Will the madman actually get away with it?

Will the madman actually get away with it?

I'm starting to think he can.



I thought he meant dropping a temple roof on their asses.

Nope, the fifth column is the deep state is israel.

Yes I think he will. At one time, the deepstate had more types of ill fitting people on their payroll. For example, prior to the 1970s, Hollywood was filled with LGBTQ people. As they became normalized in society, they were no longer blackmailable. The deepstate really only has a few groups remaining to select from in our "degenerate" society. Trump is not a fool. He knows they are the same throughout the ranks. He is not part of their club so he can rule with an iron fist and hang them when he is through with them being useful. They won't be missed. The only concern is who will take over society. For the love of humanity, it ought not be the Protestants or Christian Sharia will not be far behind.

It's taken a year, but it looks like the groundwork for turning the public against the deep state has been laid out.

Even if the memo doesn't turn out to be as big as it is being hyped, it will add to the growing anti-fbi/DS sentiment.

I don't want to get excited, but just imagine if there was an actual purge of these traitors in the coming years.

What if!

The memo, and everything that follow its release, is going to change the world forever.

Part of being so insular and secretive is that they only have control over a small group of people. Getting rid of the DS wouldn't have the same social effects that, say, a revolution would have. You wouldn't see christian sharia because the social architecture for such a thing doesn't exist and without the DS there would not be anyone to put it there.

It would be more organic and, dare I say it, democratic than that.

I'm not entirely on board with the notion that Christian Sharia is not a possibility. Take the ongoing boycotts of "degenerate" companies like Target and Starbucks. It would slowly take over in a matter of a few years or a decade, but one by one companies would have to create hard rightwing Protestant cultures or face boycotts which would put them out of business. Unfortunately, many normies are also sheeple who will go along with it the same that they do under the deepstate rule. Believe it or not, Iran was a secular, slightly Islamic country in the 1960s. Look what happened there. Sure the deepstate had a role in that shift to what it is today, but the Iranian sheeple went along with the shift. The only reason why there is a secular revolution there now is because Trump started it with the state department.

oh by the way, they are not that insular and secretive. Anyone can join. Just go to their social clubs and make yourself known. They will try to get you to go through the initiations slowly, but it always ends the same whether it takes them a few minutes or several years to let you in the highest levels.

All he has to do is literally just ask us. Me and my men are ready. The nation is ready! People underestimate a human society’s unwillingness to live in shit.

Interesting take, thanks. I very much am interested in thinking about how our degenerate society has actually facilitated our salvation. Out of curiosity, who do you think should run society after the purge?

It is an interesting question who I think should run society after the purge. On one hand, I think the Greens should be in charge socially. However, I think there are many aspects that the purge crowd are not taking into account or at least consciously. I see the Ameri-mutt memes, but it is true. Americans are not the brightest worldwide. Without the current DeepState/Vatican, America would be a third world country in a hurry. The US simply cannot compete on a global stage intellectually against India or industriously against China. So my plan would be to let the pedocriminals be in charge of foreign affairs with the LGBTQ as their handlers (as they were prior to Vatican II) so they can keep America a first world country and let the Greens run domestic policy.

interesting analysis user

I doubt it. He had his chance to name the real enemy and blew it.

Now hes doing theatre to distract us from the pile of shit he's made of the office. You should have locked her up Donald.

This is what you think you're going to get

This is what you'll actually get

E-exactly goy-uh, guys! J-just don't even look at the memo okay?

If tomorrow isn’t a paradigm shift into a whole new world, the left won’t have a chance to touch him, because we will rip him to shreads for misleading us.

Wild stuff.

why oh why did I vote for Donaldstein Drumpfbergowitz? How could I be so stupid and blind?

Here's page 2. Don't worry, they'll release a page like this every day to lead you along, like a carrot on a string

Where have I seen this before? Oh right from a shill.

I see now.... I know why the shills keep saying :It's nothing moving along" It all makes sense.

i legitimately feel bad for you user. just remember that true meaning is found within

If everything that people knew was a lie and they found out the truth, wouldn't that be considered a revelation?

The word “apocalypse”means to unveil, not the end of the world.
The meaning of the apocalypse is the opposite of what most people think. It does not mean the end of the world.

>Modern India is intellectually more formidable than the US
India's greatest thinkers are long gone and not nearly as influential on nurturing the minds of modern Indians beneficially.
They're dumber like every other 3rd world.
Yes, Americans are dumb, but the upper percentages of its intellectuals are definitely more than India's....

Meh, the most powerful man on earth has had a year to do what's right.

If someone shows you who they are, believe them.


First thing that came to my mind were jachin and boaz

And part of the modern idiocy of America is the many different cultures which have immigrated from all over.
I'm mostly German and Italian, with some Greek blood (No, not loght brown skinned italians, but caucasian, fair skinned Italians, some of which in my large family are blonde)
Mexicans really are dumber on average. America'a elites and culture has abandoned God, so He no longer blesses America as when it was much more Christian.

I meant many different races of course. Genetics does have a big play in intellect

even if it turns out to be nothing the halfwits will just forget and move on to the next conspiracy
even if it damages national security they won't care because they are the righteous.

I'll laugh if trumps reckless stupidity pushes the country over the edge and a majority starts demanding impeachment in a big way

Why do you think he went to Langley the very first full day in office then make the 'columns' comment? He sent a message day 1.

I think you are underestimating the Indians. America has smart people, but there is something that needs to be considered. India teaches their students how to learn. America teaches their student what to think. This gives India a massive advantage in a world without a deepstate.

If you look at our experts, there is something very interesting. I have several advanced degrees in STEM fields from Tier I research schools through a PhD, but I've always thought my colleagues were bullshitting like I was with regard to being "on-narrative". They actually believe the narrative through and through. There are two ways to get a degree in the US: (1) be an intellectually gifted person, or (2) be dumb enough to actually believe the narrative and the powers that be will push you through. There isn't much in the middle ground.

watched that live and it gave me chills, its absolutely possible.