Which studio will handle the inevitable adaptation?

Which studio will handle the inevitable adaptation?

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Spirit Circle and Hoshi no Samidare will be animated before Zeromaria

Meaning you won't see any of those animated.

Since this is coming out in october, is it any good or is it standard LN-trash?

It's excellent. Volumes 3-4 are a bit weak, but 1 & 7 are amazing.

Has one hell of an ending.

What do you think of the author's new magical girl LN?

>Finished Series that sold like shit
Are you retarded?

As far as light novels go, it's one of the best. If you are looking for genuinely stellar writing though, you won't find it here.
But then again you wouldn't read LNs if you wanted good writing.

To counterbalance other opinions, I didn't like it much: I finished the second volume and stopped there.
It is definitely more original than most LN, but the 'rules' of the serie, which are at its center, didn't appeal to me. There are no clear realistic constraints on those rules, allowing the author to make as many twists and asspulls as he likes.

2 3 4 are definitely the worst one in the bunch, 2 more so than 3 and 4 but I agree. Boxes have no limits in what they can possibly do.

Author's new work is where it's really at.

How long does each volume take to read?


> Boxes have no limits in what they can possibly do.
Yeah, exactly what I was whining on.

user, I...

It's been years. Everybody is afraid of another endless eight.

Yeah I didn't get the boxes thing. First volume was good.

>Finished LNs
user, you don't know how this stuff works, do you?

99% of the world's population dead.
School one of the last bastions of humanity left. Ruled with an iron fist by a magical girl, who eats 1 student a day.

Define "eats"

nom nom nom

Sounds really edgy but fun.

>2 3 4 are definitely the worst one in the bunch
>There are 7 volumes total
>Almost half are shit
>"One of the best light novels"


>'worst' automatically means shit
That's one way of admitting you're an idiot.

He didn't admit it, he let it slip.
Way to let it slip that you're an idiot

It is. Check it out:


>nanodesu translation
Time to wait 10 years for the translation of the first volume.

>the part where the student council girl suddenly gets decapitated
Urobuchi eat your heart out.

please any studio pick it up i can't handle my one imagination so i want to watch in animation i can't read and fantasy the story myself.

>The author actually checked MAL and pat himself on the back that at least it was popular with gaijin pigs.

This timeline sucks

I was thinking something else, but nom nom nom works too.

It's nowhere near as good as Hakomaria and A LOT stupider, but it's definitely one crazy ride.

Any chance of it being translated officialy?

Why don't you just learn moon? Takes a year of studying to be able to read manga/LNs/VNs easily

Maybe if hakomari sells well enough, I wouldn't count on it though.

It needs to be presented in a movie format like Kara no Kyoukai

Would you?

3 and 4 are fantastic (better than 5 and 6). 2 is trash.

>3 and 4 are fantastic
Spotted the Sup Forumsshitter.

You'll worship any story related to video games.

It's not even "related to videogames" besides RPG references (which weren't videogames in the first place). It's a psychology and logic game more than anything.

Go back to your Danganropa thread, Sup Forumstard.

I always see this excuse but it's not uncommon for LNs to get recirculated with new covers/plot elements.

>anyone who doesn't like what I like must like this thing
It surprises me how someone this autistically close minded can even read LNshit.

Thank you for further proving you're a moron who came from Sup Forums

>3 and 4 better than 5 and 6
Least intelligent thing I've read this month, bravo.

It's his magnum opus, I wouldn't be surprised if he does a western kickstarter for an anime.

Just like sukasuka

You mean teenagers go batshit insane through contrived reasoning and asspull deus ex machina through the power of feelings? Fuck that shit. You have chainsaw massacre, very little sound reasoning behind Daiya, and shitty fucking idiots. Like hell this is good.

Sukasuka has a sequel tho

> Psychology
> Logic in this series
> Batshit contrived insane teenagers represents this.
You're not impressing anyone.


> Implying Hakomaria wasn't stupid
> Implying it was good.

No one will

> this is coming out in october
What. Tell me more.

There is no justice, there will be no adaptation.

Picked up by Jew Press or some other "official" english translation

Tell me her name

Not that one, the other one

Aya best girl.

Ufotable. Imagine the blue filters and blood shots.

> Ufotable
They haven't made a single good anime. I'd give Maria to Madhouse just to be sure.

>we will never see the chainsaw massacre animated

>tfw Yen Press licensed this and is releasing volume 1 in october

This series has some of the best twists I've ever seen. Definitely a wild ride, even if the writing itself wasn't that great (fan translations). 5 and 6 are particularly brilliant, although 3/4 have some really cool battle royale outsmarting elements that favor well.


King's game was the best arc.

I don't know if it was the translations fault or it's just that bad, but the first two books were really confusing to understand and the third one was so confusing I couldn't even get halfway through it

Asking because I'm curious and need something to read. What LNs do you find to have stellar writing?

You just have comprehension problems.

>fucking boxes