Why does she spill spaghetti so much?
Imagine how fun it would be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.
Best boy.
junko a cute!
What a cute murderer.
White Queen is the least cute and attractive girl ever.
Because she thinks in the T all the time.
t. Kyousuke
We can go cuter
No, you can't.
Why would you lie to naive young anons on the internet? Enbi is the pinnacle.
Why are you shilling your waifu so desperately by comparing her to every other girl and calling her le "True Best Girl"? Are you insecure because of how much enbi and zashiki warashit are irrelevant? Because your posts always reek of "p-please guys I n-need attention for m-my w-waifu".
Seems like an odd accusation from someone spamming Mikoto.
The ironing.
What are some other anime girls that drop their spaghetti frequently in front of chads?
How so?
I want her to spill spagetti while she's sitting on my face.
After so many fucking years, the same old question, seriously OP?
Imagine how fun it would be to get manhandled by her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things for her to bend me over and fuck me on.
I don't care about Mikoto's shitty school girl feelings. Such a retarded waste of her character.
Why isn't she the protagonist of Railgun?
Lolidom is for patricians
>yfw I just realized this girl is from a lewd idol anime instead of a slice of life anime about cute girls in the country side
Look at this shit taste.
Did you even watched the series?
Will she turn into a fairy and sit on Toumas other shoulder?
>Not lewd
Did you?
Because she knows she's irrelevant and replaceable.
Such a shame she didn't beat him up and turn him into a vegetable back then.
There's no way she could have done that. He just casually dodged her lightening spears drunk. After beating Fiamma there's no way he could job to someone like her.
Manga Spoiler in 24 hours
RAW at June 27, 2017
(probably at 11:00 AM, Tokyo - Japan Standart Time)
『アクセル・ワールド/デュラル マギサ・ガーデン』
『機動戦士Zガンダム外伝 審判のメイス』
『JC no Life!』
『とある科学の超電磁砲外伝 アストラル・バディ』
『とある魔術の禁書目録外伝 とある科学の一方通行』
『とある魔術の禁書目録外伝 とある科学の超電磁砲』
『魔法科高校の劣等生 夏休み編』
Hype or (have) some to surprise?
and this probably nothing,..
I checked the Japanese Index NT 18 MAD video.
I don't see any hints on Index NT 18 about Hamazura who is going to be appearing in the next stage.
Did I miss out something or there is a mistranslation?
Some game collaborations (again)
but they mention JCSTAFF
I've seen a few screenshots of lolis as idols posing on the floor. It's pretty lewd.
Why do they whore out Raildex to "collab" with lesser properties?
Hamazura is with Aneri. That is the hint.
I hope my shitposting didn't do anything severe to our meme magick.
>Will helps Touma from falling into despair
Fucking nice
because the app market is saturated as shit and if the owners/publishers of the IP can recoup some free money with minimal effort, then why not? It's not like it damages the brand.
If I get this Get through sheer dumb luck, all of you are legally obligated to praise Hamazura every day until Index 3 airs.
You fail again, Aleister.
Why do you all make pointless threads so much?
Fuck it, I also try to use meme magick on our thread(not raildex), but it off by one.
>not the French Femme Fatale, the Holy woman of Versailles
Would Mikoto be cuter with a different hairstyle?
With ponytail, maybe.
Salome a pile of shit
Maids are for lewd, nyaa.
It's because Touman and IT are bullies.
It's cute when girls spill their spaghetti. Cringey when boys do it. Double standard, but what can you do.
Top kek. She mind controlled a 150 of those things all at the same time and wrecked them all the second Touma dispelled her control. Five_Overs are junk.
Well, atleast someone got it right.
A cat is fine, too.
Mikoto is too pure
She did look cute in her casual outfit in the sisters arc.
Pure slut.
As she does with this outfit aswell.
I disagree
Why would you willingly do this? She's spoiled as fuck.
Aleister wouldn't say that about his favorite goddess of love and embodiment of Heaven.
meh, I had a small gf before. You realize that you want a fat ass and larger boobs eventually. There's nothing to do with a small girl. I guess it helps that I'm strong enough to man handle most girls, but a small one just doesn't have the goods. Plus a small mouth meant it was easy for teeth to scrape your dick. Worst feeling ever, I thought it might feel okay at first, but you quickly realize it's horrible the second it happens.
They should put Kirino into a game with her again. Let the true S-tier fighter handle Accelerator, Saints, Magic gods, etc.
C'mon, this meme is not even funny now.
Nine eleven =D
Speaking of which I wonder if they plan to add more characters to the DB game. Kyousuke would for right into a fighter.
Kyousuke with his alternate costume (License-less Rider)?
Misaki a pile of shit
I want Rikou to get cheated on
Would Frenda suck horsecock for money?
That wouldn't make any sense, Kyousuke and LLR have almost nothing in common
But touma is cute when she spaghettis