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What do you think of the blonde wife-beating hillbilly's choice to make his son fight Cell?
TFS Dragon Ball Abridged
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Last two episodes have been really weak.
I hope they step up their game during the finale.
on the upside they released this one pretty quick compared to the last few
I dunmo it is more like they for once released it on time instead of being way fucking late.
meh, I thought it was pretty funny
>Even Yamcha made the list!
>Wait, why-
>Halftime entertainment!
>Frankly I'm just happy to have been invited
>funding and staff goes up
>release time increases and script quality decreases
it doesnt fucking make sense. Least the audio and visual quality is better i guess
Money does not = funny.
staff should up the editing time though
>used to be a parody of the show
>Now it's a redub
Kaiser doesn't want anyone else to edit the show exceot for him.
Dende isn't going to like Videl
Oh yeah, most definitely.
Then sound is far better now, but I've noticed some of their editing for adding new mouth movements/characters to be absolutely horrid (World's strongest was an absolute horror to look at in some scenes).
I think a lot of their time is being eaten by other smaller projects (let's plays and some shit). They've fallen into the trap of other youtubers.
that seems extremely inefficient and unnecessary
Well yeah, he just can't help his autism I gues.
What's the difference?
I guess im not one to judge. We've all been there
it always was a redub desu
It's actually turning into an abridged version of DBZ and not just it's own shitfest ala None Piece and YGOTAS.
"Abridged" series have definitely past their time, and DBZ manages to keep going because its actually doing something with itself. Like I'm just now recalling Naruto Abridged and holy fuck am I glad they stopped.
this one was better at least
Eh 7/10.
Not the best but some good moments.
Vegeta's jokes fell a tad flat, Cell was on fucking point as goddamn always.
Knew the instant transmission joke was coming but it was still just funny.
Plus the Tien-Cell hate-train is hilarious.
that one guy said it best when he said "yeah fuck Goku"
Well this was a big improvement over the last two.
Season 1 was much heavier on internet humor. Once they stopped treating the show like an epic crossover of e-celebs with their own abridged series, narrowed down their writing team, and quality controlled their voice actors, it improved a lot.
maybe you're realizing that tons of people are wasting their money on hacks
All of their reactions to Goku pointing a Kamehameha at the Earth was pretty funny.
Also Cell being better at being Piccolo than Piccolo always makes me laugh.
There is nothing wrong with None Piece.
When a Youtuber announces they're going to put in the effort for more quality uploads is when it's time to expect the opposite
They'll never top the Namek season will they? Season 2 was the best. Season 3 was funny too but it started getting less funny once Goku and Gohan came out of the chamber.
in terms of humor/comedy, their Freeza saga > Namek Saga > Saiyan Saga > Cell Saga > Android Saga
fite me
Take this youtube trash to the designated board.
I miss Naruto and Yuyuhaku abridged.
Cell was great as always, and Piccolo was on point. The rest was a little dull, both the Mr Satan gag and Mr. Popo are pretty stale at this point.
Mr Popo is great when he's intimidating, not when he's lmao weeding.
Thinking about it now, shouldn't Cell be able to have a gold form?
Well, it was a lot better than the last two I guess.
The Gay Dende joke still isn't funny though. And I really am getting tired of them forcing in pot jokes. I get it, they love weed. Doesn't mean the jokes are funny.
>more gay jokes
gets boring after a while and annoying. Rather watch actual gay porn
Mr. Satan has a gag? I thought they played him straight like how he is in the regular DBZ show.
>Suck it, Kale
I agree.
There should be a graph of episodes of abridged vs episode of DBZ/or DB Kai. I feel like they've slowed down considerable.
Cause you know, we don't have enough DBZ threads on Sup Forums right now, let alone this fucking failure of a fan series.
I agree we could use one more
God I miss PurpleEyesWTF. Also, TEAM DEATHMATCH
I compared it to how long it took the manga to tell the story, and I think they pretty consistently got half a volume to the episode throughout the Saiyan/Freeza sagas. Fuck knows how well they're doing now.
haha gay jokes
haha weed
haha more gay jokes
haha rehashed abuse jokes
Why did Yuyuhakusho abridged have to die for this shit?
I said this about World's Strongest but whomever they have animated original content? Needs to have his hands chopped off.
so this is basically youtube poop
A lot of my problems of the series actually started with this season or a little before.
The risk of going high-production with lots of new and experimental skits and writing sorta kill the spirit of being an abridge series long ago. From going overboard with all the musicals, completely new animated scenes and stills that make a skit and total overkill with the gay dende jokes.
It doesn't help that everyone from Youtube, Reddit and even heads in the western industry like Bamco and Funimation take note of them. It's boosting their ego from being a humble fan project to a small-time parody entertainment platform.
