Sketch is one of the best slice of life anime of all time. Oniisama e is a generic shoujo drama anime.

noice baito desu

A steamroller.

No skill left in japan.

KyoAni monopolized all the skill.

Shoujo is dead?

Their products look like shit.

>Oniisama e is a generic shoujo drama anime.
Oniisama e is one of the wildest shows I've ever watched. Literally nothing has topped it. Stop comparing Hidamari to it though, they literally have nothing in common.


Not enough Mariko archetype in neo-anime.

Shoujo anime is dead. Shoujo manga is still alive, and it gets live action adaptions.

>Not enough yandere

It's insane that Anno took inspiration from this anime for Eva, yet somehow wrote such godawful characters when such perfection existed.

Did he really? I always felt like Ikuhara took loads of inspiration from Oniisama e for Utena. I think he pulled it off well, too.

I made a better bait image, OP.

Is Utena as good as they say? I tried watching it, but it was awful. I couldn't stand the shitty yuri and the setting being no better than average shonen.

Anno took two ideon characters and split the name of Asaka Rei among them.

At the very least there are scenes copied 1 for 1 from Oniisama e.

I dunno why people think Utena the series is yuri, when it's really not. The film on the other hand, that definitely is. How far did you get into the show?

the school of resentment has entered this thread, be selective of those you reply to

I liked onii sama e, but the artstyle annoyed me

Why you hating on hidamari op

>not worshipping Ikeda character design
Truly bad taste user! Although I do think it doesn't look as nice in anime form as it does in manga.

First couple of episodes. At least i wasw annoyed at how the brown girl falls in love with Utena out of nowhere. At least the yuri in Oniisama is fleshed out more, and the girls are more self inserty.

Does it deserve all the praise it gets though? Because just like Eva, it seems to pick shit other works did apart and compile it.

It's basically Blacked: The Anime

I think so. I recently rewatched it for a second time and it's pretty amazing what Ikuhara managed to embed into early episodes with regards to symbolism/foreshadowing etc.

It gets pretty repetitive with regards to duels, but the payoff in the final two arcs are insanely satisfying.

More like Poo in the Loo'd

20 years and I'm still mad but the juxtaposition in that scene was amazing tho

Shoujo art is shit.

The anime's godlike art comes from the direction of Osamu Dezaki.




studio wars thread

>Shoujo art is shit.
How can you not love this over-embellished masterpiece? Classic shoujo art is honestly better than anything Leonardo da Vinci has ever painted.

>faggot is cherry picking

The one on the left is a fantasy show for kids. The one on the right is fanservice for adults.

> Classic shoujo art is honestly better than anything Leonardo da Vinci has ever painted.
That's true, and i do want to fuck that Reinhard, but look at this The eyes are awful, looks like an alien. Luckily Dezaki decided for an artstyle that both kept intricate details and well done proportions and shading.

So it's both for the same generation, right.

>that Reinhard
Please be joking.

>The eyes are awful, looks like an alien
user, the eyes are the best part.


Dammit, why the fuck do they color the eyes?

thank god moe exists, can't handle these retarded shounenfags that love watching cartoon for 10yo boys who want to see "cool stuff".

Looks like a trasnvestite.

You haven't seen Rei yet

His majesty, Kaiser Reinhard von Lohengramm

Shortened as Rei.

Fuck you, Dirty Pair was amazing.

Excuse me? Can you not call my wife names like that.

This is one of those rare cases where a post is so blatantly wrong that it is impossible to reply in any sensible way. So let me instead call you a tasteless, cancerous faggot. Thank you for your time.

>At least i wasw annoyed at how the brown girl falls in love with Utena out of nowhere
It's very much explained and integral to the plot. Stick with it and you'll find out why.

>Does it deserve all the praise it gets though?
Every single bit. I think the best approach is to just look at the first episodes as light-hearted fighting comedy (so the battle shounen comparison isn't exactly wrong). The actual meat of the show is what builds upon those first episodes with the very drama-heavy second arc and the third arc and finale descending into pure symbolism.

Your waifu a shit. She deserved all the bullying, who knows what trick she used to get into the sorority.

That's actually a much better comparison.

>what happened
The plots got boring. At least from that comparison.

What is the anime on the left?


Left basically doesn't compute with "cute girls".

Akazukin Chacha.

I want to fuck her so hard
Which do you mean?

left is creepers.

>Modern people like moe art user
I wouldn't mind if I couldn't reach into any hole of this metaphorical house of a genre and pull out a moe looking loli that looks like she was drawn by Hasbro.

Moe isn't an art style.

Moe is not a genre either.

How is there no skill left in Japan?

They have some of the highest production standards in the industry.

>At least the artstyle is dead.
>implying left is even remotely representative of that times' anime.

Sure there's skill and potential for skill, it's more about circumstances and opportunity.

This is some facebook-tier post.

She is manlier.

Left is least creative given the context of learning or making alternative stylization. You're not gonna make it.

We need to go deeper.

>I dunno why people think Utena the series is yuri, when it's really not.
What, it's only yuri if the clits touch?

What happened to Madoka?