Paul the apostle and Jesus were both Jewish

Paul the apostle and Jesus were both Jewish.

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so are you OP

So are you

Paul was a Babylonian Talmud Jew and hung himself upside down to be the anti-christ.
The catholic chruch not only borrowed the tenants of demon worship, it IS demon worship and trickery used to cloak people from the reality of life.

>Paul was a Babylonian Talmud Jew and hung himself upside down to be the anti-christ.
Cool. Where did you read this?

Rabbi Yeheshua was NOT jewish.

he did get hanged upside down, but the idea of "DEAVIL WOSHIP" Isn't proven

That was Peter, not Paul. And it was because he didn't feel worthy of being executed in the same manner as Superjew, so the Romans accommodated him.

OP you fucking kike

Jesus is an aryan who happened to be jewish.
prove me wrong

Herod was an Idumean.

The original jews were Aryan. It was only after race-mixing with the negroid Egyptian kangz that the semitic race came about.

This. Paul is believe to have been beheaded in Rome.


jesus mostly popped off about all that old jew stuff when the Pharisees were giving hill lip but peter was kinda jewy

No they weren't, they were Semitic.

Jesus was literally born a Jew.

I heard the Jews turned Paul into a tranny and pimped him out to Roman soldiers.

he wasn't all that into it

Why do you people love to constantly try and shit on Christianity and then try to pretend like you wanna save western culture? Western culture IS Christianity.

If by Jewish you mean of the tribe of Judah, then no Paul was actually a Benjamite. But yes Jesus was of the tribe of Judah since Mary was descended from David, who I believe was half Judahite and half some other tribe on his mother's side.

Mary was a virgin who got impregnated by Tyrone.

Rome and Ancient Greece are western civilization. Every after Greece and pagan rome is a footnote.

Yeah but he didn't identify as one.

False. Semite literally means son of Shem. Shem's sons fathered many nations though, not just the Israelites. That's why many people are semites, not just Jews.

Yes, they were.

The early Christians saw themselves as Jews, not as a separate religion. That separation happened after the majority of Jews rejected Jesus as messiah, and the leadership decided to work on converting the Roman Empire instead.

learn2history, faggot

Correct, christcucks are honorary jews.

Jesus was inducted into the occult PizzaGate club as a child sex slave to the Jewish elite of the time.

Shit m8, sorry I should've realized you were retarded from the beginning. My bad.


At age 17, Jesus killed his first Jew pedophile.

>doesn't know that all Christians did for 1000 years from 200ad to Aquinas and beyond was just copy the Greeks and give them a Christian spin

Another under educated faggot who hasn't even read the Bible. One of the founding documents of Western Civilization, and this nigger hasn't even read it.

Roman's 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

The Epistle to the Romans, authored by the Apostle Paul.

At age 19, Jesus killed his first pedophile Roman politician.

yea but he forgave him and brought him back to life

Superjew. That's funny. I'm going to start using that



Sup Forums is so ignorant about Christianity that it hurts. The term 'Jew' only has meaning after Christ. John referred to the rejectors of Christ as 'Jews' not the entire population of Palestine. That's what a Jew is, a Christ rejector. Jesus could broadly be referred to as a Hebrew as could everyone else before he revealed himself as the messiah. After that it was Christian or Jew. The Jews decided to throw their support behind Barrabas, Simon Bar Kochba, Julian the Apostate and every other shit failure of a hope and as long as they continue to do so they'll remain Jews. 'Jew' is a theological distinction, not a racial one. Rome destroyed the Jews as a coherent ethnic grouping. All that unites them is their rejection of Christ.

Anyone remember when they thought they had found the headless skeleton of Paul under the old chapel that was built straigth on Nero's Garden?
Or am I just that old?

Well, okay. Never heard that one.

Paul was actually executed by beheading because he was a Roman citizen, I believe in 56 or 57 AD. I think Peter was crucified and he supposedly insisted on being crucified upside down because he didn’t want to be compared to Christ’s execution. Most likely Peter was crucified in an “X” I’ve heard some people say. Dunno.

But yea, Catholics claim Peter as the first Pope since they don’t understand the difference between case in translation or the difference between “Petra,” The little pebble, and “Petros,” The great stone. That’s who you meant.

Don't forget Arius and those nameless niggers who assassinated the third caliph of Islam for the lulz.

Obama and Trump are both presidents.

>what is ancient Greece and Rome

What a bunch of bullshit that is completely at odds with all historical scholarship. The Jews predate Christianity by 600 years.

