>character has been dead for several decades both in and out of fictional universe
>still makes appearances in most recent titles
Character has been dead for several decades both in and out of fictional universe
Char is a much worse offender of this than her.
Char hasn't been as dead for long and had several series and a movie dedicated to him.
i still never watched char's counterattack
>having a problem with my cute indian wife being in recent gundams
Me neither but that's because I'm still on ZZ and am set on production order for early UC
You know, as cringey as that one Youtube video about Asuka changing the whole scope of Eva when she showed up was, it's true for Lalah.
Lalah pretty much changed everything - not on introduction, then upon exploration and escalation of her character. She changed Amuro and Char's lives forever by planting the seed of an idea called Love and Understanding in them during a time where their lives were ruled by strife and dominated by violence.
Unless I'm forgetting something Lalah doesn't show up in any recent titles besides The Origin and the last episode of Unicorn.
She's in the first episode of Twilight Axis that came out on Thursday(?)
Ah right, I haven't watched that yet.