Relax, After the anime we still getting more LWA content.
LWA 2017 Manga is still up to Episode 5 at this point.
And some chapters isn't even on TV LWA like pic related.
Little Witch Academia
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uhhh guys did trigger just predicted this to happen?
Are there guys scanlating this?
I have more interest in the manga than in the show at this point.
Britbongs why is your country like this?
See previous thread
Yeah, actually the manga was better
>implying the manga wasn't better than the show ever since the 2nd cour
So remaining BD covers are going to be:
5: Akko and Ursula
6: Akko and B-Team
7: Akko and Diana
8: Chariot and Croix
9 Akko and Diana again
The manga has no broom race or Diana fucking up in episode 2.
>9 Akko and Diana again
Wouldn't it make more sense to have every relevant witch there?
I guess I do have some spare cash.
>2-Grand Chariot
>1-Shiny Chariot
What did TRIGGER mean by this?
I guess they chose 3 and 2 randomly or something
Probably let the animators draw whoever they wanted.
Guess the riot story isn't so stupid if it's based off of actual inbred bucktooth brit zealots
It's been hours and I'm still upset at the Jasminka concept art. Is Trigger really incompetent enough to not find a way to work in all that stuff into the show? CQC kung fu master Jasminka would've been the shit.
It's actually being TL in english? Nice. Not a fan of the volleyball thing but the way it handles shooting star and the set up to episode 5 is great. And any word on the shoujo manga being done as well?
At first I thought this whole "football riots turn into fullscale war" thing was ridiculous, but then I remembered Britbongs are actually like this.
It really wasn't hard to predict.
So Akko, Diana and Ursula?
Chariot, Croix and Akko.
>Here are all those cool concepts and ideas
>Fuck all that, just play it safe and make it boring
We can be glad that Sucy and Conze already existed prior to the TV show, or they would have replaced them with two more Lottes.
Diana steals the spotlight from Ursula in the final episode.
But it has Lotte being relevant, small Sucy backstory and Akko/Green Team adventuring before ep5.
I hope everyone else will finally steal the splotlight from C&C but I doubt it. Those dipshits will stick to this show until the very end.
This guy drawing post screening fanart basically confirms the spoilers.
I hope we see them talk about things for most of the episode. C&C interaction saved this show for me.
Is cardanon here? w-where can I find cardanon?
did someone update the rune font with the numbers?
>C&C interaction saved this show for me.
Just wait for him to show up, you have time till the 27th anyway.
Too bad we didn't see any real Croix/Ursula interactions like we should've. Would've made a fantastic contrast to their interactions as students and help develop them (and the school) even more.
But I guess showing her eating ramen 5 fucking times was much more important than give her some real characterization.
At least this would shut the fuck up the faggots that thought football riots didn't make sense. Trigger was just being accurate.
Final episode spoiler:
The missile was launched by the England’s submarine because of Croixs dice that wanted hatred all over the world.
Akko gathers up everyone as the new nine witches and makes a long broom made up by seven brooms and the Shiny Rod to stop the missile.
Chariot and Croix dresses up the seven with the white clothe which was used in the Enchanted Parade and leave the seven to go after the missile.
Andrews dad and the England government tries and fails to shoot down the missile, but finds seven witches on a broom going after the missile on camera.
The witches didn’t have enough magic power to catch up to the missile, so each one used their final power to boost up the broom and bails out like a rocket fuel tank.
Akko and Diana were to remain, but still they did not have enough magic power.
Chariot shouts out to the world to believe in them, and the world gives out their power to the two. (This part resembles to the scene of Satan of Genki-dama on Dragon Ball Z)
The two finally caches up to the missile and fights with the BEST FIGHT EVER, but gets shot down.
But the legendary broom Shooting Star saves them and the two go out to space and shoot the BIGGEST Shiny Arc EVER and destroys the missile, and the Shiny Rod demolishes.
In the epilogue, Croix gets taken by the Magic department but promises Chariot to find a way to cure her from the pollen. (Chariot was dressed like Ursula as usual, but her hair was red)
Akko tries to fly with her broom while everyone watching, buy fails like always.
