Why is The Star of Remphan on the Israeli flag?

Why is The Star of Remphan on the Israeli flag?

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It's not hte star of remphan. It's older than that. Stop watching pastor anderson he's a shill.

jidf arrives on the scene

Well its not in the Bible

straight up kike shill


Where did it come from then?
>inb4 muh star of david
That's false.

synagogue of satan, bro

I can’t do it...

do what?

Only for civnat. He exposes the holohoax.

>be a "jew"
>be in the synagogue of satan and worship moloch
What the fuck did you expect?

Friend if you’re not saved you are also part of that synagogue

Yes it is:
>“‘Did you bring to me slain beasts and sacrifices,
> during the forty years in the >wilderness, O house of Israel?
>You took up the tent of Moloch
> and the star of your god Rephan,
> the images that you made to worship;
>and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon.’

>Jew-daism: The Jews Worship Themselves!



That's the same heresy as Nazism.
>worshiping the created German race
>not worshiping the creator of the German race
>worshiping the Jewish race
>not only not worshiping the creator of the Jewish race but unironically murdering him

> and the star of your god Rephan,
Is there a picture of it? Because otherwise it could be any kind of star.

Whats the context behind that pic?

>hurr durr why is a fundamental sacred geometric symbol that predates even the antediluvian civilizations appearing in a variety of places today, must be jews or satan




satan existed before human civilization.
just give up ur shilling, JIDF


>this kills the eternal Sup Forums lurking jude

god is the one infinite creator and therefore predates satan


"Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon."


DO you realy need to ask?


>Jews worship moloch
This is fucking moronic. They have a huge book which details their battles with the worshippers of moloch. And when they defeated them they killed the priests of moloch and burned their temples

It’s called the book of kings. Read it

Explain the Talmud you fucking kike rat

>impliying jews believe the bible

The sign is identified as the star of Remphan for many centuries.

It's called a Merkaba

Yea, let's just forget all the biblical and archaeological references to Israelites worshiping Moloch/Remphan and their star (Pentagram) ... and lets just call it some Merkaba bullshit.

Well played kike, well played. (not)

Source? Like, original usage of that as the Remphan star?

They came back

Since today most narratives and so called truths are pushed on us by jews and their media/education, there obviously is no generally accepted proof that this indeed is the star of Remphan, otherwise Israel would be referred to as the nation of Satan or something along these lines.
But there have been accounts of many individuals going back centuries who not only claimed this, but also backed up their insider knowledge.
You can easily see how one sided historic consensus is by comparing how in one case a sufficient number of witnesses are accepted as proof when it goes their way and in another case 10x, or in the case of typical anti jew "themes" like blood libel, 1000x number of witnesses are completely dismissed.
There are hundreds of clean and fair cases documented where some jew or a Jewish community have been convicted in courts to have kidnapped and slaughtered a Christian child in rituals, but still it is called a lie.
There have been many documented cases of jews poisoning wells, some of them even proven to have been committed by modern day Israel, yet calling jews out for poisoning wells is somehow evil.
It is obvious that (((they))) control the frame of what is allowed to be said in public because there is not even a single area where criticism against them can be even theoretically thought of as acceptable.
Yet it is acceptable to criticise whites for even breathing air. You can even criticise blacks and asians to some degrees. But jews are above criticism.

>But there have been accounts of many individuals going back centuries who not only claimed this,
Doesn't matter without proof.
>but also backed up their insider knowledge.
Okay, backed up how? I just want to see why the hexagram became a Remphan star in recent times.

Jews who converted to Christianity. The Talmud was only translated in the 13th century and jews discovered to not being mere followers of the Old Testament because a jew converted and informed the Catholic church about the Talmuds content.
There are written accounts of former jews calling it the star of Remphan and in every other case it would have been accepted as proof today like it was accepted back then.
After all, what kind of proof would be sufficient for you? A video recording of a guy testifying 500 years ago?

Another point is, no fucking jew can come up with an explanation of how the star of David is related to ancient Israel and David.
Why is then called the star of David and even used on their flag?
I can explain the symbolism of the Austrian flag and the symbols like the two headed eagle, some can be done for every European flag.
But the Israeli flag is a mystery. Strange, isn't it?

>There are written accounts of former jews calling it the star of Remphan
Cool. Source?
>After all, what kind of proof would be sufficient for you?
Probably some artifact from the era of "Remphan" worship linking it to the hexagram.

>no fucking jew can come up with an explanation of how the star of David is related to ancient Israel and David.
Yea, it isn't. The menorah is the traditional jewish symbol. But there were cases from like the 13th century of Hungarian jews being made to wear a hexagram to identify them.

idk just nuke them lol

The 6 point star has been used by many religions and religious groups all around the world, and was used by Jews for decorative purposes, and only got a meaning in Judaism in the 11th century

The Old Testament is basically a continual condemnation of Jews for worshiping Moloch

Jews cause kidney stones

those are guardians that keep out evil.

wtf are you implying their evil? Bro look into that shit cuz its badass and kills them.

