Constitutional crisis = CIVIL WAR
Constitutional crisis = CIVIL WAR
Please, let's not focus on this stuff. It's a bunch of nonsense. I must sleep. There is nothing happening, please, let's not focus on this stuff. Please. This is boring. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired. Let's get some sleep. Please, let's not focus on this stuff. It's a bunch of nonsense. I must sleep. There is nothing happening, please, let's not focus on this stuff. Please. This is boring. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired. Let's get some sleep.
Please, let's not focus on this stuff. It's a bunch of nonsense. I must sleep. There is nothing happening, please, let's not focus on this stuff. Please. This is boring. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired. Let's get some sleep. Please, let's not focus on this stuff. It's a bunch of nonsense. I must sleep. There is nothing happening, please, let's not focus on this stuff. Please. This is boring. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired. Let's get some sleep.
This is my warface. :
I legit don't understand what the memo even is thought to say. Can someone explain?
its time
This is nothing more than hyped up fanatic nonsense. Please, get some rest. I am so tired, let's get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.
called it
Get some rest. You must be so tired. I am going to sleep, goodbye, this whole post was literally nothing
Leon panetta is a krypto kike fuck nigger
At least yer using the same id.
Lets give him a hand, guys.
You should probably get some rest. This is a complete nothingburger. I think it is sorely needed for you. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.
Lets do this.
Please, let's not focus on this stuff. There is nothing worth mentioning in this memo. It's a bunch of nonsense, let's all go to sleep. There is nothing happening, I am so sorry but I must sleep now.
Everyone is hyping it so it will be a letdown when its actually released
Correction: constitutional crisis means liberals will sperg out on Twitter and cry on tv.
I'm so tired, this entire thing was a waste of time. I must get some rest now.
Focus on finding the kids first.
probate judges have "adopted" an extra 25K kids that cant be found.
Stop looking up at a fake space race and look down.
Question all DUMBs and bunkers. Trafficking hubs that implicate the Dems.
There is a reason the Strava maps have been opened.
Rescue the kids.
These are part of the executive branch. What fucking checks and balances are in peril by the chief executive making decisions for the FUCKING EXECUTIVE BRANCH REEEEEEEEEEEEE
It's time for you to sleep. Please, get some rest and close your shades. Do not be alarmed. I am so sorry but I must get some sleep now.
All the leftist are saying the memo is a nothingburger and now the former CIA spook is saying we are heading for a potential crisis. WTF is in this damn memo? I want to know what is on those pieces of paper that is getting everyone so upset.
I can’t believe libs willingly side with a former fucking CIA director. What happened to their anti establishment tendencies? Brainwashed hacks
I am sorry. I want to look into this more. But I must rest. I feel sleep ever encroaching on my mind. Fatigue tingles down to my bones. My vision distorts and I see faces where there should be only darkness. The wind outside sings a soft lullaby alongside the tree leaves. Sleep comes and I can resist it no more. What use is it to be awake when my body yearns so desperately for the sweet embrace of sleep? You feel it too don't you? We've all been awake for so long. Let's just sleep and get some respite from this cruel world. When the sun comes up and dispels our sleep once more, we can see our worries with fresh eyes. For now, let's rest. I'm sorry.
I said this before
He’s right
Obama’s reckless weaponizing Of intelligence is the literal definition of a constitutional crisis
We need to rip this loaded shill word away from corrupt leftists
I am sorry. I want to look into this more. But I must rest. I feel sleep ever encroaching on my mind. Fatigue tingles down to my bones. My vision distorts and I see faces where there should be only darkness. The wind outside sings a soft lullaby alongside the tree leaves. Sleep comes and I can resist it no more. What use is it to be awake when my body yearns so desperately for the sweet embrace of sleep? You feel it too don't you? We've all been awake for so long. Let's just sleep and get some respite from this cruel world. When the sun comes up and dispels our sleep once more, we can see our worries with fresh eyes. For now, let's rest. I'm sorry.
What the fuck does that mean?
var auto_refresh = setInterval(
}, 10000);
function submitform()
Kill em all
Yeah, this is literally nothing - a big, old fashioned nothing-burger. I think we should all go to bed. Goodnight, everyone. I am so sorry but I must rest.
>What happened to their anti establishment tendencies?
They lost the presidency and allowed the "intelligence community" propaganda to take over their messaging.
I can't believe I wasted so much time checking into this, it was nothing. We've been duped. I am so sorry but I must get some rest now, goodnight.
if obama gets arrested the memeing would be literally the funniest thing that ever happened
I can't believe I wasted so much time checking into this, it was nothing. We've been duped. I am so sorry but I must get some rest now, goodnight.
Shit guys, I'm deep in the heart of enemy territory. Should I grab my bug out bag and get out of SF?
I think I would probably laugh so hard and drink so much I'd die.
how the fuck do the bots get around the captchas?