Andrews joins up, and gives her back her hat, and FINALLY...
>Ruins the lighthearthed show
I bet you like shit
Font guy here. Does anyone have the number system figured out?
I guess theres always S2 yeah right
It all worked out in the end though.
>Inplying that's bad
I love those two cakes.
>22 hours and 42 minutes
Fuck im bored
Why don't you make a submission for the card in the meantime?
it's only in that table - base 10, and the single digits 0-9 are like roman numbers, so
1 = (
2 = (( (close to each other)
3 = (((
4 = (D (half black moon)
5 = D
6 = D)
7 = D))
(8 = D))) , only digit not in the table)
9 = (O (full black moon, stands for 0)
11 = ( ( (note the space here)
13 = ( (((
15 = ( D
and so on
The elf was responsible for missing the football goal intentionally in order to upstart a riot.
Are you threatening me, Croix?
I would if i could actually draw something other than stick figures.
Why are Europeans such niggers when it comes to divegrass?
Is that your submission? It's cute. Try to leave the upper border free, though
Well, that's good because it doesn't need to be something elaborate. You can even draw(for example) Chariot's star-shaped symbol and it would be ok.
>The elf
You mean Sarah
Companies follow the money. If LWA secured their funding, we may very well get S2.
I love these two so much.
Shes Singlehandledly saving TV LWA from edgyness caused by Chariot & Croix, & you know it
Still better than eggball.
I dont see anything edgy here user.
I don't watch either
I just want her to fuck off already. Give the actual main cast the splotlight not this OC shit.
>LWA will be over in a day
You need to see ep 15 17 18 21 22 & 24 again
>Give the actual main cast the splotlight
>Implying that sasuga diana hasn't stolen the spotlight either
>Having little drama is now considered as edgy
You forgot the most important fact
6. Thinks giant robots are cool
>The actual main cast
Chariot is part of it, you like it or not, faggot.
>one day until the grand finale
>the charger of my laptop just died
Shitpostng from a smartphone is not the same.
>Muh background teacher selfinsert
Fuck off, Yoh.
Why do you have adults so much?
Keep crying, nigger.
I'm just as excited for the new game trailer as I am for the episode. Just hope it doesn't take too long to come over.
>LWA 2017 Manga is still up to Episode 5 at this point.
is it even going to get new chapters? it's been months by now.
Chariot is love, Chariot is life.
You can fuck yourself.
>hating Chariot
Impossible, don't be a faggot.
Chariot's plot singlehandedly ruined the second cour.
I think you already said that like 3 times user.
What's your unpopular opinion about LWA?
I enjoyed the OVA 2 way more than OVA 1, and I think the TV series is a great anime. I don't get people who constantly shit on it, nor why they do.
Was Chariot a slut back in her performer days?
Lets settle this on the Poll
Andrew is a decent idea of a character that was somehow salvaged from the original ideas.
Finneran > Ursula
She only did private shows for Croix
Akko's strong enough to carry Sucy one handed.
Ursula sensei.
You mean Assula Sense?
I hate Akko.
I hate Diana.
>Dianafags still asleep.....
There's like 4 people shitting on the show.
Are you me
They dropped the show after they made her an ara ara blob.
I highly doubt that.
That's unpopular? It actually feels like a great episode instead of a pilot and what LWA could be with more money
So are those spoilers legit or not?
I mean, they seem perfectly likely, and a keyframe for proof was posted. But I still have some doubts.
What about the entire restoration plotline? Yggdrasil, World Reconstruction? Will the "spirit bomb" revive magic or what?
Why is the episode titled "Tree of words"?
What about the Grand Triskelion? Will it turn out to be just a mere gesture of "friendship magic" rather than some actual ritual?
Does the closed tower from the latest episode ended under serve any purpose at all?
Why is the town burning?
>hating Akko
I cannot comprehend.
>Those eyes
Why does ep 24 seem... off?
No.... this isnt possible.....
Summoning All Dianabros.......
That everything. She looks like a succubus in that pic. 10/10, would let suck me.
Alot of people found it hard to watch Akko be a bitch
Sometimes is just hard to find her likeable in anything.