Animated just fine in the 90s with all his spots when they were hand drawn

>animated just fine in the 90s with all his spots when they were hand drawn
>even with all the advancements in technology, its supposedly too much effort to animate the spots now

Explain this

They weren't working on a negative budget in the 90s.

Laziness is the new black.

cel animation was prettier than digital animation

Why bother when the fans would eat it up all the same?

Why bother drawing spots for every individual frame, color and shade them in, then try to keep them consistent between shots, when you can just make him a 3D model?
Besides, why would they animate Cell again.

>cel animation

Quality's generally up.
Quantity's generally up.

Spots are likely a judgment that people want more motion and less spots.

Why did we get a golden Freezer and not a golden Cell? The whole concept would make much more sense with him if you think about it

Back in the 90s, it was socially acceptable to lock animators in a windowless room with no air conditioning until they either expired or finished the job.

Directors also treated their staff with the sort of care and affection that hovered somewhere between how the Dark Lord of Hell treats a foolish usurper and how a Yakuza Boss treats a police informant.