Intolerable Celebs You Used to Enjoy

>About a year ago
>Browsing YouTube
>Check out some old Tim and Eric clips
>Decide to check Tim's Twitter out
>Expect some jokes or short comedy videos
>It's literally nothing but bitching about Trump and trying to "own" him with tired orange, Drumpf, Russia shit
This shit happens to me a lot.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just for context, this is an album he released recently.

Austin Augie, was from new York, a bmx and skater, expected him to be a Trump supporter but keeps making stupid quotes like blumf, whatever he rekt his bmx before acting audition,deserves it for not supporting such a amazing human.

All of them

This douche heidecker is not funny at all. Who's dick is he sucking?

George Takei's if I had to guess.

this, stuff I used to watch and enjoy is so bad now and I can't watch a movie without recalling the celebrity standing against a white background shilling for hillary

check out BJ Baldwin, rally truck driver and trump supporter, awesome guy

#metoo user, #metoo

I'm actually pretty surprised that a guy who came up with the Poop Chute and D-Pants can't enjoy a president who shitposts like he invented it.

Its because he works for ((Turner)), who owns Cartoon Network, that owns Adult Swim, and is sister networks with CNN, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Connect the dots.

i think what he's doing is an incredibly extreme form of comedic performance art where he becomes the most anti-trump person in the world and takes on all the qualities of those types of people and turns it up to 10.

that being said, it's not that funny.


Christian Bale. He was one of my favorite actors but he's turned into a real cunt.

that one hit pretty hard for me. he's a really funny guy. i dont really care about celebrities' opinions too much and i expect them to have to act gay like that to keep their shekels but you can tell he's super serious about it, really embarrassing


On that note, Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio. Sucks all the good actors are fuckin dbags. Oh well. I don't want anything anymore.

How'd that Haiti thing go?

It's always painful to watch a comedian who usually doesn't take shit seriously become a massive serious faggot over political issues.

Patton Oswalt too.

I don’t think sam hyde is funnier but for some reason his existence seems to have deeply misplaced Tim. Anything tim now does seems extremely tame or neutered because he has so many imitators and his political comedy is incredibly boring and unfunny. Who wants to hear another republican/trump joke from another LA comic living in their bubble-zones?

Well, Leo was always a bit of a cunt but it's a shame about De Niro.

Chris Evans and Chris Pine used to be staples of my fap sessions. I can’t get it up to them anymore.

Its all of the celebrities of the old media. TV mainly. Getting in and thriving is the most incestuous process, so of course, most of them would have the same political leanings.

New funny men will spawn from other media. You'll see.

Just imagine that old frail Sicilian body being mounted by that black mamba.

Liam Neeson and Liam Cunningham. Two Irish actors who've done well for themselves and are in entertaining movies and tv shows.

Both turn out to be complete and utter brainlet leftists who have a major hardon for the refugees welcome nonsense and supporting Clinton and the EU.

He's a victim of political correctness.
You can't push boundaries or anything or you risk offending someone and being the target of the next big hashtag mob.
Since comedy is about pushing boundaries, any comedy coming from a place of political correctness will inevitably be bland and predictable.

jimmy kimmel

Comedians are a dying breed or should be a dying breed.

What did he say?

Never thought that guy was funny. Found that most comedians are slavish to the left the past few years. The trump jokes are getting tired as hell too. Over played their hand. Its like tryin to squeeze blood out of a stone at this point.

Trump is one of the few good comedians left desu


Do you not understand jokes, user?

His position and past make him funny, but he would make for a terrible comedian. I don't think most Sup Forumsacks would appreciate saying that Trump is a big joke. They take him very seriously.

Fuck Chris Evans he is a bitch and fuck capeshit too

Michael Ian Black was the first to go full SJW and really turned off his fans who loved him from MTV's The State and Stella. Real shame.

Isn’t that the same company that cancelled MDE: World Peace?

He's been shit talking Trump for the past few months.

De Niro is a coal burning boomer manlet jew. He is a joke now

I do. With newer media stand up comedians and tv comedians are losing relevance with every generation. Sam is a comedian, but his success doesn't come from stand up or tv.

Tim is the one that got World Peace cancelled because of his personal hatred for Sam.

atleast hes not one of those faggots obessed with convincing people that trump wears a hair piece

I recently saw some documentary on Jim Carrey while he was doing man on the moon, very interesting guy, I always liked him until his liberal hypocritical faggotry was exposed with his stance on firearms and what he (a fucking leaf) thinks about trump.

married into royalty I see
good for him


MDE world peace aired on adult swim of all places, the sister of CNN and they got away with this shit.

It's really weird how Trump is able to turn otherwise funny people into boring repetitive idiots. It's always the same few jokes. Orange skin, his hair, his speech patterns. They just repeat the same shit over and over

Trump really is a very sharp comedian when he wants to be - both speaking and written - but then can turn on a dime and become apex predator.

I'm a Sup Forumslack, and it's not that I think he'd be a great comedian if he did it full-time, but he's very funny when he wants to be; he has great comic timing, great delivery. He can do it when he's speaking on the stump, or in his tweets.

i hate nearly every celebrity.
I have stopped going to the movies
I have stopped watching TV
I don't wish to be lectured about how much of a shit person I am by out of touch shit celebrities and their writers/directors/producers

The Colber thing still baffles me

I got you. He definitely threw mad shade at the SOTU.

