How often do you guys watch anime? If daily, how much per day?

How often do you guys watch anime? If daily, how much per day?

I keep finding myself going through bursts where I watch a good show for a few weeks then don't watch anything for months. Do you have to force yourself to get through your backlog?

>having a backlog

I do the same desu

Nice blog thread, janitor.

I try to always watch at least a couple of hours each day.

about 3 hours worth of media consumption and another 2 hours of Sup Forums browsing and miscellaneous fucking around on the internet.
Basically each day I will either:
Watch 9 anime or
Read 6 volumes of manga or
Read a LN volume or
Read a route in a VN


>3 hours is a VN route

about 1 hour a week, more if i pick up and start watching some finished series

atleast ep a day
usually 3-5
at best 50 episodes a day

50 episodes is almost 20 hours in a day. There's no way you're doing that unless you're one of those autistic 2x speed watching faggots

So is it like a weekend thing?

depends on when the shows air, but i tend to forget about them during the week and then catch up on saturdays

>Want to watch anime and play games
>Barely have the will to get off bed.
>I end up spending about 10-16h per day in Sup Forums, and nothing else.
Thats my day, everyday. Just kill me.

Usually I spend 10/15 hours watching anime, reading, or playing video games
Anime watching record was when I rewatched FMA: Brotherhood all in one go, I started at 10 am and finished around noon the next day

damn, was it that good?

Usually watch 1-3 episodes before I got to bed.

How did you never watch it? It's one of the most popular series ever made

I watched all of Izetta today. It was allright.

>damn, was it that good?
No. It's massively popular for some reason and at the same time the most overrated shit in existence, much more so than EVA.

>more so than Eva
Bullshit, Eva is constantly hailed as one of the crowning achievements of humanity by the fanbase, FMA is "just" called best anime ever made, like many fanbases do

Daily. From half an hour to the whole day. But normally it doesn't go past an hour.
I have a lot of free time so I'm starting to look for another hobby to fill because most of the time I don't feel like watching anime all day.

Every other day, usually 3 or 4 eps a night.
Sometimes I'll marathon a show/series, but that's a rare occurrence nowadays.

>he can't sit down and marathon anime for 24 hours straight
I'm a NEET so I decide my own schedule so it's not a big deal

Just graduated from uni so the anime watching is starting to pick back up. Still I would say 6 episodes a day is my max. Then Ill play vidya for maybe 2 hours every other day on top of that. Then theres the daily time wasted spent browsing Sup Forums

>There's no way you're doing that
Not that user, but this isn't really that hard. I've gone full recluse and marathoned entire anime series' in a matter of days, only taking breaks to use the bathroom.
I know people that only marathon anime, scheduling time every weekend to sit down and cram the next show into their head.

I watch 2 shows that the cours match such as a 13 and a 13 or a 26 and a 26 and then a bigger show that is multi cour and I watch 3 episodes of it every day. Also all the seasonal shit I have. Really good way to work on the backlog. Also I throw in a short during my watching sometimes.

Wait until you get a fulltime job. That's the true death.

I watch it in bursts like you. Usually 6 episodes a day, over the course of three or so days, and then not again for another two months.

I wish I could watch more often, but my brain is retarded mush and I have to really be feeling my best to be able to pay attention.

>tfw I have only watched 5 Series in the last 3 years but still come here

Damn are you me

I read more manga daily than anime. I watch maybe 1-3 episodes of anime a week, and that's usually from my backlog because I don't really keep up with seasonal anime.

20 minutes a week. I also remember to skip OP and ED to save time

Usually a half an hour to an hour and a half. I watch it while I eat and work out. On work days I don't get to watch it with lunch.

And also I usually watch 3-6 episodes with friends at some point during the week.

are you me XD

I typically watch about 3 episodes per day on days where I can't stay up until 3am. If I can stay up that late I almost always spend 11p-3am watching anime, so I'll end up watching up to 15 episodes on those days.

I usually watch 3-6 airing shows a season combined with about a full seasons length of past shows with my roommates a week so maybe 6-8 hours a week

I'm actually considering downloading an extension that only allows me to go onto Sup Forums for a couple hours day to stop this. I need to be more productive

>I also remember to skip OP and ED to save time

You'd better at least watch them twice (in case it changes after the first episode) and check to make sure there's nothing after the ED or else that is absolutely haram.

3 or 4 episodes a day even though i have fulltime job

never post again

We'll leave as soon as Sup Forums does.

I usually marathon 1-2 shows on the weekend. I don't usually have time to watch anything during the week. My backlog keeps growing faster than I can watch it.

