What'd you think of Angel's Egg?

What'd you think of Angel's Egg?

overrated shit

The poor man's Night on the Galactic Railroad

you mean moeblob?


Holy shit okay, I'll watch it. I've been putting this shit off for like 5 years but I'll watch it. I bet it's not even going to be that DEEP.

Have fun user

A motion image of deterritorrialized schizophrenia.

Alright I watched the opening scene. I like this. I like the fact that someone out there was making anime like this, and spent time and money and effort on anime like this. Old fashioned sci-fi-ey arthouse stuff like this is comfy.

Watch more Oshii after it

Was great. one of my favorite movies of all time.

I like it.

This doesn't feel like anime. This feels like some Russian or Eastern European shit, with a Japanese dub. But at the same time I can see how stuff like this influenced what came after.

Kind of boring now, at the 50 minute mark. And really really old fashioned.

Made my preist watch it. He liked it.

its nice


Oshii was huge into european cinema like Tarkovsky, Antonioni, Fellini and Bergman at the time.

Was he able to understand it without having it explained to him?

I feel like it was worth watching, and the memory of watching it is one of my favorites. but that being said I don't think I thought much of it while actually watching it.

The boy´s design was 11/10. Otherwise i didn´t understand shit. Any theory you can up with is debunked by another scene in the movie. I really don´t get what was this about.

My thoughts exact. I was prompted to watch this for a Dark Souls 3 explanation video, but this left me more questions than answers.

>wandering sword guy is an artist
>egg is a symbol of absolute
>girl is errrr a something poetry beauty I don't fucking know she loves vials and the egg
>fishermen are other artists
>they endlessly try to harpoon shadows
>artistic perfection can never be attained
>sword guy breaks the egg trying to reach the absolute
>he just fucked it up because it's too delicate for humans eyes
>all the artist can do is represent his failed attempts at catching glimpses of perfection
>big monument at the end coming out of water represents humanity's account of artistic exploration
>oshii likes Hegel and Plato

And trees ? Nothing you come up with can´t connect all the dots together.

Trees are apparently jewish religious symbolism, Oshii may have added them because they struck his imagination when he used to study the teachings of the Bible

The vessel ? The fucking tanks ?

purely aesthetic visual elements put there as a display of both technical and artistic skill.

details please

I think I know/ remember you user. What was his interpretation?

That´s the whole movie though.


Not him or his priest but anybody who is familiar with the Bible can see Tenshi no Tamago for the Christian existentialism it is.

or it could just be an art project

Read the Bible

What the fuck do you mean?
It's christian symbolism and it's all explained on the internet, do your researches.
>This doesn't feel like anime
>Kind of boring now
>And really really old fashioned

I don't understand why stupid people always feel the need to comment.

Pretty visuals but empty plot that relies on the christian symbolism meme.

You mean story.
Symbols have a meaning by definition, if the movie uses symbolism how can it be "empty"?

Fucking mouthbreather.

Kill yourself, pretentious faggot.

You don't even know the meanings of the words you use and call other people pretentious?

I advice you to shut the fuck up.

>furfag shit
>genres: children's fiction
Gonna pass on that one, mister rich man.

>advice you
Pretentious and stupid.

loli was cute

it's ok, interesting at least. My only problem with it was the long draged scenes, I know they help wit the atmosphere, but damn they were too long

I think it's cool.

I think God is waiting for the MC to stop questioning his faith or acknowledge the merits of faith. I don't know why, but I get a feeling of expectation from the eye watching him. It may not be waiting for anything though.

He's right though, you're a bit of an idiot.