Hey guys what did i invent again?
Hey guys what did i invent again?
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The boomerang.
You didn’t invent anything. The entirety of Africans’ accomplishments can be summed up in them inventing peanut butter and having one half black man help in figuring out heart surgery. And this wasn’t even revolutionary. They basically just sped up how long it took for us to make peanut butter or figure out heart surgery.
Leave poor abos alone. It's not like you'd ever want to have been born one.
>inventing peanut butter
actually the Inca invented peanut butter first. Homeboy just figured out more uses for it.
Another species
Trippy doodles and noisy little logs
god damn that is some thick ass bear hair. Is it confirmed to not be ramen noodles?
Are you fucking retarded? American education
>Anyone with a skin colour darker than pedro is a nigger.
A stick.
You should be proud user.
If anyone on here can access an australian vpn or something you should definitely watch this series for lols sbs.com.au
Sleeping on the road and petrol sniffing.
-sharp stick
-hollow stick
-bent stick
Don't forget the big piece of bark they used as a shield.
digareedoo (sic)
Aboriginals considered satellite dishes a threat to their culture because it could transmit information without authority. Only a heavy-set man can dictate laws and customs, what use is the law when a harmless box is telling you?
Hydrocarbon inhalant altered mind state.
Petrol Powered Goon Sack
Do abos cause the same problems niggers do? I never hear much on abo genocides or abo rapists.
Before the hippy drug craze began abos had already been sniffing petrol for years. Truly an ingenious people
That’s a native aboriginal from Kangaroo land mate.
Aboriginals had an invention to fulfil all roles in life.
>transport - walking stick
>warfare - pointy stick
>Hunting - Throwing stick
>Medicine - shaman stick
>music - hollow stick
>Art - Finger tip
Truly a remarkable people.
>D R E A M T I M E
Gentleman, I don't mean to be crass.. but y'all cocksucking, motherfucking, goblin-faced, Jew-nosed, shit-sniffing, wanna-be, cock licking, asshole flicking, commie loving, nigger digging, tit-sniffers are 100%, grade-A, COTTON-HEADED NINNY MUGGINS.
I mean, they are native aboriginals from Australia though. They’re not Africans. Look at my post again.