The Talmud was written well after Christ was crucified. That's where the modern Jewish tradition began. It wasn't even fully formed until centuries later. The modern Jewish faith is a vague pseudo-consensus reached between the teachings of countless rabbis down through history. Jews haven't lived by the Old Testament for a long time now. It's still their collection of books but it's all been superseded by the Talmud in their eyes.

Jesus doesn't forgive pedophiles.

And by that I mean in terms of religion. The first mention of the people of Israel goes back to 1200bc in Canaan. These people then went onto create their own kingdom, centuries before Christianity.



>only the people who follow the modern Jewish tradition are Jewish
No. That's utter nonsense.

Also that's like saying Christians who read the old testament are not Christians.
The Jewish people and their traditions goes bsck a thousand years before Christ, but it is all connected to this day.

Suck it up christcucks. You're literally a Jewish invention.

Back in the day 'Judaizer' was one of the main criticisms thrown at Christians who were seen to be lapsing in their faith. If you live like a Jew you're a Jew. If you practice usury and don't attend mass you're judaizing.

If you're some Turk/Pole/Ashkenazim 56%er whose great-great-grandfather lived by the Talmud why should you be called a Jew? It's not in your blood. The only ones who have reason to believe that are Jews, because it lets them feel like they're honouring and are a part of a worthwhile tradition, rather than their identity being a scholarly tradition of underhanded subversion and cruelty, which it is.

Pre-Christian Judaism doesn't exist. Abraham's people split between Christ acceptors and Christ rejectors. Christians see themselves as the continuation of this tradition and the fulfilment of all that it promised while the Jews tell themselves that Jesus was a lying bastard son of a Roman soldier and that the true messiah is right around the corner, the last few were false starts.

If you accept that the Jews truly belong to that same tradition in that article you accept that they're right, Jesus was a phoney, God is real, he plays favourites based on genetics and it's the Jewish destiny to rule the world.

>Paul the apostle
Saul was a self-aggrandizing Jew who is famous for lying about having met Jesus, spent 40 days with the messiah, then forgot to mention a single word of what Jesus told him because Saul was so busy promoting himself as an "apostle". The church is taking a hard look at Pauline scripture because he wrote half the books of the NT and it was all about Saul.

Jews literally conspire against God. They do this shit where they mark poles outside, so they can move around outside even when God forbid it, because they found a technicality that let's them eat baby dicks.

Except all modern scholarship says otherwise.
>If you accept that the Jews truly belong to that same tradition in that article you accept that they're right, Jesus was a phoney, God is real, he plays favourites based on genetics and it's the Jewish destiny to rule the world
They do. I don't have to accept any of that since ideas like destiny, god, and so forth are unscientific nonsense. But thank you for confirming your futile attempts of historical revisionism are based in your fear of jews and not any rational considerations about history.

Your god is the Jewish god.

True, although strictly speaking they weren't Jews in the sense we use the term today, they were part of a different Jewish ethnic group and practiced a different form of Judaism than the ones today.

Yahweh is the God of everyone, not just the Jews.

>anti-christian shill thread number three today
How much do they pay you?

Ya and Ashkenazis aren't what's your point?

I don't think they're paid shills.

There really are a contingent of spergs who believe this shit and hang around in these circles, see Varg Vikernes and his fanbase.

Anyway, it's fine by me. These threads provide ample opportunity to evangelize and defend the faith.

Nope. Jesus grew up as a follower of "judaism," yes, but the modern-day "jews" are not the "jews" of the bible. the modern-day word is an invention, a transliteration of sorts.

dude breaks it down better than i ever could. a MUST LISTEN (55:23 mark)

you are ignorant. the english word "jew" didn't even come about until 1700's or 1800's.
this user gets it so hard.

I Am

Jesus was ethnically a Galilean Jew.
You can keep making up as many stories as you want Christcuck to make yourself feel better, but Jesus was a Jew with narcissism that claimed to be the son of God and pissed off the other Jews.
He got too jewy even for the jews.

So was Bobby Fischer, and he hated Jews more than anyone here. Jesus is an enemy of the Jews. They hate him so much they don’t even use the plus sign because it reminds them of the cross.

>you are ignorant. the english word "jew" didn't even come about until 1700's or 1800's.
So fucking what? Your bible was primarily in Hebrew and Greek. What's your point? The jews getting a new name to describe them doesn't change who they are. You are desperately grasping at straws.

you didn't listen to the video. in it, historical proof that the word "jew" didn't even exist until very, very recently. modern-day jews are an asiatic eastern-european tribe TOTALLY UNRELATED to arab/semitic people of the bible (aka jesus' people).

get fukt schlomo

Doesn't matter you retard. Changing a word doesn't change the people.

not grasping at anything at all.

it's basic history. the word jew is a complete fabrication. see:
it's not about them "getting a new name," it's about a COMPLETELY UNRELATED PEOPLE claiming that new name.

