Is said to be strongest than gotei 13 combined

>is said to be strongest than gotei 13 combined
>Kubo hyped the fuck out of them
>got defeated off-screen without even showing their bankais
What's the purpose of these guys again?

To piss off speedreaders

Just makes me think that Bleach was getting axed.

It wasn't, that's the problem. Kubo admitted he wasn't under any pressure from editors.

They couldn't have possibly won anyway.

Literally all of Yhwach's personal guard were immortal except for Askin Nakk Levar. Lille had to be perforated by the Ise mirror sword; Pernida had to absorb Nemu's super-cancer; and fucking Gerard had to be killed by Yhwach himself.

I think the Ise mirror sword could have defeated Gerard if he used a projectile energy attack, but as far as I know he was a mindless melee monster by the time her sword's god-shattering condition could have kicked in.

The only, only other way I can think of them being defeated, would be by Hyousube erasing their names/powers and renaming them black ants. Even then Yhwach could give their power right back to them, and even if he couldn't, it would have been irrelevant.

It was all irrelevant once Yhwach activated the almighty; just like the Espada, Wonderweiss, and Mugetsu were all irrelevant once Aizen assimilated the Hougyouku. Not even Zanka No Tachi or Hyousube's power could have made a difference in either case, considering both antagonists were immortal.

It would have been more interesting to see Yhwach and Aizen duke things out, seeing as Aizen could have just kept evolving beyond Yhwach's powers. However, the way Aizen seemed to require Ichigo's help tells me that even Aizen didn't think the Hougyouku was enough.

All of that said, the Ise sword could have bypassed Yhwach's Almighty, considering it managed to split the original Soul King, whose own future-sight was said to be a dimension beyond Yhwach's (By Yhwach himself during the Mimihagi incident).

Jesus, at least he should have tried to save face instead of admitting he is a hack. Who will even read his next manga?

>work tirelessly on a manga for 15 years
>overwork is literally destroying your body

Your shitposting is weak son

I'd say the final battle with Yhwach had more to do with Yhwach's omnipotence being the logical conclusion of shonen powerlevel tropes. Once you reach a point where a villain is that strong, you can't write your way out of it without coming off as a hack. It was very much a limitation of the genre as much as a lack of foresight on Kubo's part.

I can't think of many shonen with satisfying final battles, except for maybe Yu Yu Hakusho, where the protagonist realistically loses to the more powerful and experienced foe, but still plays his part by weakening him enough for a more fair leader to defeat him and take the throne of the demon realm.

Like, Father from Fullmetal Alchemist, Majin Buu from Dragon Ball, Kaguya from Naruto, et cetera, were all extremely boring and cliche final battles, which is simply to be expected of the genre.

Shonen is almost always about the journey of growth. Once growth is no longer possible, there is nothing left but despair. Kubo himself said as much during the battle between Mayuri and Szayelapollo.

>Once growth is no longer possible, there is nothing left but despair. Kubo himself said as much during the battle between Mayuri and Szayelapollo.

To add to this, this is exactly why Ichigo had to lose his power when using Mugetsu, and why his new bankai had to break at the end once it put him far away and above anyone left after defeating Yhwach.

Fixing the world's problems is too much for a boy like Ichigo, who just wants the power to protect the people closest to him. If Ichigo is too powerful, then fixing the world and playing God becomes a responsibility and obligation. He'd have to single-handedly fix all of Soul Society's noble corruption bullshit.

As he is now, presumably stuck in permashikai with no bankai, he's simply a top-tier power, but not an overwhelming god.

>shits turd out for 15 years
>gets random cold
>it's suddenly forgiven

These make sense, actually. I just want to know where did Kubo wanted to stop, and where did the editors/Jump said he has to continue. I could imagine him finishing with Aizen. I mean, even after Aizen there were some unanswered questions, but most of them were left unanswered even after Ywach, so it's not like he continued to anwer those.

>shitpost on Sup Forums
>accomplish nothing

Hows that working out for you

>he took the Kubo bait

Kubo is obsessed with character design, so he likes to pump them out like buns in a bakery, but then he has to get rid of them quickly to design more special snowflakes.
Basically everyone that exists in Bleach post Mexico hell arc is there to cater to Kubo's character designing fetish.

