I suspect that this memo will be the catalyst that finally sparks things into motion. The deep-state will be exposed and it will have a ripple effect on the entire world. The fire will spread across Europe, and we will have our day.
Digits confirm
I hate you faggots. OMG INNER DIGITS. Sup Forumslack's have turned into /x/ tier faggots but at least /x/ is fun and thought provoking. you are all just a bunch of cucks who love the blue balls of fake happenings.
Check em
A small civil war will take place in the Capital.
Trump will gain victory.
Screenshot this
fucking redditors
It won't have any impact.
Nothing anyone does will have any impact.
Trump will be impeached, his successor will bring
righteous fire, and the one who comes after that
will bring the darkness and downfall of our society.
then comes the war with the bear.
the cities will burn with an atomic fire.
everyone who uses a meme flag will get the rope. FUCK THE NUMBERS IT WILL STILL HAPPEN.
fine jeez
Sloppy JOE KENNEDY agrees!
kek be with us
Watch out deep state
and absolutely nothing will happen, maybe we will get an investigation into an ongoing investigation
I was so close to 158888888 but I was denied by mattress conspiracy faggot! WE COULD HAVE SOPPED THEM BUT HE STOLE THE MEME MAGIC!
Test nigger
Check these
He is present
Check em
like this user
I want to believe.