It was always a pastiche. Conservatives where seriously too dumb to get that. Everyone has hindsight now.

I don't have any, I have amazing intuition for spotting decent people.

kek underrated

brain may

Yeah he is complete pussy hat wearing, left wing political activist cuck faggot. I will still always enjoy his videos though, I just can't help it.

>Al Pacino
>De Niro
>Christian Bale
>Jimmy Kimmel
On a side note I was glad Ben Affleck was a virtue signaling fuck, just so I could hate him some more. What a joke of a fucking actor

Jesus, the middle one looks like Lenny Kravitz with downs

When I first saw Conan I thought you were referring to the Barbarian known as Conan. Wew. Arnie hasn't said anything that ridiculous against the pres, right? Just generic old man finger wagging like we saw all the Republicans do during the primaries

Funny how his white son is a total soy boy but the maid's son is a Chad...

>I am going to make fixed content then travel the country spewing re-hashed jokes
It really is a dated practice. They are dooming themselves anyway endorsing the left. They alienate the right wing crowd and you can never be left enough for the alt-left

>The Colber thing still baffles me
Not if you knew anything about "Secret Societies", and how (((They))) operate in the Modern Era...

Oh weird, an atleast somewhat intelligent, non-gullible, non-rube is a Trump criticizer? What are the odds?

About >90% of them, from voice actors, actors, directors, writers etc. it's like all of them are left leaning to all hell.

It's a strange feeling to get when you see one of your favourite actors go full cuck but I guess it's time to find new entertainment anyways.

A few years ago, before Colbert got the show he has now my Dad said something about Colbert not really being a Republican. I had to tell him, "That's the joke. He pretends to be an over-the-top ultra-conservative patriot so that his guests can point out how dumb his beliefs are and seem like rational people. I don't think any of his viewers believe he's conservative. That's his act."

We're the comedians now.

He literally admits to being a cuck. Does any of this surprise any of you?


No fucking person who isn't a creepy millenial boyish fag would like this show

Anybody seen LastMan? Its a french cartoon and is clearly made by someone here.
>name references neizche
>rabbit hole references
>evil jews and nogs, good blue eyed whites
>fashwave cover art and music
I could go on. Its literally Sup Forums the cartoon

Fucking kek


This. Whats the problem with criticizing an obvious Jewish puppet?

I used to like Mythbusters, but holy shit Adam Savage is such a hardcore virtue signalling soyboy these days.


Tim and Eric have never been funny not once even by accident

Well thats just the way (((Hollywood))) works goy, you want a camera? You better bend over for daddy Weinstein.

sam hyde is all we have left

I thought they were gay. Is Eric the big guy? He annoys by but I could fap to him eating a chick out or sucking a dick..-Fag

owned lol oragne drumpfh man

>these days
He's always been that way. I still like Mythbusters.

I wasn't too into Tim and Eric but I really enjoyed Tom Goes To The Mayor

When I was young he was so good at making me feel better when I was having any sort of negative emotion. He used to be so based and creative, never caring about what others had to say. Now he cares about nothing save for what others have to say.

>used to enjoy.
This is where it falls apart you only hear a singer when he is singing something and only look at a painter to see his painting, caring about their political opnions, opnions shaped by the media that they depend on, is just dumb, if their political opnions are mixed in their art, then why you ever liked them to being with.

Painfully fucking awkward. 100% forced laughter from shitty diversity hire written drumpf jokes

Didn’t he also fuck over sam?

You've still got Clint Eastwood and Mel Gibson.


That one actually hurts. He's the only late night talk show host with an innate sense of humor and back in the day he used to keep things somewhat apolitical, despite being a liberal.
However, his show has stagnated because he doesn't play to his strengths (improv and remotes), and recently he's just become an unbearable SJW cuck.
It's really sad, because the guy's actually intelligent.

Actually, I think these are the digits you're looking for.

True, much love for based Mel Gipson.

ya blew it, ya went soft.

Can we talk about authors, too? Are they still considered celebrities in our room temperature IQ society?

I read Altered Carbon and Market Forces, gritty dystopian science fiction, by Richard Morgan, and I liked these books a lot. It's hard to find anything modern in the genre that isn't garbage, like with fantasy. I decided to look him up and... everything he writes on twitter is pro-feminist, pro-Islam, anti-Trump. Everything. I should've expected it with a Brit but jeez Louise.

in hindsight it makes sense that he didn't know that pistols don't have clips

let go already. i liked him too but he hasnt done anything good in more than 12 years

because The Champs podcast was pretty funny

at the time

Robb Flynn
guys such a fucking douchebag. i loved their music until i realized hes a turbo fucking SJW

Average Brits aren't that way at all. City 'brits' (not real Brits) are all like that, and it's because they're faggots. They would have you believe the UK is all like this but the other side of the argument has NO voice here.

Yes. He helped get his show removed from AS.

tim's show has some really overt pedo overtones if you pay close attention to it, he even had stephen spielberg on his show... who is a notorious crypto-pedophile responsible for anally raping heather o'rourke to death.

real swell guy, considering he looks up to a soulless child-fucking monster like spielberg

This guy is the worst.

His show seemed like the most blatant of the "cultural marxism disguised as innocent comedy" shtick.

Didn't he have a sketch about proving white privilege is real because of dreadlocks? Its sad to know that this guy's head wasn't chopped off immediately after that aired.

What a piece of shit.