>somebody says Bleach is shit
>lol stop shitposting
How about you for defending a bad manga?

>puppet-chan seems to have some history with Mayuri
>never gets revealed
one of many things that made me mad

>artist creates shitty work
>"b-but he worked hard on it"
>idiots think this actual deflects criticism

>Once you reach a point where a villain is that strong, you can't write your way out of it without coming off as a hack.

Sure you can. F/GO's fight against Tiamat and Goetia come to mind. It's just hard, keeping audience in "oh god, how will heroes beat that!" and preventing them from sliding into "heroes will win, so i just need to wait to see how".

It boils down to writers realizing that two guys punching each other out is least relevant fight of fight. Context, setup and emotions are what matter. Yhwach had little of that. He was nothing, did nothing and he died in vain.

Where are your arguments?

In the OP.

Arguments to what? The basis of the conversation is discussing how Bleach's final arc was rushed as fuck and poorly written from every angle, yet Kubo claims the editors weren't pushing him to end it prematurely, meaning the blame is 100% on him.

Picking Goetia for this argument is rather strange. The 'fight' is fine, but it's not at all relevant to what you're talking about. Stick with Tiamat if you want to go that route.

He bailed on his own manga and shat on his fans' collective chest when he off-screened the deaths of Zero Squad. He was under no time constraints at the time, it's only after he decided to just drop a huge part of the plot that he had been teasing for literally 8 years prior that his editor recommended that his manga be cancelled and the time constraints began. He literally did this to himself, and to his fans. Memes aside, fuck the guy.

>Picking Goetia for this argument is rather strange.

It illustrates what i'm talking about. Goetia just crushed everything with little effort until he got Deus Ex Machina'd at which point he just lost. Still, that fight was exciting all the way through thanks to things unrelated to punching each other out. The setup, sacrifices and ideologies clashing made it fun.

He said he designs new characters whenever he is stuck with the plot and doesn't know where to go. Guess how many times did he fuck up.

I meant valid , as in the kind that have actual merit. Clearly I'm asking tio mich of speedreaders...

A desperate attempt to gain some ranking points in Jump.

t. actual retard

t. speedreader

I liked them all as characters at least, aside from cooking mama. Hot spring dude was cool, Monk had some cool pages, spider had banter with Mayuri, and sword smith was the best one. That's all i wanted from bleach in the end due to knowing how battles would end up and it at least left me happy on that end.

Bleach just had too many characters and Kubo tried to bring them all back and had nothing to do with 99% of them. He should've pulled back characters coming back in after the bankai stealing, everything after that went to shit imo even with a sprinkle of cool moments here and there.

I'm glad that nigger-faced Zanpakuto blacksmith died. What an obnoxious shit.

The final arc of Bleach was nowhere near as memorable as the final arc of Dragon Ball or even Naruto. It's a shame, it was still decent at times up until it went full retard a few chapters into the blood war arc.

So the Zero Squad died onscreen, we just didn't notice?

>Once you reach a point where a villain is that strong, you can't write your way out of it without coming off as a hack.
You can always just make last fight a poker game to decide the fate of the planet.

That's not even the part that makes me angry

Kubo created 3 nigh-invincible sternritters

1. one who gets stronger everytime he is defeated
2. one who can't be touched by anything at all ever and turns into infinite chickens
3. one who can't be harmed because he has a crazy system that negates all harm

And instead of us getting some crazy battle in which somehow this is taken care of. They all just lose their powers and die.

That was the lazy writing in history

To be fair the series started off good, so the fact that it turned to shit could be blamed on overworking.

I'm a huge BLEACH fan even when people was giving it shit however even I was disappointed on how Kubo ended and treated the series near the end.

I think I would get bored after 15 years too though :\

You didn't go deep enough to understand the kubo.
Yhwach killed off the last 2 himself to save the shinigami and he let Ichigo kill hi,, he is still the soul king even in death.

More like he lost intrest. Overworking affects the art mostly, he simply just lost intrest in his own manga, but either continued out of habit, or fear of never getting this succesful again, or his editors pushed him.

Why were x and m more powerful than ywach, this shit made no sense.

Then what was that shit in the end with Bichigo? Does he lives inside the kid now, or what?

