Dragon Ball Super

Episode titles leaked:
>DBS104 - For the sake of the universe! Gohan's new power!
(August 13th)
>DBS105 - The decisive battle! Gohan vs Jiren!
(August 20th)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is she so pure?

you have to post them on 2chan and in japanese in order to fool the americunts

I fooled these guys for weeks with my 5 fake episode titles. People were on other sites using my leaks claiming Goten and Trunks would have 2 filler episodes

This fandom is dumb

nappa is a pedro

This is bullshit, right?

Bumblebee gohan confirmed?

No. Columbine Gohan.

Why is she upset?

Broly was hitting on Caulifla.

fuck dubfags and fuck funimatoin

What's his secret? How is he able to have such a qt3.14 android waifu, considering he's a balding midget with 6 fucking pimples on his forehead?

>Gohanfag op
>Pan hentai in the last thread

Fucking pottery


Please stop this shit.
No more transformations, ever.

pure shit

Yes. It was a fight. That's what monkeys do.

>Pretending to be important enough that more than 10 people out of millions "fell" for your titles

You make it sound cute.

So what are the chances that 2 or 3 years down the line we get a Super Dragonball FighterZ with characters from this upcoming tournament

Like my boy Niggerishi

Frost had better step up and clean Universe 6 from these filthy monkeys. By now he could even learn from Lord Freeza how to do it.


You just don't want to admit you were dumb enough to fall for obvious joke titles.

He is Toriyama self insert (adult Gohan is also a self-insert)

>I tricked people, I'm so clever! I'm important!
>N-Nevermind it was just a joke, I didn't even mean it

Another Gohanfag pedo? Really though?

piccolo is the self insert

My dream is a crossover of FighterZ and D.C. Universe but WB wouldn't never do this when they have NRS

Are you autistic? I specifically said you don't have to be clever to fool this stupid fanbase.
And huh? Of course it was a joke you moron. I made fake titles as a joke and your dumbass believed them.

That's why Broly is all beat up, and why Kale is mad.

Frost can't. Too busy taking the donuts.

Given the reception at E3, DBFZ will probably be a big seller and maybe even get a place at EVO if its popularity sticks. The typical fighting game sequel/update that mostly expands the roster and lengthens the subtitle would be a given.

>>N-Nevermind it was just a joke, I didn't even mean it
????? He never said he didn't mean it, are you ok user?

Murata just drew Raditz.


Reminder that Som Goku is beautiful.

Sorry, but gohan hair is staying black.
But he will get TWO bangs

Reminder that Son Gohan is beautiful.

All that growing had to go somewhere.




>Goten's fucking face

No. Goku belongs to Chi-Chi.

He can have both

Pretty good.

She would turn into the legendary super human, wouldn't she?

Reminder that the final 3 will be Goku, Freeza and Jiren.

Poly is a meme.

That man is a godsend.


Where can I find the Super manga, now that Nyaa is dead?

Also, what chapter/episode of the anime starts off where resseruction of F ends or where they start to diverge if the anime/manga changed those events?


It'll be at evo for sure, just hope the game comes out more then a few months before evo happens or it'll have the same thing that happened with Pokken where the game was so new nobody really knew how to play it correctly and the FGC gives up on it due to thinking it's trash as a result.

for the sake of the universe...the true hero finally awakens and makes a return...

Nyaa is back user
But I just use reddit

leave the robots to me


>This fucking teams

I already love this arc.

>That guy in front of Magetta

Looks cool as fuck

Oolong counterpart?

He's all grown up!

Looks like Ganondorf beast form to me

That neck could probably feed a starving village for a day.

This still cracks me up.


So Gohan is gonna job, AGAIN.
Holy shit, I bet being a Gohanfag is suffering.


front left

That's what i wanted

Is that boar guy the last u6 member, or do they have one slot left? I can't remember.

I mean there is 8 guys on the pic so 2 more

I forgot to mention I'm assuming the Yardat is from U6. I guess they have one slot left.

Is the shadow that is closer to Caulifla and the other is a Namekian

Bottom right will fuck someone up.

>Where can I find the Super manga
Mangastream and Viz. These are also the only English translations available

Raditz is my favorite design. Too bad he never appears again.

Only dick she's getting is Champa's fat one, get over it already. He's stronger than Goku too anyway.

He's dead user


Who's this to the right of Frieza?

What about Califags?

I can't believe Champa got Iron Tager to join the team

>Ganondorf beast form
Ganondorf "beast form" is called "Ganon" you idiot

Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

some Hero OC

There's 2 guys behind Hit. The guy on his left between his elbow and waist look like he has a namekian ear.


the super characters are the least popular characters in every db game they appear in

Top manga boss battles

1# - vs Piccolo Jr.
2# - vs base Freeza
3# - vs King Piccolo
4# - vs merged Zamasu
5# - vs Hit
6# - vs Perfect Cell
7# - vs kid Boo

>The guy on his left between his elbow and waist look like he has a namekian ear.
That'd be pic related.

More Launch?

I wish.

>Episode 96: The young park rangers! Goten and Trunks' new responsibilities!
>Episode 97: An animal missing!?!? Goten's determination!
>Episode 98: To the battleground! Let's start the Tournament of Power!
>Episode 99: Universe 7 in danger! Dicasty gets suspended!
>Episode 100: For the Universe! The Tournament begins!

Those guys are taller than Caulifla, i really doubt that a Yardat is that tall

better than the lesbians desu

Yardats would be a good choice for this tournament. Fusion Dance and Instant Transmission are pretty broken.

>Buff Agumon
>Another Digimon lookalike with horn
>Star Wars alien
>Space Diablo

>Hit, Cabba and Frost in front
>Jiren in front
You know what it means? It means that Jiren can solo the three.

He didn't learn the fusion dance from the yardrats.
He learned it from a dead race of aliens in the afterlife.

snap! well met, user

But Pokken actually is trash. Nothing new about it. Nuetral is non existent in 2d phase you just roll the dice and hope you guessed right and go into your max damage combo. It was also on a trash console that required 2 monitors and 2 consoles to play properly. Maybe the Switch release will help it but that doesn't change it's just overall a bad game. Arms looks way better.

As for DBF it's Arcsys with an intent to be competitive. They know what they're doing so at worst we'll see a few obvious top tiers that still show off high level yomi and mind games.

>Arms looks way better.
Arms is the slowest looking arena fighter I've ever seen, I like it's general aesthetic but none of the trailers for it look appealing to me. Virtual On just needs to come back already so people know how that genre should be like.

Can Boo come back and just blow up everything including heaven? Battle of Gods, I thought, was on bad fanfiction level. Why did it get a series?

How come nobody is complaining about this:
It's already bean established that Universe 7 is superior to Universe 6 because they beat them at the tournament (which was supervised by Zeno sama himself), and U7's Hakaishin is stronger than U6's Hakaishin.
Now what kind of mental gymnastic should I use to reach a conclusion that U6 is above U7.
>Toei animations as it's finest