"Your origin is uselessness"

"Your origin is uselessness"

He was a pretty likeable puppet.

Literally /niceguy/ the character.

He started out kinda irritating me but holy shit by the end of it, best boy in KnK.

So, was it male SHIKI with Tomoe in that last dream scene or just normal Shiki?

Proto-Shirou had a hard life.

What are the worse and/or most humiliating origins one can get?

Tomoe ;_;

Pretty cool guy.

Feels like it's missing a few frames.

>the key was the last part to disappear
>his attachment towards his family was the last aspect to disappear

I loved Tomoe. Probably my second favorite Nasuverse boy after Soujuurou.

It's worthlessness. It may sound similar but it's pretty different.

In context of the plot, what difference does worthlessness portray? Purely curious.

So why was Shiki so friendly with Tomoe from the get-go?
Since they're the same wouldn't she hate him like how she hated Fujino?

Would you do it?

Unironically a better character than cuckutou

is that fucking shirou?

Because she needed a replacement goldfish for Mikiya.

>tfw Ayako is eternal cockblocked regardless of iteration

What's the deal with this film compared to the others. The two previous to this one are way better in my opinion. Especially the one where Shiki spends most of it in the hospital.

Because Tomoe was similar to SHIKI, not Shiki. In a way his existence helped fill out the void left behind by SHIKI's death which would explain why she got along with him so well.

Better than cannibal lion.

Kigen thing is so unfair.

The majority opinion is that the fifth movie is the best.


Worthless thing simply mean society/most people wouldn't find worth in it. It can still be useful to a person or have sentimental value.
Like Tomoe. He was a loser ostracized by society and end up dying without accomplish anything for himself or his family. However his actions ended up saving Shiki and put an end to Araya and his Atrocities.

That's an interesting way to think of it.

>mfw i roll poorly at char gen

Some cool fights

>Watching KnK for the fights.

Sure ain't watching KnK for the shitty plot

Fujinon is the cutest.

KnK 5 is 2deep4u. I bet you don't even understand Counter Force part in movie

They're a bonus

>KnK 5 is 2deep4u
It's not deep at all

Nasu's shitty exposition and attempts at world building are laughable at best

He popped a guy's eyes with his finger

I need to rewatch this because I didn't understand what the fuck was going on

Was it kino?


Explain further, what's wrong with Knk5 plot and worldbuilding.


You can't just make claims like that without even trying to justify them.

I believe he just did.

its like pottery

>what's wrong with Knk5 plot and worldbuilding.
The same thing that's wrong with Fate

Concepts are introduced and used once because they seem cool then they're dropped and never brought up again until some random LN/VN author is commissioned to write some shitty spinoff.

Unfortunately for KnK there is no such luxury with multiple spinoffs and cash-ins, so everything is even more half-baked.

Also there's nothing deep about KnK 5's plot. The movie just has a non-linear structure that tries to deceive the viewer, with a reveal that is something that anyone with an IQ above 80 could see coming half way into the movie. It's like saying pulp fiction is deep.


This scene more than anything makes me long for a Tsukihime adaptation in the same style

I hate the word kino, but this was pure kino. The music during this scene was so good as well.

>I hate the word kino
Then just say "this is a nicely done scene" or something, you retard.

So what was with the whole "you can only kill one person in your lifetime" thing?