Is he our Churchill?
Is he our Churchill?
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chirchill was against the ethnostate
trump appears to support a wall for israel and also a wall for usa. so hes not Churchill.
No, he's our Caligula.
I dont think trump is nearly as hateful or eloquent as churchill
Why would anyone want another Churchill?
Well then if he's our Adolf then who is the world's Churchill?
Churchill was a drunken piece of shit who admitted he enjoyed sending young men to their deaths on the battlefield. fuck him.
He's our Andrew Jackson, just without the swords, dueling pistols, heroic war record, and horse.
He's is our champion.
Caligula was the Original Reality TV Star of all time
And you wonder why the entire world sees Americans as ignorant.
Who is in the wrong here?
Wait till he slaughters the wrong pig.
Joe Scarborough
Closer to King Alfred.
Wouldn't your Andrew Jackson be...Andrew Jackson?
>the entire world sees Americans as ignorant.
Churchill was a kike puppet warmonger so, no.
>Well then if he's our Adolf then who is the world's Churchill?
some fat kike piece of shit who should be gassed
as an american, i spend no time wondering about anything about america
The West is the Best.
P.S. Haiti is a shithole.
Study Judaism. Trump is a prophet. When people get decadent, one man shall arise to remind the people that they've grown decadent. Trump's a prophet.
>Is he our Churchill?
Are you suggesting Churchill was a good guy?
His choices fucked Europe for centuries.
He(Churchill) is in the same boat as FDR.
So far, he is looking like a conservative JFK but more brains and balls.
>fat, spoiled, reality tv, wildly unpopular neocon boomer that never experienced any kind of hardship in his life
No. Trump is the Weimar president, the prelude to our Churchill. The spark that will light the fuse of the true savior.
There IS something very inspiring about trump. I mean, just hear how he speaks.
This senpai, Churchill fucked not only The Third Reich, but England as well. And for what?
Fuck Churchill. Most of Sup Forums except delusional brit idiots hate that fat drunken war mongerer
It's weird that when you hear him say it, it makes sense. When its written, its a mess.
Jupiter is our guy.
Just you wait.
He ordered gas attacks more than once while hammered, luckily the RAF had the good sense to tell him 'the winds are unfavourable' or whatever.
Considering the Germans had developed Sarin, et al, I'd probably be typing in German now. I'm endlessly triggered that we have his fat face on our new fiver note.
>He was too drunk to re-make his speeches on the bbc as often as not, so the famous voice everyone knows is actually an impersonator.
you'll soon be typing in arabic or pakistani because of that drunk piece of shit
No, I believe he decide to stop the rapefugees because France are in no shape to gib them anymore means.
And by investigate the jews, France need more money now, because all the gib gib gib.
I believe his endgame will be, nothing.
Business as usual, France getting flow by diversity, white french die out, and end with a 3rd world France.
He's not a war criminal
>Is he our Churchill?
In the sense that he'll go to war with the good guys and sell his race out to the Jews?
Yes, yes he is.
Na, the worm has turned mate. My leftie cousin with a huge circle of leftie friends got a single pity like on facebook for a refugee poem she posted.
She's educated left too, not retard normie tier.
The guy that mowed down the Muslims was sentenced today, the news coverage a transparent psy-op same as Brexit negotiations. Relentless fucking virtue signalling bullshit, none shall escape. So he killed one already dead sandnigger, what about peter sweden's twitter feed x10 everyone is now exposed to daily.
The housewives are hardening.
We're ready and have fat reserves for at least 2 winters.
Brace yourself son. All that 1990's shit is over.
he actually had an order to use it if the germans landed.
Was a fucker desu. Almost a British nationalist but he destroyed his nation like every other european leader in that era. Morons the whole lot.
Trump is basically a modern day Andrew Jackson except instead of cucking the supreme court, he's cucking all the hawaiian and californian activist judges
No you fucking faggot, he is our God-Emperor Trump.
Churchill was shit
>Giving Germans the benefit of the doubt.
America saw its chance and stabbed its Father to death. Assisted by whispering jews of course.
It's easy to assign blame after all these years, and that blame should go to the yellow star. But the US & Europe were fucking idiots, dollar signs blinding them the gravestones.
They embraced their true enemy, usury, and now usury is why the 3rd world has to wash over us in the minds of those same 'elites'.
We talk about every shade of nigger pinko & feminist. When was the last thread about usury & its historical context? It's the real reason the kikes were booted out of town isn't it?
Remove usury & the villain is entirely de-fanged. He must progress on his merits.
Anyway, back to the high drama of someone turning a camera off.