Dubs - Have you ever given them a chance?

Have you ever considered giving dubs a chance?


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There is absolutely no reason to

No and I don't intend to.

Dubs don't affect the Japanese industry in any way so why should I?

Dubs barely capture the character's personality. I don't want to risk ruining my experience.

Dubs are not directed by people who are involved in the making of the media. Why should I ever bother?

Only bang zoom does good dubs, and even they can be bad if the ADR director is phoning it in.

check em

this and also because the voices are horrible
why not watch it how it really is. I don't want to ruin my experience too.

Sure if the series is completely dubbed then maybe. I'd also quickly switch to subs if the voices are annoying.

I watch them all the time. The problem with them is mostly cause unlike in japan most voice actors are just considered expendable trash in the west. So you have this shit where the reason you hear the same fucking people over and over is usually because they just like doing it or they're doing it as a side job so they can make money to get a real job.

Personally I would rather watch a dub than a sub because I think all nips sound the fucking same.

It more or less depends on the anime.

No. Most are utter shit.

Baccano actually has a pretty good dub that adds to the atmosphere, I think.

I agree. Any shows set in Europe/America I usually at least try the dub, then switch to subs if it sucks ass

I like Bang Zoom too.

The only dubs I care to listen to now are what I watched when I was young. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug

I've given a chance to these dubs

I cant imagine watching Mad Bull 34 without the English dub

I started watching anime in the 90s, dub only was all we had unless you import shit directly from Japan, which hardly anyone did.

All dubs sound like dubs. It's like they even use the same shitty voice actors.

I watch dubs unironically.

I bought the Escaflowne ultimate box edition from Babbages (long before it was GameStop) on a whim. $40 was steep but it was the last one in a whole shelf.

Parents were pissed thinking Anime = cartoon porn back then, so they watched it with me.

Best fucking decision ever.

Dat elf song doe.

>22 replies and still no dubs
Will this thread ever consider to give dubs a chance?

I have no reason to listen to english dubs because I'm not an anglo.

Yes because some dubs are actually pretty good. I really love Dragon Ball Z's dub.


Ghost Stories.

I usually only watch dubs of the anime I really like to see if VA are decent/have interesting voices. It can change your impression of a character or a scene in good way too, although that doesn't happen often.

>implying you care about the industry