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God damn those insectoid rice mongers


It was supposed to do that

Just give me a date to put in my calendar I don't even care

Is anyone on It? Did they abandon their astronauts in an extreme lack of empathy and stay true to chink norms?

TFW this takes out Mecca.

why is chinese engineering always so mediocre?

Yeah its better that they burn up on re entry, then stay up their floating around as potential future hazards (Space junk)

i don't get it how do things come down from orbit


>wat is gravity

Where's it looking like to land fellas?

Hows auckland today chang?

These things do happen, ya know...

What are you retarded? Gravity. Orbit is basically just falling around the Earth.

How's Otara Sione?

Even though they are "in space", there is still some atmosphere up there. Over time, the air particles will add drag to the station, slowing it down, thus reducing the orbital height. As the orbit gets closer to earth, the air density increases so the deorbiting speeds up exponentially. The ISS needs "stationkeeping" burns every so often to combat the drag.


This, those answering simply "gravity" are dumb

Do you really expect people who rub grasshoppers on their dicks and snort baboon teeth for penis enlargement to understand the basic concept of gravity? Christ they can't build something without it falling down after five minutes.

>this takes out Mecca
That is actualy possible, although unlikely.
Its inclination is 42,77°, Mekka is about 21,25° north so it travels over Mekka every few orbits.

>in b4 it crashes into US

That is possible as well, just like Skylab crashed into Australia.

Damn near everything comes back down some day.
This happened to Skylab, Mir and everything that stays within the radiation protection granted by Earth.
The ISS has thrusters to prevent this descent, it does a burn for stationkeeping once in a while.
But then again, they intend to keep the ISS there forever.
The Chinese didn't.

>they intend to keep the ISS there forever
They cerntainly don't, the ISS is due to be deorbited in 2025, it's life can be extended but it won't last more than a few more decades at most.

It's just banter

So was Skylab desu senpai

uh oh
sum ting wong dis time

So, multiple sattelite re-entries are being blamed on a space station huh?

I thought it was a "Bus sized meteor" that "was going to break up" before re-entry?




Are people retarded? This is normal.

Shit we need more details.
Does it show up on the usual satellite tracker?
Place your bet

Fuck off lutefisk nigger. It isn't our fault you and your cousins to the east are slant eyed hollows wandering aimlessly through life.

It was meant to be the first piece of a large station like the ISS you tard, they would have slowly attached more parts to it, but they lost control of it for some reason

Dude, this is a prototype that exceeded its orbit life by a few years, it's supposed to go down. Google it, don't confirm yourself to be an idiot

I heard China bombed one of their satellites with an illegal intercontinental missile. Some astrology organization caught it