Now that the dusts have settle...

Now that the dusts have settle, when is it wrong to passionately ejaculate inside your younger imouto during sexual intercourse without using projection?

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

When it's not a safe day as to prevent deformed babies.

>fucking my younger sister
>cant take it anymore
>trace on
>project all over her insides
>she fucking dies

>Now that the dusts have settle, when is it wrong to passionately ejaculate inside your younger imouto during sexual intercourse without using projection
>without using projection

Yes projecting your sex tape of you and your younger sister on the silver screen.

You should only do it in her ass.


A boy falls in love with his sister.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with his sister's phone number. Never minding the fact that it's different from the number listed on his phone, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to his sister, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same sibling he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is his sister's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with her brother, the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of INCEST.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子


Keit-ai is already a webcomic. Stop posting it.

Finds a Benis

With or without projection doesn't matter to me.


How do you pronounce that anyway? BEN-NEST? BE-NESS?

>a man and a woman meet each-other
>they fall in love and have kids
>a son and a daughter
>biology dictates that the son is more like the father than any other man on the planet
>the daughter is more like the mother than anyone else
>so you have what are essentially clones of the two people who originally fell in love

So can anyone explain to me why sibling romance isn't the most logical form of love

Why are they so perfect together, Sup Forums?

It's never wrong unless it's rape. And even then it's not wrong if she's the one raping.

>Younger sister is ugly and fat
>Rapes you because it's okay

>not making your imouto into a fit and beautiful lady
Bad onii-chan

Where are these from? I could never find source.


Do female incestfags even exist? It's always guys fantasizing about fucking their imoutos, never ever girls who fantasize about getting railed by oniichan


Bit of a Freudian slip there. Does your own sister know that you fap to a substitute for her?

If my parents had a decent relationship I wouldn't be browsing Sup Forums.

It's like with pedophiles. There's no child who'd want to be molested by adults but there are always Jimmy Saviles out there who want to molest children.

Learn what biology means first before posting.


t. lannister

Romance isn't logical you autist.


>So can anyone explain to me why sibling romance isn't the most logical form of love
Because mother/son romance exists.


That's the lowest form of love.


>younger imouto
"imouto" means "younger sister" you cretin.

When it's nonconsensual
When she's under 15
When the age difference is 5+ years

otherwise, never

>When she's under 15
>When the age difference is 5+ years
What bullshit. All imoutos deserve love.

>younger imouto
I appreciate your love for imoutos but you got to stop being dumb.

Makes sense to me!


Because Kyou is a bland, unimposing projection template without being too much of a cooked noodle, and because everybody wants a gorgeous, devoted, expressive younger sister to passionately ejaculate inside no condor

Maybe he meant he has several imoutos?
Naw who i'm kidding.

Hello newfriend

Sure is summer in here


Kyousuke is top alpha, you whiny faggot

He should just double his harem with the eromanga girls.

I'd love me an oniichan to pat me on the head and cuddle with me its gotten to the point where I'm listening to exclusively otome drama CDs where the dude is either an older or younger brother. Thankfully the market for these characters are growing bigger in the past few years usually it was sad ending shit where the listener and brother character of the CD had to go separate ways. Surprisingly this group of friends of mine like this stuff and its a primarily female group too, one of them I remember having brothers IRL

I'll be your brother qt

Does the cuddling end with rough sex? I don't know how explicit otome cds usually get, are they porn?

>are they porn
Yes and the doujin/non-mainstream ones even have "sound effects".

Name of manga?

When you're a trailer trash hillbilly fuck with MAGA hat.

[40010 Prototype] Dac Dac Screen (COMIC Kairakuten 2016-10)

Look up the term familiarity breeds contempt. In fact, siblings meeting for the first time in their teens are way more likely to hook up.

The mans brother would be equally related, the women's sister would be equally related
Nothing wrong with fucking your uncle or having a cummy aunty

Because it is the nature of men to create monsters

And it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers


>earish-length hair that gets in the way of the eyes
>ultra-skelly DYEL build
>milquetoast, boing as shit personality (or rather, lack of a personality)
When and why did this become the generic self-insert protag uniform? When will it fuck off?

>requesting sauce of a fully searchable page
>actually being the internet lackey of literal newfags
You will never be anyone's senpai.


incest BTFO

>tfw shitmouto was CHUGGED and has the herp

>younger imouto

Hmm. Just for refference. Where would one find these incest themed Drama CDs? Are the translations any good? Is there perhaps a MAL like database where you can find Drama CDs of intrest?

Can't spell insect without incest.

Mind blown.
On a serious note, even insects wouldn't resort to incest.

Can you find those in English or do you just know Japanese?

t. I also want an aniki to pet me on the head

Damm Fakku being paid now, cant find a download.

Are you serious?

I'm not projecting, you faggot

yes. got a link mate?

How about stop being retarded?


>Letting your imouto become like that
You'll have to deal with it.

An imouto to surpass Metal Gear!

Yeah, of course. You can't tell IRL because no one would admit they want to fuck their siblings, but under anonimity it's bound to have some. I've seen girls dating people that resemble their brothers more than a few times IRL too.

There's very little translations I know of, 3 of which are from two separate cds and one is BR and the other one I'm not sure if they ever said if it was NBR or not.
No but on tumblr there are one blogs that post synopsis and news of new CDs released, you'd have to shift through all the others to get to the incest. Also once you get into finding the voice actors you like or publishing companies whose work you like it becomes more of following what occurs with them. If you're lucky someone may have uploaded to SoundCloud but then you'd have to know exactly what you're looking for. I suggest looking around for group sharing sites though I don't know of any that are open to new members signing up.

I find them due to following people who translate news and popular drama CD companies releasing info, also tracking shopping sites helps too.

If you want some R18 stuff I'd recommend starting with volume 2 of Koi Shikarubeki (the only blood related oniichan that gets a happy ending and has a translation) but if you're looking for fluff, I'd recommend Tsubaki from Brothers Conflict's first character drama CD the third track has him comforting you after a bad day and being a good oniichan. It also helps he's a hugeee siscon willing to make his imouto happy with his voice acting skills.

You 've
Image search isn't working for me and imouto metal gear brings of reddit shit



>Cucking his father
Absolute degenerate

>On a serious note, even insects wouldn't resort to incest.
Incest is very common in the nature

Illya would gladly take all your projections onii-chan.

Thank you!

>Incest is very common in the nature
Not really. I mean it happens. But it negates the benifits of sexual reproduction, so in cases were incest is common asexual reproduction would be preferred because sexual reproduction (finding an adequate mate) costs a lot of time and energy.

When I was a kid I was always crazy attracted to older women.

Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子


My sister definitely wanted to fuck me when we were younger, she was super overt about it.



Those were dark times in the story.
Onii and imouto shouldn't put eachother through this kind of emotional turmoil.

>So can anyone explain to me why sibling romance isn't the most logical form of love

because since inbreeding builds defective populations incestfags got mostly wiped out over the course of our evolutionary history by competing humans who were biologically programmed to be repulsed by siblings they grew up with


this is me shitposting late at nigth


It's a scientific fact that siblings are genetically programmed not to be sexually attracted to each other, because inbreeding can lead to severe birth defects, or potentially the collapse of the entire gene pool.

Therefore, from a scientific standpoint, incest is the purest form of love, as it proves that the siblings' lust for each other is so powerful, not even genetics can stop it.

>used to ride the couch
>now rides the onii-D