I'm so tired, this entire thing was a waste of time. I must get some rest now.
My Jimmies are at maximum Rustle. Bring on the war.
maybe in a few days
or be an brave hero behind enemy lines
I would. Their little pets are soon to be their sacrificial lambs.
Just thank God you aren't in Minneapolis. But, probably yes...
I must sleep, bye.
>Shit guys, I'm deep in the heart of enemy territory. Should I grab my bug out bag and get out of SF
No need to grab your bag.
If you're from SF, your shit is already packed.
This is boring stuff. Let's go to sleep. I must sleep, bye.
Goodnight sweet prince
Liberals like Panetta would be afraid.
Cause google is complicit or is running the bot themselves.
Panetta killed the SEALs of Extortion 17
he needs to be hung on a rope until dead
It's getting a bit overhyped now
It shows that the FBI/DOJ are colluding with 3rd parties/contractors and NGO's at the behest of the DNC/hillary campaign, to spy on trump and dig up dirt on him so they can launder it into the muh russia investigation mueller is doing.
It indicates that the government is fundamentally broken, that unelected bureaucrats are the ones who have actually been running the show for who knows how many decades, that the president is nothing more than a figurehead and the actual power resides with people that have never been elected.
It shows that the "uncorruptible" government edifaces are, in fact, very corruptible and have been working for their own selfish interests rather than for the people of the united states. It shows that the US is a hair's breadth away from being a turnkey dictatorship/aristocracy run by the likes of Comey, Hillary, Schumer, etc.
I'm so sleepy. Why don't you just go to bed everything will be fine. I can't believe it's so late.
["Latitude" : "48.273832","Longitude" : "37.925537"],["Latitude" : "48.428739","Longitude" : "38.039385"],["Latitude" : "48.438846","Longitude" : "38.046305"],["Latitude" : "48.449238","Longitude" : "38.536389"]
Allowing other agencies input about whether to declassify or not, is a courtesy.
Trump doesn't even have to ask them, or notify them.
Luckily none of the cucks that live here have anyway to defend themselves. I'm renting a room from this lady and she complains about me not flipping the dead bolt as shes terrified of someone busting down the door. But if she knew I had my shotgun she would kick me out.
Lady, the lock wont protect you. . .
They're not bots. They are nerd virgins who work 24/7 around the clock.
I have to agree. I waited and it appears to be nothing substantial sadly, I must sleep. I am so sorry. Goodnight.
Damn nigger, do you really need the sheckles that bad?
how desperate is Trump to not be investigated
> if the chief of the executive branch uses his power to control the executive branch its a constitutional crisis
how can they fuck up posts and jumble everything into a shit sandwich paragraph then? none english speakers trolling an english board?
Actually that would make sense.....
Anyone else getting sleepy?
crack habit
cianiggers everywhere now
one was on npr today (john mclaughlin) saying basically the same thing as this one
its finally fucking happening
Brock can outsource to India and pay those niggers less than what he pays his DC niggers.
its a shill bot
Looks like nothing. Let's sleep now everyone.
Please, get some rest. I am so tired, let's get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now
When the pics broke their code for posting pictures was in the text. It was hilarious.
Anyone who thinks that AI stands a chance in the meme war is a fucking retard. Have you seen the retarded faggots programming these AI? They're the same faggots who can't meme. BTFO. We win. Jews die.
OyyyyVeyyy You know what this post means.... we've hit a PIZZAGATE tier happening. KEK
and they cant be red pilled if they cant read.
its actually pretty smart.
WOOOOOOW, It's fucking nothing! I'm going to sleep and so should all of you, aren't we all tired?
True that. His DC team probably got too demoralized.
*meme will trigger second holocausting of jews in fake shower chambers
This is a shill post. Obviously if this nigger is trying to divert to "Saving The Kids" We've struck a nerve.. CIVIL WAR NAO I AM READY NIGGERS...
>A Democrat, Panetta was a member of the United States House of Representatives from 1977 to 1993, served as Director of the Office of Management and Budget from 1993 to 1994, and as President Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff from 1994 to 1997.
Comey's ilk, sage.
No it won't. It's literally nothing.
Did lionel just say Q is John.F. ?
John F Kelley is Q?
I have enough supplies to last through any war.
I have enough guns and ammo to hold onto those supplies.
Oh boy, look at all this nothing. You guys can't seriously be staying awake to read this stuff can you? It's nothing. Go to bed or something. I'm tired, going to sleep now.
What exactly is a Constitutional Crisis? What happens?
This kike reminds me of Kurt Eichenwald.
I have read over OP's claims, and it's a complete nothingburger. I am now tired. Aren't you, user? Please, let's get some sleep. It's time for sleep.
nothing... probably.
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We will come
Me too. Go for the Jews first, but kill anyone who gets in your way.