Being chuuni is unhealthy, okay?

Being chuuni is unhealthy, okay?

Other urls found in this thread:

How so?

Being alive is unhealthy too. So is eating tasty food and thinking too hard.

At least chuunis are having fun. I'd argue that having a fit over others having fun is worse.

Isn't this the character with the forced voice acting scene?

And having those milk bags full is also unhealthy, okay?


What do you mean? I don't understand.


Being around no fun allowed double niggers is unhealthy too.

But I cried real tears

All things said, it must really suck being normal in a show where everyone else is chuuni and your love interest is being taken away by a crazy chick.

Being chuuni is actually a natural human condition. Don't call anti-chuunis normal.

Someone post it.


I am slightly chuuni myself but even then I wouldn't say it's a normal thing.

It's always a matter of degree of course. When I tell you that water is healthy, I don't mean you should drink 20 liters of it every day.



RIP vocal chords



Still amazes me that Hayamin managed to do this in one-take.

Normalfags are unhealthy. Reconsider yourself, worst girl.

>How so?
You often go full retard, user.

What's the point of living if you can never go full retard?

Literally worse than Hitler.

And then all the characters forgot about it in the next episode and their relationship went on like nothing happened.
Fucking TRIGGERed

Cure me then, qt.
>Being chuuni is actually a natural human condition.
So is the desire to beat them up.

>forced voice acting
Now that's a forced critique if I've ever seen one.

Can't beat someone up once they remove their limiter though.

>this is by far the most memorable scene in the series
Hayamin literally stole the show.

Hatoko a shit.

what the fuck was her problem?

If you can't tell, you lack basic human empathy.

reminder that Chifuyu-chan wins

Best girl ever! SO CUTE!!!!

This anime is 10/10

F-firsto kissu?!

Or just stupid, because it's explained in the same episode.


If this is what I get for giving up being a chuuni then so be it. I will change.

she deserved it

no she didn't

If that is true then why so many chuu2s have such magnificent bodies?

>MC quickly tries to resolve a misunderstanding/problem instead of letting it drag out
Don't get that often.

>voiced by Hayamin
Tell me Sup Forums, did she win?

of course not

What do you think?

look at


Hatoko a best. A BEST.

Tomoyo a shit. A SHIT.

Good post user I really, really like it.

Bitch calm the fuck down.

>no one remembers the busty purplehaired beauty

>have the chance to go out and have some fun with the best girl in the show
>make her cry instead
Fucking faggot chuuni I swear.

After all these days, it still hurts.

>Doesn't accept the feelings of a girl willing to go out with him
>Pushes Hatoko away
What a fucking retard. MCs like these deserve to end up alone and being cucked by every girl in the show.

>No one remembers the cookie cutter ojou
The rich cunt from netoge was better.

But he wasn't interested in either of them.

Every girl voiced by Hayamin will win right? So...

ALMOST every

I want to hug Kuki!

>did it in one take

This scene made me hate trigger

Isn't the story from a novel?

This is stupid.

>tfw nobody in your life to care about you this much


>threading yourself
spotted the chuuni

I don't know how you came to that conclusion, but here's your (You)

She knows what she's talking about. I mean look at how healthy she is

Everyone else is way healthier.

Now let's take a look at the (closet) chuuni

Who is the cutie in the bottom left?

Token loli character


Fucking Oscar worthy. Playing Ruby Rose is so far beneath her and yet, here we are.

this scene really fucked my shit up back then

I'd say this is one of the greatest scenes in modern anime history. Too bad it resulted in nothing, plot-wise.

What's this bitch's problem?

How did you watch that webm and not figure that out yourself?

she got cucked and ignored

so is a season 2 cunt


>not giving it an anime OG end
I hate Trigger even more

Inou Battle was pretty comfy. S2 never ever though, oh well.

Greatest monologue in the history of anime

Best girl. She should have won.

Was that rant because he was a chuuni or was t because he wasn't dicking her and seemed more interested in dicking someone else?

Yukino didn't win
Ayase didn't win

There is more.

I liked her. She had some backbone.


I don't understand.

She's known him for a long time(with a crush), longer than everyone else and she's the only one in the group that doesn't understand the whole chuuni thing in any way. She feels left out and frustrated.

>mc getting rekt

And not only does she not understand, the MC makes no effort to let her in and instead brushes her away every time... which is already stated in the rant.

Maybe she should get new friends. She isn't on his wavelength.

She wants to be on his d-lenght

dimensional length?

This is why the best girl will win instead.