Memo about to be released.
Don Lemons sister killed.
Fidel Castros son killed.
Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing.
CNN cutting live feeds.
Memo about to be released.
Don Lemons sister killed.
Fidel Castros son killed.
Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing.
CNN cutting live feeds.
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
Screencap this post instead of Leaf OP.
nothing as usual
I'll you what isn't going on, I could have had a delicious refreshing V8.
>Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing.
>CNN cutting feeds
so basically their normal procedure?
"pure (((coincidence))) goy, now go to sleep"
they expect one of us in the wreckage brother
>Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing.
I beg your pardon?
It's gonna be a long night. Strap in, lads.
I don't know but I'm high on happenings and loving it
apparently a car accident / trump curse
the fire rises
Sauce on crime scene death pics.
1/10 bitcoin to whomever can get them.
I guess he's talking about the gender bending fender bender he got into earlier today?
No one was hurt.
Excerpt Comedy.
Leaf prez is dead?!
>Fidel Castros son killed
Damn I was hoping it was Justin Trudeau
It's called a friday document dump. You should all be pissed off, actually.
No it was his heterosexual son
>except comedy
I dunno m8, seems pretty fucking funny to me
Wats in the memo?
The happening, of course.
what did you think?
>Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing
he got in a fender bender, no1 is hurt
Really? Recently he seems to be more about doing political town hall meetings and squirting out bitch-tears than actual jokes.
It means the dems are going to get eternally BTFO and arrested and sentenced to death. So they'll probably release the t virus and start the zombie apocalypse to get out of it.
WHEN IS IT GETTING RELEASED? I just want to read it goddammit.
Elmo has finally risen. Burn them all. Guys I think the world is about to explode.
Let’s all sing the song of my people.
Lemon told (((them))) he didn't want to follow the script anymore
Already declassified documents show to previous administration abusing rules to spy on and commit psyops against the incoming one against opposing party.
This has the youtube and declassified governement document:
Digits confirm it's happening. Check them out
Fake news
No, I mean him getting into a car wreck with a tranny is pretty fucking funny
ya he completely dropped even the pretense of being a comedian this week when he opened the show with simply bringing an illegal alien family on stage for the first 15 minutes. even admitted to it and said, we're just going to start with this and get to the regular show but this is so important yada had yada you know the rest.
everybody knows new pussy can't drive
adam carolla >>> jimmy kimmel
Slobbering JOE KENNEDY agrees with the release of the memo!
>everybody knows pussy can't drive
10-15 is the police code in my county for when they arrest someone. Could it be?
powerful analysis king
Didn't know a former federal DC prosecutor assessing government documents was fake news. Please do go on.
I've googled Trudaeu but I can't find anything about him dying. What gives?
This goys channel live event for SOTU was SHUTDOWN by CNN... something big is about to happen and when it does...
I will LITERALY go outside my apt and yell
>Obama is going to jailllllll bogobongobogo
No coinincidence that CNN censored all sotu streams even ones from cspan and fox...
>the deepstate is on the verge of collapse
Prepare for a false flag or.another train crash
Prepare for happening omega!!!
Top kek, thanks user
who me?
You left out the train crash..
Link us on all this stuff, leaf errickson.
It's time for the fourth Reich
(((They))) seemed to be trying to use nukes lately, apart from the garbage truck.
>First New Vegas
>Then Hawaii
>Then Japan
Maybe Michigan too, but that was probably more like some sort of orbital strike system; whatever it was is probably used up at the moment.
This can only be explained by our lord Kek.
>Fidel Castros son killed.
honestly how are dems gonna ever recover.
Republicans may win 8 more years AFTER trumps initial term from this if it's as big as everyone is saying it is.
Thanks, user. Now these
>Don Lemons sister killed.
>Fidel Castros son killed.
>Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing
lmao never, he’s a 100% bona fide literal faggot ass bitch
It's just pasta user.
so it begins
Are you autistic? There are at least 3 threads about Don Lemon's sister drowning, stop being a lazy faggot and learn to use google you brainless orangutan
>Fidel Castros son killed.
Justin Trudeau died?
>Don Lemons sister killed.
>Fidel Castros son killed.
>Jimmy Kimmel attempted killing.
It’s almost 4 bongs in the morning and I still can’t fucking sleep, that’s what’s going on.
>anybody go any of those happenings?
>just a taste will do
>every movie made about this age is pro trump
So, movies stay pro jews.
same here.
>school shooting in LA
>train of republicans hit dump truck
theyre gonna reanimate john lennon and kill him again
Fuck same here man
But why tho, seems like a waste of manpower considering you raised a man from the dead
I'm scared for my life right now.
well, i just figure that people would lose their minds that the first non-zombie reanimation would be john lennon. there'd be celebrations, talks of new tours, concert venues booked for years, memes galore. then they kill him.
Better tell your secrets, then.
lel, that's GOLD Jerry, GOLD!!
Where are these from?
these photos bother me. especially with the new deep fakes. it makes me paranoid about my ability to detect a photoshop now.
It also makes me paranoid about whether or not time travel is true because now that deep fakes can be created and the ability to determine if something is photoshopped has gone out the window, there is no way to irrefutably disprove time travel between people who look similar like pic related.
god the ride just keeps going... and going... up and up and up. the drop off is going to be cataclysmic.
You think that's bad look at the world and western foreign policy in the post 9/11 world.
Sometime, I pick my nose and feed the boogers to my dog.
wtf... sauce
same thing that's going on with congressional baseball fields being shot up, and degenerates leaving garbage trucks on traintracks when they know a train full of congressmen is coming...
same thing as guning down a fuckton of people in vegas and blaming it on a patsy.
you fucking nigger.
Fuck if it's happening can Kek give me a girlfriend
Nah, his mother was just a whore. Nice digits tho
Jesus, as gutted as that is I'm surprised they let it stay up