Boku no Hero Academia/ My Hero Academia

mfw when Gran Torino x Recovery Girl is being loved

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The fuck is this picture?

You know I never really bought into the whole "Jews ruin everything." And then I saw this garbage. Kill yourself for spreading it homo


Reminder that current arc is mediocore but due to its fujo pandering nothing is lost

post yfw he is confirmed traitor

Why did you start this thread with the worst picture I have seen from this fandom


You sweet summer child, this isn't even as bad as it gets.
new OP?

Show me how deep the hole gets!

>he dyed his hair to match Crimson's
purest boy
or maybe red is just his natural hair color, it's cute anyway

It'd dyed. But yeah. He's the purest boy

It was black at the start of manga

I dig it.

Now what I dig more is seeing best hero, Best Jeanist, in the preview. I really hope we get some extra scenes with him and Bakugo.

I dont like Bakugo

protect this smile

he's kinda funny sometimes

Where is his nose?

Did he died?

Was it rape?


Gran Torino is absolutely hilarious

I'm looking forward to him awakening Midoriya's powers

Mirio's spiel about Suneater shining so bright really gave some Killua vibes. It confirms that Hori is putting gay characters in his manga.

RIP all might dad

Reminder that Stainfags who think the rest of the episodes will be dedicated to this arc are, like Stain, retarded.

Give Iida his smile back

for who?

That looks ugly in a cartoony way, I kinda like it

Do fujo's think two male characters will get together at the end especially on a shounen demographic manga?


Post yfw the traitor is picrelated

So we can confirm Ochako has already fallen for him right?

Yes but Deku is a womanizer so no surprises.

No end of term arc?

It's 100% obvious

At least they vaguely resemble the characters from the manga in OP's pic

Describe this show is 7 words.

Their scene this episode was really sweet and cute

Found the real traitor.
Squandered greatest power
Killed endeavor
Wasted efforts that could have gone to better heroes

i made a thing

You fucking bet

dekus mom is hot as fuck

I want to suck All Might's cock.

sasuga user

xth for CUTE

Some of you classmates are alright. Don't go to Hosu City for your internships.

nice one user

Mina is no doubt the best girl

Why the fuck is Deku's backpack so huge?

The spaghetti has been reversed for quite a while now.

Uh oh, poor Deku, so young and he already lost his innocence with so much people


How does Stain sleep at night with no nose holes?

Reminder that the same kind of brainlets who make fun of Momo and call her a "sidekick" are the kind of vermin brainlets who hate Mineta.

MineMomo is united by brainlet hate.

So, this?



Fuck off you numale cuck.

Deku x Ochacco will never happen.

Watashi wa uragirimono

Wait what in what chapter

Wow, what a shocking development. The shitty sub group tried to make Momo's comment to bacon sound more personal but surprisingly the usually grapehating dub made it sound proper & formal (not meant to be taken personal).

Obviously this is bait, but why do you think that, friend?


sorry grape, she wants the Half and Half special

Eeeeeeeeh? Naaaaaaaniiiii? I don't like Mirio or Suneater so how can I ever be a numale/cuck?


You can see him in the background in chapter 3
Last chapter had a flashback panel where he has black hairs too

Ninja turtles don't have noses.

Hey, at least Deku isn't an elf with horse teeth like he is in the QUALITY! anime.

No. Ochako isn't interacting with him in last arc.

Hell, she even doesn't sit next to him anymore.

Hori said that Kirishima actually debuts in chapter 3, and this is the only character that could be him in the chapter. Hence, the theory that Kirishima had black hair was born, and now confirmed.

Here is an explanation, user

She said "That's amazing, grats kiddo." the dub did it right. Some delusional shipper trash in the HS group.

>The reaction to Midnight

I expected Grapes but Sero too is funny considering what happens after this arc.

I hope Deku keeps friendzoning her.


And? That doesn't mean she should stop being friendly or stop talking to him.

Same goes to Tsuyu. Kirishima has been the only one still interacting with Deku

It' not huge. It's Deku small

Hori himself said he introduced him during the entrance exam, but he is nowhere to be seen. In the latest chapter we see a flashback of him with black hair. There is a guy with black hair and 32 villain points which we see beating a robot and later running from the giant one, so we guessed he is Kirishima

how could I've missed this

This is a deku, say something nice about him

Was it kino moment?

What I like about this is that it debunks the "Kirishima is only getting focus because of fujos" since this shows Hori had already a plan for Kirishima since the beginning of the manga

>Hori said that Kirishima actually debuts in chapter 3,
when did he say this

He does have a nose.

Who is the strongest woman in BnHA universe? Is it the dragon lady?

That is just too small to confirm him being Kirishima, but I'll buy it.

I'm checking if ''black haired Kirishima'' appeared in anime too.





>assuming Hori's plan from the beginning of the manga wasn't for him to be fujobait

Sero looks more and more like Midousuji

So, the question is that if by that point she already had a crush on him, and if it wanst obvious enough she herlself admited having feelings for him
Also the fact that she wants to bottle up her feelings doesnt mean she no longer likes him, it means she is trying to not let those feelings be on her way to become a hero

Will popularity dwindle down after gay focused chapter?

[muffled linkin park playing in the distance]

No. The next few chapters are probably going to be kirishima backstory or mirio thinking about amajiki, buckle your seatbelt

'I Say Run' starts playing

I want Iida back