I used to watch like a season a day, but along the road ran out of stuff to watch. Its not like I dont have a backlog or watched everything out there. There are plenty of popular shows like FMA or CGL that I havent watched for example, I simply cant motivate myself to do so. I see that something has 25 or more episodes and CBA because in my experience most shows that ive watched talready felt dragged out by the time they finished the first 25. The only shows with more than 25 episodes that I've watched are older shows, like some of the gundams, maison Ikkoku and a lot of other stuff from 80s and 90s. Modern shows feel so fucking dragged out its unreal. I really prefer the 12ep format. I started to just drop shit after 6 episodes if I disliked it. Problem is that almost every show bores me shitless at this point.


Which ones, I'm interested.

Once a week at least. Whats funny is I actually do try to watch daily but I can never find anything I want to settle on marathoning. So I end up watching seasonal series #8,044,001

mob psycho, tatami galaxy, lain, NHK, Jojo

2-4 episodes a day, i typically watch two series plus another one ever so often if the others begin to drag. Once i reach a really good part of one show I'll binge it (meaning 5-10 episodes per day) until i get to the halfway point or finish.
That may not seem like a lot but i have 3 other equally valued hobbies that i participate in semi-weekly.

jesus christ

usually i watch an episode of something before work amd maybe another episode before bed. weekends i binge read manga and watch currently airing stuff

Go down a friends on the weekend and we bang out most of the current airing we agree on, then i watch the others she ain't into on days off. I sometimes marathon a series on a bank holiday.

I make a list of anime I want to watch for the month. It starts around 5-6 episodes a day but I slack a lot so I need to watch around 10 a day in the last week or so.

I rarely watch anime at all anymore. Youjo Senki was a rare fully completed series. I watched a little of maiddragon, but nothing else this year.

my to read manga list shrinks about as fast as my to watch anime list
watching things is so fucking hard

Did you enjoy VOTOMS?

I have only watched 20 episodes of the tv show. What was on the chart was the OVA "The Last Red Shoulder" and yes I am enjoying it.

I probably average 1-2 hours a day of anime. It is usually limited to how much airing shows I find interesting that season.

one hour a week probably.

If you barely watch anime you shouldn't browse Sup Forums.


I have watched anime every day for 3 years now. To date, I have finished over 500 anime and I watch it for ~5 hours daily, switching between shows on Crunchyroll or other services. I use Sup Forums (especially the anime board) for ~2 hours daily as well. I will not stop.

anime boards, not anime board.

The real question, do you guys watch anime high?

smoking pot is for losers and addicts. If you watch anime high you're not actually liking the anime, just hallucinating it.

>500 shows and using streaming shit instead of 1080p files from animbytes or even nyaa

just how


I miss this feeling so much, watching anime while having smoked some weed is the best feeling. Too bad i quit smoking 9/10 would recommend


Look up the meaning of the word before you post it autist

Smoking weed either made me incredibly sleepy, ridiculously paranoid or barely able to talk.

I'd rather have a beer or two to chill out since truthfully I no longer have access to weed. Might try it again someday if it becomes legal in my state.

I did look it up you fucking autist. Go smoke pot and choke and hallucinate and overdose

Sup Forums is not "anime", it's "anime and manga"

I mostly just read manga these days unless its an anime original that looks interesting.

There's no way someone can be this retarded.

On average? Once every few weeks.

Was Sup Forums always this pleb?

I watch anime almost everyday like atleast 5 hours a day and I'm a guy

>and I'm a guy
You didn't need to clarify that part.

2 episodes a day, 5 times a week usually. Or I don't watch anything for a while if there is nothing I am currently into.

As long as I can carry on in one session, depending on how much I have to do over the day.

Well, it still has to do with anime.

I only smoke weed with friends/social events.

The thought of getting high alone is a very sad and lonely concept to me.

I feel that way about drinking

>not having a bottomless hole at the center of your being that must be filled with a quota of anime on a regular basis
What are you even doing here?

this is the new cool hang out spot, dorks need to gtfo

I don't watch it anymore. Got burned out trying to catch up with my backlog. Now I just watch fight scenes and read the wiki to understand what's going on. Much more manageable this way.

Getting stupidly high on edibles and watching anime is amazing. Blurs the line between reality and fiction to the point where it almost feels like events on the screen are really happening. Really hard to follow the plot though, and sometimes when they re-use animation I freak out thinking I'm rewatching the same episode over and over.

ymmv though, drugs are super effective on me. On identical doses of psilocybin my friend had some light visuals while I got complete ego loss.

My backlog probably has like 50+ things on it but I wont be finishing it anytime soon despite watching 12+ episodes a day lol

Friendly remind that you don't need to force yourself to watch a shitty anime like Your favorite anime just to keep the ball rolling.

I didn't watch anime for about 5 years straight from 2011 because I was busy with uni and work but now I'm back to 6 hours daily or so