Stop being racist
Stop being racist
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>including factual arguments in your meme
Your shilling wrong mate
Or else?
Stop being not white.
Noggers gonna nig and i keep on hating.
Fucking whitefags get out
It thinks it can persuade people to not be racist with a very weak straw man. Very interesting I will note that
On the subway today, I overheard four niggers talking shit towards a lone soyboy wearing doc martens because he was wearing doc martens. They were relentless. If it was one of them by themselves, they wouldn't have said shit. They're cowards. This is the shit that makes me racist.
>four people said mean things so I hate the billion+ that vaguely look like them
So this is the genius of whiteys everywhere
Another straw man. What is it doing? Does it not realize sociology has already showed the low IQs of Africans? Does it not know that molecular genetic analysis already proved what people have thought about race all along?
We gonna steal your wimmin, bl*Ck boi. Them negresses be wantin our BVC. Big Viking Cock. How can bl*Ck subhumans even compete?
We gonna plunder the booties of them ebony princesses, bl*Ck boi! Bl*Ck bitches belong to us now!
Are you stupid or something?
>sociology has already showed the low IQ of Africans
What does this even mean. "African" isn't a genetic group. Sources please
KARA BOǦA will smite you tiny peenor
>what are stereotypes
You missed the boat at the most basic level, my dude.
There is no evidence for racial equality.
I will also leave this here
Where did he get that bad ass t-shirt
>famous black science man
Walk the plank, you filthy T*rk.
Yes it fucking is. The biggest threshold in human biological variation is between non-Africans and Africans. There’s different ethnicities of Africans, but they’re still an obvious group that anyone who isn’t autistic can identify. And also science overwhelmingly supports it.
>i actually beat up niggers when they pass me lmaooo
Imagine being so stupid that you lump all of human genetic diversity into "africans" and "non africans"
And by the way mister pseudo science, africans have the biggest genetic diversity within themselves whereas the rest of the world is rather similar. This goes hand in hand with out of africa theory
Nice shill thread have some red pills
Racists are always insecure people with low IQ.
Look at the smartest people on the planet, the scientists, the inventors, the big business owners, the philosophers, and pretty much every truly respected person alive right now. None of them are racist. But the fat guy in the wife beater with a dead end job and a pickup truck, yep, he's racist.
Have a nice day, assholes
Imagine just how bootyblasted you'd even have to be to put together an image like that
Are you retarded? The reason there’s the most genetic separation from Africans and non Africans is because Sub-Saharan Africans have been an isolated population the longest. 70,000 years ago there were only 2 populations of homosapiens. Non-Africans and Africans. Then west asians broke off. And about 28,000 years ago East Asians and Europeans broke off. Are you really so fucking autistic that you’re going to deny anthropological records and what biology geneticists say. This is why I hate liberals. They go into liberal arts and don’t get a real fucking education.
Why are you so assblasted and continue to refuse to post sources
everybody likes their own kind more than other races.
even true for nignogs, which is kinda funny considering the amount of black on black violence and homicides
Common sense tells me that if you're going to be wearing a swastika, at least look intimidating. Didn't even try to defend himself or project dominance at the first sign of a chimp-out. Doesn't matter where you are politically or what you believe about race: we all know that black people chimp out and don't control themselves. Which is why saying "nigger" around them sends them into a violent frenzy. It's like teasing a dog that's just looking for an excuse to bite.
You want a source? How about you take an actual corse instead of getting all your information from online articles. You do realize I would have to link over 50 sources to back everything I’m saying. It’s academic knowledge. I’m not going to tutor you in a year of education, which you ultimately will probably deny anyway.
>despite being 12% of the population
It's also important to note that black MEN are the ones who commit all the crimes, and are 6% of the population.
So 6% of the population is committing over half the murders.
If you're not going to provide a source then I'm not going to listen to your opinion (opinion, not fact)
What you want is some second hand source from an online article. You don’t want to actually read any first hand sources yourself. If you want a source go to an edu. There’s 1,000’s of studies you can read. I’m not going to gather them for you if you won’t take my word for it.
This is retarded logic. If you want people to believe you then you provide the source. "Durr do your own research" means nothing to me since I believe the opposite of what you believe
Maybe this is why nobody is a nazi anymore, you retards don't know how to persuade
The only legible thing in the thumbnail is FUCK NIGGERS.
But I hate non-whites with a passion.
I’m not trying to persuade you. I’m just telling you you’re uneducated. How the fuck do you think you’re supposed to learn 30 years worth of scientific progression by one source. At best I could find an online article describing what I’m saying. This is the best I’m willing to do for you.
There’s some sources at the bottom.
Leftypol raid
Some of you faggot will hail Hitler by the end of the month
Don't tell me what to do.
Counter raid of r_leftypol when?
Please return to your respective land of birth.