Too bad all five of them were confirmed still alive in the novels.

>people still post my shitty edit
Feels good man.

>Nimaiya died on panel
>Monk died on panel

Thanks for confirming your speedreader status :^)

>Who will even read his next manga?

Surely he's loaded enough that he doesn't have to make another manga.

They weren't though.

He might use the kid to kill them when they're at their happiest like he said he would.
If kubo ever does bleach the next generation that is.

>If kubo ever does bleach the next generation that is.

>starts with Ywach brutally murdering Ichigo and Orihime, then conquers SS
>Ichigo's kid is actually evil and posessed by Ywach
I don't see how could that last long if Ywach is the first enemy. No one can realistically stand up to him.

Job for Yawach.

>Who will even read his next manga?

I will, with a passion too.

Bleach is extremely poorly written. This is not a fact you can argue against. The best evidence is how Kubo introduces large groups of characters with superficial personality quirks and then forgets about them as soon as possible, because their entire purpose was to excite readers in the most shallow way possible to get them to keep reading.

Bleach is a good study on clickbait in manga format.

>Nimaiya died on panel
>Monk died on panel

Thanks for confirming you're a speedreading faggot

Name one(1) time this actually happened.

what crimes did mayuri do (compared with yamamoto's murder squad) for him to get thrown in the bottom level of the maggots nest? and why did nobody cared when urahara made him his second?

1. Vaizards
2. More than half of the arrancar.
3. OP

That's not counting how many pointless characters there are in the "main cast" or how there's never any built up for the villains, they just show up, be a quirky one-off villain, then get killed or defeated and never spoken of again.
Bleach is fucking dogshit.

What about the previous soul king that is still alive and kicking... inside yawach mind and powers?

The setting would be yawach memories, future sights and dreams, and the main character would be another being capable of seeing the future.

1. Vaizards had half of an entire arc devoted to them and remained relevant well after

2. Neliel, Grimmjow, Harribel, Tres Bestias all say hi

3. Literally not an argument

Thanks for memeing

>these are the strongest of the strongest
>fucking awful design for everyone of them
>jk they weren't the strongest after all

why so many mangakas do this

>2 out of 5 is all of them

WSJ gave Kubo like 5 years to finish his last arc, the rushed ending was only his own fault for be so bad at pacing and story telling.

>didn't even read the OP

How are you not a speedreader again?

Making shit edits is an art my friend. Be proud.

They were both functionally immortal and only died because of plot bullshit. Ywach was really powerful, but there was never any indication he was immortal at all.

Those are basically the best experts of various subjects in the planet though. Not fighters.

>WSJ gave Kubo like 5 years

Is there any proof of this? i've seen it repeated many times but never seen a source, I think it's more of an assumption than a fact.

I tend to trust more that he rushed the ending himself because of his health problems and his shoulder tendons causing him pain, which also better explains the ·you are finally free" like comment that Oda dedicated him.

>1% of the gotei 13 ends up beating the powered up versions of the same enemy
A bunch of cucks is what they are and what this manga is.

1. The Zero Squad actually beat the Quincy, but Juha Bach supercharged them

2. Juha Bach had to wait for a 1000 years to have the chance to activate Almighty to use against Ichibei alone.

3. He had to separate each of the Zero Squad memebers and needed multiple people to fight them

4. (and this is personal) I didn't give a shit if the Zero Squad won or lost. I cared for seeing the Vandenrich win and actually getting to Reio and having him killed. I was on Juha Bach's side in the story and wanted to see him kill Reio.

It's still a shitty edit too because you are saying he's the worst mangaka ever when there is a fuck ton more who are actually terrible, devolve greatly or just are incompetent to write something original.

1. Vizards storyline was over after the Arrancar Hueco Mundo arc and the Fake Karakura Town War ended.

2. Most of the Espada were killed off, many fraccions were the result of editorial mandating. Plus Grimmjow, Neliel, Harribel, and Harribel's fraccions defeat your argument

3. Same as . Not an argument.

>Is there any proof of this? i've seen it repeated many times but never seen a source, I think it's more of an assumption than a fact.
In the first chapter of the arc, there was literally a textbox that said "Bleach its starting its last arc". Kubo knew that was the end, and the arc lasted 5 years.

