Shingeki No Kyojin

annie did nothing wrong

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Annie stinks very bad and her fans apparently stink even more.

She has a Jew nose.

She got captured

I think what you meant to say is:
Annie is love.
Annie is life.
Annie is a miracle of the universe.
Annie may have done some things wrong, but she is still a beautiful person inside and out.


This is a hobo.

This is a clean up hobo.

i love annie


What a whore

That nose isn't Jew enough.

was there a chapter I missed where the hobo really is Eren or is it still just the headcanon running wild

>looks just like my ex

What is he planning?


>nose that round

His world's equivalent of the fall of Rome. Which didn't actually have much planning to it, so if I had to put a word to his plans, it'd be just plain liberation.

That nose needs to be 20 times bigger, then it'll look like Annie
This guy got it right, this season was infinitely better than the last one mainly because of all the focus on the side characters, and Eren not having a big part in the first half.

kissu the hobo

>Tfw normies all love EM
Feels good.

Given the fact that he was present in 93 and then an actual focus point in 94 while conveniently hiding his face, it's a very fair assumption hobo is Eren. Manlet is too malnourished to grow taller, and we don't know of anyone else alive that could possibly match hobo's profile at this point in time. The contention is if Eren is alone in Marley and if he is under Paradis orders or not.

Is chapter 95 translated yet?

Yes, I can't believe that Eren raped Gabi in front of Reiner.

Annie is made for Bert cock


Do raws seriously leak this early? I didn't think it was ever more than a week prior to release

>annie did nothing
You got that one right. She basically didn't do anything notable. Why do people like her so much, anyway ?

Eren is an OK character at best, he got slightly better during uprising but was a huge faggot during rts. My problem with him is how bland and uninteresting he is. He is so unbelievably generic and annoying, but I do like how he admitted that he was basically a nobody in the grand scheme of things, but 4th wall breakage isn't enough to make him interesting or likeable for me. It does kind of suck though, being an uninteresting MC in a series where all the side characters are better pretty much means that no one will care about you.

>Why do waifufags overreact over their waifu?
Where do you think we are?


This was Annie's finest act, right? BTFOing the most blatant waifubait character in the series (except maybe Mikasa)

Eren is up there with Kirito and Shinji with how horrendously boring they are. It really shows this season.

>all the side characters are better
You really overestimate the side characters, yeah there are some really entertaining and compelling ones but most are really one-note or completely irrelevant.

>anime only

Evil Armin right here

Reminder that Floch did nothing wrong.

I miss Erwin.

the anime is literally the manga, but animated you contrarian hipster

No, I read the manga. He's boring as fuck. Hoberen could end up being slightly interesting but he's pretty much already solidified his place as one of my least favorite characters of all time.

Maybe he should have said something reasonable instead of going on about shit like demons and hell.

>The rest of the titans get killed by a massive log

It's all there, user.

Hanji and the convenient bottle for getting hard were the true MVPs all along

>probably got his leg blown off trying to put the armband on the wrong arm

yeah, it's definitely him

He did get it blown off digging trenches, but the armband was just there to show us something was off with the guy.

That was the most beautiful emotional moment between two characters in the entire series.
I hope nothing but happiness for them.

Shredded big girl with affectionate karate.

I mean his character was practically made to be hated, and it sure worked.

>big girl
She's tiny, user.

Is there new episode today?

Reminder that Armin will try to eat Eren and be unstoppable so Eren will send back his memories to the serum moment and Eren will give the serum to Erwin.

Just let it go, we are stuck with the colossal coconut stu and Erwong will remain dead

I would love this, just to show how mistaken any Arminwank is.

Post daddy kruger art here

I think it's almost definitely Eren at this point. In chapter 93 I had my doubts, but he appeared again in 94 and interacted with Falco. Falco even pointed out the wrong armband so that's definitely strange. Any Eldian living there would know the proper armband position. So he had to have come from somewhere else. Plus unlike the other cripples he didn't panic at the bomb sounds made by that guy. The only questions is why is Eren here? I bet he's after Zeke for his royal blood. That's about the only thing that makes sense.

This man is my husbando. I would turn homosexual for him any day.

My point is between anime end and hobo time, Eren he clearly becomes lost and dispondent, offering a lot more opportunity for being more of a wild card to the story than your typical shonen will lay up. Maybe it will wind up being generic as h*ck but I like what is being tee'd up

Wouldn't Eren's leg heal back though?

Grisha, pls

It can be stifled and I assumed he got so used to it being a stump that it stopped recognizing it as something that even needed to be healed. If he made a fresh wound it might work, though.

Nah, he was wrong. Erwin was cooked.
The guy did his bit: the scouting formation, stopping Reiner with the titans, SUSUME!, freeing Eren from Bert.
Erwin did some work, but he was done. Couldn't handle the guilt of sacrificing everyone. He was living in hell, even manlet admits it.

Floch did have a point in saying that Eren opposing Levi's initial decision was a personal, emotional one, but he was wrong to say they should have chosen Erwin.
Let Commander Handsome RIP and choose the gary stu genius wunderkid to lead humanity to victory. Seems like the right choice.

That's the prevailing theory. It's curious as to whether he infiltrated, interacted with, and/or spied on Middle East Alliance or East Sea Clan in the meantime, also considering what, if any, info was tortured out of the Marleyans on the 32 ships sent to Paradise. For all we know the 9th Titan is in cahoots with Walladians. I could be entirely wrong, still eagerly awaiting what Isayama has in store.

Remember how after Utgard, Reiner was able to restrain from healing his own arm until he did it to intimidate Eren. Eren has made great strides in training the Attacking Titan in short periods of time, even by BRAZ standards, it's no doubt that selective healing is a very manageable skill for an experienced shifter.

