You own a gun, don't you Sup Forums? Even if it's something simple? It's your right no matter what anyone says

You own a gun, don't you Sup Forums? Even if it's something simple? It's your right no matter what anyone says.

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mfw I have been looking for one of those for ages...

>Even if it's something simple? It's your right no matter what anyone says.
I have to ask the police chief for permission. Pass.

Maybe. Who's asking? Why are you asking? Am I being detained? Am I free to go?

I have 3.

>I have to ask the police chief for permission

If you don't own at least one gun you're not a real American.

r8 me Sup Forums

I go in the woods and see weird caves, dead animals at the entrance, something inside mumbling and howling (imagine Smeagle with a deeper voice). Of course I carry.

>Wood, steel, and leather

Heck yes, I have a gun.
Soon I'll have several.

No, all my guns were lost in a tragic boating accident.

got more of that?

Just got one from an auction for $250 maplebux

Only correct answer ITT


hawaii, married to a submariner and have to live here while he's stationed.

> AK
> Mosin
Greetings comrade!

I lost all of mine in a flood.
Very sad.

I own a shotgun for killing niggers who break in and a Glock for killing niggers in public.

I had a beautiful FAL once upon a time, but sadly I took it fishing and dropped it overboard on accident.

Live in a dorm at college and my parents would flip if I kept one at home. Might get a cheap shotgun if I live off campus next year, idk.

Even for a long gun? That's fucked up.

I don't believe you

Looking to get an AR. Any suggestions?


Get an AR

Go back to /k/, G20s aren't special

I have the same self defense strategy

Wtf were you doing with a gun on a boat? We're u shooting sharks?

Yeah me too actually, I should be picking up my Norinco 1897 12 gauge tomorrow actually, it's good to get them now because they won't be so cheap forever considering the fact that they are no longer produced and semi hard to find.

y is gun in box on left?

No you don't retard. Not in any state or county is this true

>pistol grip

Aero precision ap-15

Eugene Stoner is rolling in his grave at all that commie shit.

>Acquiring any firearm within the State requires a permit from your county chief of police. You must be 21 years old and a U.S. citizen. You must be fingerprinted and photographed for a criminal background check and affirm by affidavit your mental health and lack of drug or alcohol addiction or criminal background. You authorize release of your medical history and give the name and address of your doctor (if any). You are not required to find a doctor or provide a medical clearance. Your doctor is required to release any mental health information pertinent to your acquiring firearms. A drunk driving record, history of serious psychiatric diagnosis, or any treatment for alcohol or drug abuse will result in denial of your permit. A letter from a physician will be required to establish that you are “no longer adversely affected”.

Fuck yourself.

Vietnam commemorative ar 15 my uncle got when he came back from Vietnam. We just keep it in the original case.

Sometimes I think we get too focused on the Democrats, and don't pay enough attention to the real gun-grabbers: undines, naiads, and loreleis.


Lol hawaii isn't a state faggot

Why not build one?

Daniels Defense is my fave for factory ARs

>i was pretending to be retarded

I own way to many. One of my DMR rifles.....

This is literally the worst weapon in PUBG.

The cave? I went there at night on a dare and could hear talking inside. I hit my high beam on my headlamp and look inside then I hear noise behind me, the camera turns. I just took off after that.
It's a Glock 29.

Everyone should have the right to own a gun, but the VAST, and I mean VAST majority of gun owners are just cowardly faggots that use it as their safety blanket. They have no need or use for it, most of them don't even go shooting for fun, and they live in super safe areas. It's really pathetic.

>tfw own around 20 guns and haven’t gone shooting in at least a year, probably more

It’s fucking hard in CA, I should have picked a different hobby

so many guns

That sounds like a lot of infringing there.


Make white babby

wish it had sound but thanks for the rest! also what state?

I agree senpai

+1 for AP
Sure, you can build an entry-level AR for cheaper but AP build quality is really nice and their bolts are probably the best bang for your buck in for babby's first AR

I had one of those for a while, nice gun. I got a legit 1910 mfr date gun though

I want to get a conceal gun. Glock 43 or the new Ruger EC9s?

applying for gun licence atm. fuckin cunts in government absolutely un-Australian

Get a 19 and this
The 43 + a normal holster is the same thickness as the 19 with no added thickness and this holster. And you'll go from 6+1 to 15+1 with better ballistics from a longer barrel. I have a 29 in 10mm I conceal with that holster

Are you lobbying for change? What's the Oz equivalent of the National Rifle Association?

Nice 1897, I have one myself.

I live in a municipality that imposes severe restrictions on firearms ownership requiring an expensive license and registration of all fire-arms, and like any good Sup Forumslack I would NEVER break the law by skirting the system and building guns from mail-order kits.

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party but theres just about no hope

Well, you can be free, or wait for the government to give you permission to be free.

Buying a Mossberg soon as I get my tax refund back. Shit is getting crazy around East Central IL with shootings and ODs. Hell they just busted a guy a week ago for being part of a sex trafficking network.


I'm trying to do things legit now, for him. He does have a snek shoulder patch though so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Squid got fatter as fuck.

>tfw I don't own a gun but I want one

yes i have many, and many ammos

Sorry bro. Wish I could take you shooting.

I've gone to the range once and the trainer said I'm the best beginner shot he's seen in his five year of working at the range.
It felt fucking awesome.

I have illegally obtained a very sharp spoon, user, and I am not afraid to use it to defend family and country.

Jesus. Nice grouping.
Caliber and range?


Any leafs bother to get a restricted licence?

Thinking of it, but I don't want to fall under a gubernment register. I'll have to stick to my 11/111 and SKS otherwise.

Not sure of the range, I suppose the standard range they put beginners but since I was doing so good he pushed it back.
I believe I was using a Glock 9mm

I don't have one but i've been thinking of buying one to learn more about guns.

I've shot guns before and i'm not a retard. What's a decent hand gun and rifle to buy for general purpose and learning?

im 22. i have a loaded gen5 glock 19 on my nightstand. a .20 gauge (inb4 pussy) remington loaded with slugs in my closet. and a lever .30-30 above my shotgun.

i invite home invasion

20 gauge single shot

Home protection shotgun. Which is best to use and ammo for not blowing away my neighbors through a wall?

I got mine, pistols and AR's are fun but it's such a fucking hassle transporting them, etc.

I got one mostly because I'm one more registered voter who will bitch and complain if they try to ban anything else.

I don't own a gun, but I do own these repeating post numbers. Check em.

>tfw i have that same 870


>It's your right no matter what anyone says.
Not for felons, their not americans anymore under US law my brother said.


I carry a G43. Don't listen to fags recommending anything other than kydex for a holster unless you like negligent discharges.

nigger if i didnt live thousands of miles away I'd volunteer to clear that cave with you as long as you could hook me up with some firepower.

Choose wisely
!2 guage, 5.56, .308, 5.56

Far too much effort to get one where I live I'm not even bothered to get a drivers license

5.56 to the left, dont like that sight for that close quarters though, it would limit my field of view.
That or the shotgun, I have more rifle experience though.

Just picked this up from cabela’s the other day, couldn’t be happier

how you like that beowolf?

you will only fool newfags

Very well done. Seriously, you’ve got talent

I love it. It kicks like a damned mule, but by god it’s fun.

classic. still curious how someone's toes wind up like this.