I definitely think it's more editorial nonsense though. Why do you think Juha Bach vs Ichigo ended on chapter 680 and then all of a sudden the plot just went on fast forward till the final chapter?

It defintely is the editorial department's fault given how things went down. Plus the man would power through Japanese colds and the shoulder tendon. You underestimate a human's resistance when they are focused

No, the arc only lasted 4. 2012 to 2016, so that doesn't work.

how does that proves that WSJ gave him 5 years?

They were only ever that powerful because Yhwach made them that way, and with Auchwalen he could take that power back whenever he wanted.

Admitting you didnt speedread bleach makes you sound like a retard.

Ywach was never shown using any of the powers he was able to grant.

Thats not what I'm saying; the other two are only immortal because Yhwach made them so, therefore hes objectively more powerful.

>not reading something makes you objectively more knowledgeable about it

Sup Forums tier logic

>don't even knows what board he is shitposting in
go away fucking Sup Forumsermin

Not that guy, but:

Actually they were not. Every single time Gerald Valkyrie came back, he was clearly losing power and becoming more and more unstable. Soon enough characters like Soi Fon and Ichibei could easily take him down with their shikai.

Gerald just has the equivalent of Wolverine healing factor.

2. X-axis Lillioto is a bit more complicated. he can be torn apart (from Isane's power) and can be broken down (by Izuru's power). He is not immortal either. He can only divide.

Immortal means they would not have the ability to die. Aizen is seemingly immortal now thanks to the Hogyokou. But the Elite Quincy like Gerald and Lillioto are not.

>reading comprehension

Good pic, still relevant to this day.

>you are saying he's the worst mangaka ever when there is a fuck ton more who are actually terrible, devolve greatly or just are incompetent to write something original.

Ah the old "He's bad but not worse than some others thus he's good and readable" argument.

He's not bad though. He made 4 good arcs and 2 bad ones dude. You are being an idiot if you think he's the worst or even legit bad.

Have you even HEARD of Kishimoto? Or Mashima? Or Aoyama? Geez. these guys really went downhill badly.

>people unironically defending Kubo's shit writing

Are we being invaded by reddit? Did these fucktards actually took our Kubo memes seriously?

>He made 4 good arcs

You either need to kill yourself or fuck off this board. Shit taste like this should not be tolerated, but after Hiroshima took over and the mods let Naruto in, they don't ban shitters like you anymore.
He only made 2 good, the rest were dogshit.

They were set up to lose so it can't be helped.

Monk vs Ywach was cool as shit though, pity it'll never be animated.

>He made 4 good arcs
we are talking about Bleach here, user

Soul Society is the best one.
Pre-Reaper is second best
1000 Year Blood War is third best. (see picture for proof)
Arrancar Hueco Mundo is entertaining. (big reason why the series went into millions of sales at this point)

Fake Karakura Town and Fullbring were the bad ones

The anime team said they want to animate the final arc but Shueisha is forcing them to do Boruto first.

It's real dumb.

Forgot the image

>Kubo apologists

Okay samefag, I know you are

Just stop dude.

That was my first post in this thread. You know there's an IP count right at the top you can check, you complete chucklefuck?


Nice try dude. You know exactly what happened. On both accounts too.

>Bleach apologist
>too stupid to look at the number of IPs

Why am I not surprised?

>Thinking I'm going to fall for your bullshit

Why am I not surprised?

1000 Year Blood War turns into complete shit right after Ichigo get his new sword. Even the image proves it. After a certain point, the manga just devoled it "oh shit this is ending soon, better show off a lot of power on mortal punching bags."


No user, I legitimately think you are a moron. I'm not trolling.

To be talked about as being super powerful and shown to have been around for a very long time.

Then they promptly get their asses collectively handed to them to make the bad guys look like an even bigger threat so as to ramp up tension for later chapters.

Which was all reverted by Kubo asspulls of epic proportions.

>Coyote Stark
One of the most interesting mofo's out of all the Arrancar, gone, out like a bitch.

>1000 Year Blood War turns into complete shit right after Ichigo get his new sword

No it doesn't. It gets shaky after the soul king's death. There is enough entertaining elements, but it's not glorious like the first 4 volumes, solid like 59-65, or decent like 66-68.

No, clearly you are trolling.