Why the edits?

>Eren has made great strides in training
This is true. He learnt to control the hardening very quickly, as Reiner pointed out. It is entirely believable that Eren could learn any number of titan shifter skills over the 4 years of the timeskip.
I'm not sure if could quite do pic related, but who knows.

As long as he can pull shit like this off, I'll be happy.

What I posted was the only one I had seen, thanks user

Someone pointed out in another thread Reiner is likely absolutely horrified seeing Eren 'master' hardening in only months, and who is to say how far he imagines he has come since

I want Zeke to do the tiger jump on me while I´m in the bed.

why didnt they just shoot annie in the face in the beginning?

He is a big guy user.

You would be crushed and need crutches like Pieck.

>google image search
>the only thing to show up is an imgur album from reddit
Figures someone would nab it and add some nonsensical lines. Oh well.

>Must protect her smile at all costs!

Can someone explain Ymir's actions in Utgard? Was she really lying to Historia to save her, not herself? Did she really commit suicide cause muh guilt over Marcel and that's it? Why did one use of the coordinate from Eren give Ymir enough confidence to straight up abandon her waifu and leave her in his hands?

I'm just so confused.

this is my favorite picture i wish i could show it to my animeonly friends

Just dump all the info on them.
What's the worst they can do?

Yeah I guess I checked the first page of leddit for some original artwork and got it off a related imgur page. Was only able to lurk the last 4 or 5 Sup Forums threads the last couple weeks, took what I could get.

She's retarded.

There's a chance that Eren gained experience in ground war if what the soldier said about the hobo being in a group that got PTSD from getting shelled while digging trenches turns out to be true. Could be interesting if he put his autism to use learning how to become well-trained at fighting conventionally with rifles and such.

>Can someone explain Ymir's actions in Utgard?

>Was she really lying to Historia to save her, not herself?


> Did she really commit suicide cause muh guilt over Marcel and that's it?


>Why did one use of the coordinate from Eren give Ymir enough confidence to straight up abandon her waifu and leave her in his hands?

she wanted to protect BR because they gave her another chance.

Ymir is a fucking retard.

>Was she really lying to Historia to save her, not herself?
She only cared about her waifu being safe.
>Did she really commit suicide cause muh guilt over Marcel
Apparently yes. Author had to make her go full retard, because the infos she had would have made the basement reveal almost irrelevant.

Well he was shown observing Reiner, Marley is surely not letting documented PTSD Eldians wandering around, it's presumed Eren is feigning PTSD, faking injuries (with the shifter benefit of being able to "fake" a missing leg and eye) while gathering info, trust, time, or distance (to zeke) to whatever means he (and Paradis if he's there under ordere) sees fit. He's presumably being shuffled to an Eldian VA hospital, but I have a feeling that's just euphemism for a long walk off a short pier. Time will tell I suppose

>Hanji smuggles a captured destroyer into the harbor modified with a trigger in the keel for him to use as a rifle

Make it happen, Isayama. I just want Eren to use a big fucking gun. Anything will do, actually. Just a really big fucking weapon to use as a Titan would improve his performance tenfold.

Really, it's all up in the air at this point. It's not even confirmed to be Eren even with everything in It's so mysterious and I think that's Isayama's intent. Prepare for a bunch more chapters that will only continue to confuse the readers with the nameless hobo only appearing in the background and not playing any role besides being moe.


You know, thinking about it, it's total SL fashion to do something like that. Mimic a baby's-fist-boat but actually conceal 6 destroyer guns in its design until the deploy. Marley sent 32 of them, Walldians are sure to reverse engineer like nothing seen before, no way this story is escalating an arms race just for Marley to come through with no innovation

Don't forget to throw a huge bayonet on the damn thing. Blow up a titan, behead the next one, cut apart buidings and dozens of normal Marley soldiers at once.

What do you think Eren´s plan is? It doesn´t make sense to attack Marley, they should recruit all the eldians and attack the rest of humanity if they want to be free, it´s the only way if they don´t want to end just as a weapons of humans.
Their true enemy is the world, not Reiner. Marley´s eldians are just brainwashed by eldianguilt Propaganda.

>it doesn't make sense to attack Marley
If Marley's collapse is kickstarted by freed Eldians it'll set into motion the fall of its entire state, the thing's gotten too damn big. It's three times the size of Africa already, and then some. Personally I'd say Eren's gonna be acting alone to take down Marley for keeping Eldians inside walls, but most everyone else on Paradis is going to want to take out the whole world. It'd be enough to take down Marley, free Eldians, and then call it a day for him.


I bought one of these a few years ago for some fucking reason and I understand this character is kinda popular? Should I sell it for like $800 this year or wait a couple more years and sell it for over $1k?

Nah, trash it. It's useless. A failure, too.

How much did you pay for it?

It's not mint-in-crystal, it's lost all value.

>What do you think Eren´s plan is?
To really change the world he needs to eat all shifters and unite the power in one shifter body, that's the end goal here.
If shifters will be present and Eldian will still be bound by the paths and memories fate they won't be free at all and will be still feared by the rest of the world.

All other things are side quests.
Eren or Armin will get all power and then will use ultimate coordinate to make everyone forget about Eldians and shifters making all free, while Armin or Eren will sacrifice themselves and seal somewhere no one can reach by keeping all shifter power in one body for eternity.

Or after gaining ultimate power the one shifter will send his and all other coordinate memories into original first Ymir Fritz to not sign the titan contract thus not creating Eldian race shifter at all and changing the future.

Last chapter will be about Eren going to school in Japan while meeting all other cast seeing them being happy and alive.

Did you fap to it? Ever?
Add that to the description when you sell it.