>A DBZ Abriged thread on Sup Forums and most of the posts are not screeching autism
Damn I guess you niggas have changed a lot in 5-6 years. I hope TFS gets back to a regular fucking schedule. Anyone know an eta for next ep?
>Anyone know an eta for next ep?
Sometime between never and when pigs fly.
That's because years ago, it was just harmless fun between comedians and fans. Nothing to discuss other than what sort of other abridge series would take shape from all the attention it had back then.
Now it tries to take on a personality and cashing in on a franchise that doesn't even belong to them. This isn't autism. It's banking on people WITH autism.
Fan work should never become a career
I think the main issue is that the Cell Games is hard to make jokes out of.
They'll hit their stride with the Buu Saga.
I suppose. Even the stuff with the androids the movies especially are pretty good.
I think the problem is less them making fun of cell and more....well they've basically been jerking him off since he became perfect
>Cell being better at being Piccolo than Piccolo always makes me laugh.
this was the best part
>Why did Yuyuhakusho abridged have to die for this shit?
dragonballs super hype is at max power they have to focus everything on dragonball see already making super references
Honestly they should stop after Cell because the writing is getting awful. Just keep doing the movies
>What do you think of the blonde wife-beating hillbilly's choice to make his son fight Cell?
He was entirely right
TFS is portraying it kinda bleakly in different ways. Gohan was already a fighter, he's already been put in these situations since he was young by choice, he's not just a nerd. Its not out of left field that he would fight here since this is also what he was training for all that time. And most importantly he was the strongest one there who could win. Goku was the only one who knew it, what he didn't know was that Gohan wouldn't be able to tap into that shit properly since it wasn't in his blood.
Its like a sports dad who takes his son to games, but didn't realize the son wasn't into the games, he was just going to spend time with him. Course they would portray it bleakly like this since this is the start of their "goku is a bad dad" memes. Pretty much all the other times they claim Goku "wasn't there for his son" he was dead, and it was in no way his fault. He was there for the first five or six years of Gohan's life straight.
Making money as a fan or parody product should be fine. It brings attention and love to a series. Comiket lives on sharing ideas and art between fans and even industry figures.
Parody is fine to profit from but TFS is becoming more of an entertainment brand the larger they grow over these years and by doing abridges almost all alone. Artists draw, write and distribute fan works of their own but some over others tend to branch off by making original content or going official, sometimes vice versa, when a known artist or writer makes a doujin usually under a different name for Comiket and other doujinshi events.
It's the scale that I'm looking at. And doing abridges just don't cut it. Especially with how much experimental and new ideas they seem to throw into this season when it just comes off that they're too afraid to jump off the DBZ franchise if it meant anyone of their original and targeted audience would just leave rather than finding a more dedicated and consistent audience.
I thought this one was a big step up from the previous episode and a pretty good one in general.
It's a comedy show. They really don't expect you to take it so seriously and you shouldn't.
The jokes are getting stale.
>goku/cell/dende being gay
>Satan in general
I get it, but this is where basically all the dragonball memes come from, and the memes start to be taken seriously or are just accepted as part of the discourse if they're repeated or they're catchy. They have some impact on discussion in the community for sure.
Goku is the worst dad is one that gets played up because of them. Piccolo being Gohan's dad was a meme, but that one eventually kinda stopped being a meme during Super. Super kinda turns the memes into realities too much. Its not quite flanderized I think, but it close.
Enjoyed the last ep, this one was a big step down. The DUDE WEED XD at the start didn't really help things and most of the jokes felt like they hadn't been revised at all, simply written and voiced.
Satan has really outstayed his joke, I shudder to think of how overplayed he'll be later in the Buu saga. At least the groups reactions to the Senzu bean was appropriately outraged and seeing loli Videl crush on Gohan was a nice touch.
A comedy doesn't also mean you're not allowed to take other themes and tone into consideration. Jintai is a comedy but it has subplots and development. It all comes back to being good writing.
Which is subjective. You could had DBZ Abridge or Jintai or both. The writers have a clear intention to insert a joke like that into the script but to how it was conveyed in entirely on the audience's behalf.
>Yea! Fuck Goku.
>They've fallen into the trap of other youtubers.
I think it's more that they want to be able to transition from being a one-trick pony into an actual gaming channel. A fairly wise move considering their whole project could go up in smoke if copyright laws were changed and of course DBZ is well past it's 'quality' material.
Too bad their only good gaming stuff was Bloodborne and Fallout.
>5 DBZ threads up
>including one unironically discussing abridged
Just delete this board already.
>that awful Videl at the end
Why even bother?
These abridged threads were always allowed in here.
Why do abridgers never announce that they're quitting? I think Faulerro was the only one, but everyone else just prefers leaving people hanging because otherwise no one would give a shit about following them.
