>”I’m sick of the male control in our nation”
Men need to STOP Thinking with their PENIS! J-Law
I've seen her asshole
What emotion is that image supposed to invoke in the reader?
Irritation that she's smearing up her hooker red lipstick?
I did not know it was possible to think with a Benis
She is so dumb
The least attractive 27 year old female Hollywood as ever seen. Thinking with our cocks has propelled society forward since the dawn of time. Women need to start thinking at all.
literally to use your penis on her mouth
says someone who posted a bunch of nudes for penis.
Women need to start thinking
She'd have been a lot more respected and loved if she didn't take a million selfies of herself nude. I used to love her since she seemed genuine and funny but she's nothing but a narcissistic cunt. What sane person takes that many pictures of themselves naked?
She was the one that had the biggest fap dump too, no?
She's been overcompensating since.
Then maybe dont be an actress......
She's still buttblasted over her nudes being leaked from her iCloud account.
Who else remembers when this whore willingly fucked Harvey Weinstein multiple times to advance her career, then hopped onboard the Me Too movement and pretended to be a victim?
They were so bad, give them back to her.
>wait penis, come back! penis, NO don't leave!!
>"Unrigged Live!"
What did they mean with this?
the icloud pictures were from harvey’s icloud
That thumb reminds her of Weinstein.
She is the type of chick most guys would pump and dump if it wasn't for her fame.
All of the internet exists for men to see naked women. Penises are a driving force.
>They were so bad, give them back to her.
You are so full of shit. Her mind may be broken but her body is great. Greatest fappening material of them all.
The men in control of everything are the ones that don't think with their penis though.
Actually, the funniest part is, she is one of Harvey Weinstein's most well known concubines. The pics of her from the fappening, like all the rest were found not by hackers, but by someone who found Harvey's cell phone and just copied them all off. She sent all those nudes to her "boyfriend" who was know to be Weinstein. She is one of the most complicit whores in Hollyjew.
A wise man once told me that those of this era have seen more naked women in their lives than every ancestor of theirs has combined.
Food for thought.
Sucked off Weinstein for rolls.... She can fuck off
can't take the statement seriously after having seen her face covered in cum, sorry.
Women need to stop pretending they are capable of thinking
>What sane person takes that many pictures of themselves naked?
she is cripplingly insecure, because she knows her fame/success is not legitimate and can be wiped away in the blink of an eye and no one will remember her, she just hides behind this alpha-woman facade, it's fucking pathetic
She somehow looks like an idiot in this photograph.
People need to accept what they are good at. She's good at being warm and moist. She should embrace that instead of trying to pretend she's a thoughtful intellectual.
She's right though. Men are the niggers of gender.
>think with their dick and wants to fuck nearly every woman that walks
>cause most crimes
>causes group tensions
>causes most homicide
>causes most rapes
>always in fights
>causes most wars
>invented islam
>invented other religions
>invented communism
>more likely to be terrorists
And now the retards are dropping out of society and except women to pick up all the pieces. I sometimes wonder of men should be allowed to vote.
hey OP is that pic the nigger fucker starter pack?
pretty sure demi-furries are the niggers of gender
funny thing, Apple always said it was a leak, not a hack
She's such a dumb person. At least we know how she got all her movie roles.
Jennifer Lawrence's butthole
She was so hot in Mother. But like all attractive women, there is nothing else good to say about her.
"most things that are beautiful are useless"
If she's sick of male control, maybe she should move to progressive nations like those in the middle east, china or africa.
Oh wait.
like this woman would be anywhere without males being attracted to her
And yet even with all those cons, men are still stronger, smarter, and better leaders than women.
Women need to shut the fuck up, and when they do talk, it should be based on thoughts and not feelings.
Dick sucking of course.
It's all part of the game that women have been playing to gain power over men. First the women tell the men that no matter what they should not find what they do attractive or sexy. Then they do everything in their power to look attractive and sexy and show the goods off to as many men as possible. Then when a guy asks a girl out on a date or whatever they file sexual harassment charges.
They do this enough and women can be perpetually the underdogs who deserve complete and total victim status.
They do it because they threw away their socially elevated position to be inferior males thanks to feminism.
She looked better covered in nut juice.
