Post your Comey salt
Comey is FBI user retard
What a fucking weasel
>talking shit about Mcarthy
Fuck you fuck you fuck you
>quoting yourself
>writing and speaking about ethical leadership
Ego and pride
>lol that kooky joe mccarthy what the hell did he know
>literal commies now freely fly the communist flag in our universities; communism has become a tolerable political ideology to hold whereas fascism will get you blackballed from society
What did McCarthy even do wrong? Literally nothing. Everyone he accused was literally a communist piece of shit.
>railing against a guy known for being obsessively anti-communist
he's such a tremendous faggot
i can't believe that fucking retard was the fbi director. same goes for bobby anthrax mueller. they must just make moron yes men that look like ghouls fbi directors
No. Comey is a worthless traitor.
nice try shill
He's so strangely egoistic despite his goofy exterior. Likely why he and Trump were incompatible.
Remember he said he was scared of Trump? Fuck this faggot
Motherfucker quoted himself? AHAHAHA
That name looks faggot tier
t. Me
it's afraid
>t. Me
He's mentally retarded, yet somehow full of himself at the same time.