Purpleeyes clearly stopped giving a shit by the last None Piece he put out. Which is a shame because Code MENT was one of the few 'internet-jokes' series that was actually any good.
I think SAO Abridged and this are the only above-serviceable stuff of the abridged series. Purpleeyes is done and YGOTAS is only going on because LK wants money and sank too much time into it to quit.
He also you know...healed Cell to full strength AND gave Cell a zenkai boost thanks to his saiyan cells.
Overall a weak episode.
-As others have mentioned, the gay Dende jokes are trite (not even remotely sure what prompted them to start that up in the first place).
-Really wish they had actually killed Satan off. I understand the plot constraints that would make it undesirable to do so, but his entertainment value peaked and shortly expired after Cell gave him that savage verbal smackdown. At this point he's just annoying when on screen, taking up time without actually contributing to the experience.
-I have no idea why they keep cramming in original animation when it's as jarring as it is. I wouldn't mind if it could be done without it being glaring, but neither the lines nor the coloration match. It looks like DeviantArt shit ffs.
-Most of the jokes felt flat, but I did like the bit where Cell is embracing the idea of Goku blowing up the earth, and I actually think they don't use the "Grant yells things at the giant television screen" gag enough.
Idk man, episodes are shorter yet quality has dropped. They really need to step up their game for the season finale, because I'm getting to the point where I'm no longer excited about new episodes.
I think the Abridge on Titan guy said he was done in a video.
When TFS aren't trying to be better than DBZ, they make some pretty good jokes and moments. Abridged Cell used to be great, like Freeza, but now they're getting a bit too used to sucking him off. Buu might be better since he's no one's favourite in the group, so there'll be less 'let's have him and Goku make out'.
>SAO abridged
It's amazing how they managed to give that series more narrative weight and character development than its actual progenitor.
What are your guys opinions on Bleach and UBW abridged? He finally updated too
My autism kicked in and I made something like a graph, based on some key episodes. Probably wrong in some ways since I got the episode numbers for Z from the wiki.
They went from averaging 3 and a half episode of Z per abridged episodes, down to 2 right after Trunks appears. It's probably this saga is feeling so drawn out.
Great episode
Can't wait until someone on youtube does edits of the "Yeah! Fuck Goku!" scene
It could really go very well with Black Goku moments, or some Goku from Universal Survival arc moments.
thanks senpai
To be honest, having more narrative weight and character development than SAO isn't exactly difficult
I wish he'd make more Naruto Abridged instead of videos about depression. The wrestling vids are ok.
Just a shame they'll all probably die of old age before they fucking get that far.
fuck me LK really rubs me the wrong way sometimes
I get he wants to discuss and talk about depression in a way to help people, but that's not what people are literally paying him to do now. The Mark Remark is fine I just wish he didn't make like 3 a month in contrast to the one ep of YGOTAS every three ish months
I liked the Videl segment I guess since it adds a form of continuity between her and Gohan, but it was so out of place and the animation sucked
>zenkai boost
He was tired, not near death.
>Blown in half
>Not near death
>-As others have mentioned, the gay Dende jokes are trite (not even remotely sure what prompted them to start that up in the first place).
He confessed to Gohan at the end of season 2, remember?
>up the editing time
>with current "editing" time we got 5 episodes last year
Can't wait for my annual episode of dbza
I figure that's the point though. He's supposed to be perfect, so he should be jerked off to.
He's about to fall from the throne though, and with the build-up, it has the potential to be great.
YGOTAS is the only good abridged series though.
Regeneration uses energy. He spend energy to regenerate.
Is Satan even a parody? He seems like a straight-up carbon copy of the actual Satan during the Cell Games.
Yeah, he is just a bit more Hulk Hogan'ish version of his normal self. If they wanted to add a twist they could make him an actual intellectual that puts even Gohan to shame (you could get some jokes out of that alone), reciting wiki articles to explain all the weird stuff happening during the fights. Either a smart guy posing as a wrestler for money and fame, or a result of head trauma after getting thrown into the mountain by Cell.
Yeah, I don't see him as a parody at all. Except the "Hail Satan" joke they did in the start.
No one ever seems to understand that digital can't replicate handdrawn scenes.
Fuck off back to /r/anime with this garbage.
They should probably stop after Cell since Buu saga was already a fucking joke
The episodes with Gotenks & Satan/Buu could pass with Teamfourstar
I think GT would be better to dub, since GT took itself seriously post black star saga, which makes it way more funny when they rip into it's flaws
*pass for teamfourstar
Don't they hate GT? Or was that the multiverse faggots?
More like, what prompted having a member of a monogender race that reproduces asexually wanting to be fucked in the ass as a gag
There's only hope for saoa s2 and HellsingA in terms of quality.