>men are still stronger, smarter, and better leaders than women.
other than the strength thing, prove the rest. Give me sources
jesus fucking christ these hollywood retards still have not gotten the message that no one gives a shit about their political opinions
post some lawrencepussy pls
You'll never feel better about yourself or have more power than when you let a woman who thinks she controls you know she doesn't.
I've lived the dream bros, sure, getting laid is nice, but sometimes it's more fun to let her know she doesn't control you.
>Really makes them ape thinking
user where does that image come from?
she's stuck in that awful purgatory that all women wish to avoid, which is being attractive compared to the general public while being painfully average compared to other attractive women
nearly every major human accomplishment, women are simply the selection gatekeepers in charge of producing better men
>I sometimes wonder of men should be allowed to vote.
That just means you have no fucking conception of voting actually is. Democracy is a means of violence reduction. It's basically a head count of "if we had a civil war, who has the numbers advantage?" With that in mind, it's preposterous that women get to vote at all.
She looks like a Cabbage Patch doll tho.
Lol this bitch is a drunk and a violent one at that. Any anons remember when she bragged about punching a fans lights out on live tv?
Thats nice, thanks
Do you not think women were never given a chance to create and contribute to civilisation themselves without being pushed away?
I also sometimes think that without men (in a world where women could breed more women) we'd be living 100 years ahead thanks to their being less wars etc.
stop worshiping dick
Laura Dern was cool in Jurassic Park. Dr Sattler was a feminist character, but a different kind of feminism: the kind that says "women can be useful too", rather than the modern blanket-demonisation of masculinity.
Ellie was far more subtle, and desu I think most youngsters will see through the dogshit propaganda being pushed out today.
No, women were never given the wheel because they evolved to be less capable of leading and innovating due to their need to rear infants.
>Risking a ban for some meme flag nigger
Blame it all on yourself, newfag.
you're a goddamn imbecile
>contributes literally nothing to society
>thinks shes entitled to everything
fucking women
dick sucking
Lol, I've got a great pic but I'm not going to post it because I just came off a ban.
if you post it on imgur and link it I think its fine
humans need to stop letting emotions and feelings guide their behaviors.
All emotions are complex illusions.
If men were not thinking with their penises she would be a nobody on minimum wage.
Not going to risk it. It's all black, just google "jennifer lawrence butthole" by images and it's in the first row. Made me chuckle.
Its much simpler than that. They simply create tests that are literally impossible to pass and then attempt to socially annihilate you for failing.
What a champ of a kike he is
Fucks all the fine pussy
>being this retarded
You've got to be trolling. No one is this ignorant about human nature.
>implying they weren't made for and sent to producers and casting agents
But why can't the men be the ones looking after the kids? Why does it have to be ''all men work, and all women look after kids''? Women can grow up to lead but just spend 9 months off when they have their first kid, and then go out leading again while the husband stays at home
Men are the best and the worst.
We are the smartest and the dumbest.
We occupy both ends of all spectrums while women stay in the middle being unimpressive.
Only the impressive are remembered.
Name a country founded and run by women.
It doesn't. But we've evolved to work best that way, and most people are more happy acting in accordance with their biological imperatives. No one is being forced.
Roasties average 7-15 new sex partners by the time they're like 22. Don't worry sweetie we'll get our sex bots soon.
>I'm sick of the male controlled nation
Aren't you too? Look at how our quality of life has gone downhill. Look at the way all these males are ruling the world or their own greedy banking needs, plus flocking nations with forced multi cult just so they can create slaves. Now they're flocking western world with third world terrorists and putting women and children lives in danger. Not to mention all the terrorists themselves are males
always remember, Sup Forums hates this modern world and the globalists, but all the globalists and elites are pretty much all men
Shut up, Mohammed. We all wanted to see it
bull sorry
I'm not talking about in person user.
>(((male))) control
I thought this bitch said she was going away for a while?
Pretty much everything significant was done by men, yes.
STFU bitch.
Women choose to stay at home and be the primary caregiver.
If you're in favour of women having the right to choose to murder their unborn babies, you should be in favour of them having the right to choose to stay at home whilst their husband goes to work.
JLaw has no mystery anymore. She was always only a pretty face. This is the only value she has to society. When she speaks only blather and hot air squeak out.
naah... what about super chad ancestors and then there is the fact that in more local tight knit societies being naked is less taboo - such as medieval society where large groups of people would sleep in the same bed
This is her only appeal... and I've seen better.