The Ashkenazim and the Jews in Palestine circa year 0 are two different races.

>'s not about them "getting a new name," it's about a COMPLETELY UNRELATED PEOPLE claiming that new name
Absolute bullshit and not supported by ANY reputable historian in the entire world. You literally need to fill your head with nonsense to keep your religion and your anti Jewish views because they are contradictory.

the people are different. you have already lost this argument, moishe.

christianity (and judaism for that matter) has absolutely NOTHING to do with modern-day "jews." they are literally LARPing as biblical "jews." point is: critique the biblical religion all you want: fair. but the disgusting tribe of today has nothing to do with it, and even less to do with biblical-era christianity, MUCH LESS european christian heritage.

Arab Palestinians are more related to second temple Jews than the Ashkenazim are.

watch the video. all sourced. all historical. i even gave your lazy ass the timestamp. quit spreading your lies.


They mixed with Europeans, but they kept their history and religion. So your point is irrelevant. Another desperate grabbing for straws.

exactly. OP is a complete retard (and probably jewish just trying to spread jew-tier anti-christian propaganda).

>grabbing for straws

it's not painfully obvious that you don't even know what that term means. you are displaying obvious jew-argument tactics. just repeating the same shit over and over and being proven wrong. tiring and indicative of an inferior intellect.

I'm not watching your video by some conspiracy theory hack. Show me a reputable historian from the top 10 universities supporting your claim.
>inb4 those universities are control by da joooos and lie for da jooooos

You haven't proven a single thing I've said wrong. You worship a Jewish god and follow a Jewish religion while simultaneously hating jews. You are retarded and ignorant of the history of your own religion.


Yeah, the good ones

No not really. The Ashkenazim while in part descended from Hebrews are not the same ethnic group and underwent their own ethno-genesis in the ghettos of Europe. So much so, like I said before Arab Palestinians are more Jewish than they are. Moreover their religion and customs are different from second temple Judaism. They practice Rabbinic Judaism which evolved out of the Pharisaic sect, and is younger than Christianity.

Even John the Baptist was a jew.
It's funny as fuck seeing you christcucks denying your own history because you hate jews so much.

he is a reputable historian.

you are just putting your fingers in your ears screaming "NAH NAH NAH CAN'T HEAR YOU"

christians follow a religion based in judaism, yes, but modern-day jews have no relation to those people. you have no point.

nope. he's correct. you are wrong. sorry, but putting text into an image doesn't magically make it correct. you lose.

this, Christianity is a reformed Judiasm.

Again, the God Yahweh is the God of everybody, and is worshiped by most people in the world. He is hardly exclusive to Jews.

Paul was a Roman and Jesus was literally God with no genetic donations from mary or joseph.

yes but modern jews have absolutely no relation to biblical jews. just admit it. you are wrong (or, more likely, are purposefully spreading lies like your "people" are trained to do)

>You worship a [biblical-era Jewish] god and follow a [biblical-era Jewish] religion while simultaneously hating [totally unrelated (((jews)))].



>Inb4 kike cuck shill or what the fuck ever

No one denies the Jewishness of Jesus, his fore-bearers and his disciples.

It just doesn't have any relevance because his religion is concerned with devotion to God, not to the Jews.

All irrelevant points and don't disprove anything I've said.

So what if the some of the Jews aren't 100% ethnically the same? Guess what retard, the Christians of today aren't the same ethnicity as its founders. Are you therefore not a real Christian?

So what if some jews follow a different or changed version of Judaism? Christianity has literally hundreds of denominations. Religions evolve and change over time.

These are such illogical childish arguments and they DO NOT refute what I have said ITT.

Good post

>No one denies the Jewishness of Jesus, his fore-bearers and his disciples.
Have you read this thread?

This is what I don't get about these retards that hate Christianity because they claim it's "Jewish" not realizing that they are aligning their ideologue with the same vitriol and hatred that modern day "Jews" have for Christians, effectively making their ideology completely aligned with "Jews", i don't think this shit can be made up.

I've already replied, ultimately the ethnicity of the prophets and messiah are irrelevant to religious doctrine and practice.

The only people who would get hung up on the origins of Christianity are people who don't believe in God, or are idolaters who arn't concerned with worshiping God properly.

I just want christcucks to admit that they follow a foreign Jewish religion.