
Is Ooi going too far with the thiccness?

More relevant shots.
This fucking mother.

Child abuse

Link to the raws? I want to read them


Yes, his style has been going to shit lately.

No idea, I just dl the whole magazine and took it from there.

I remember one user posted the link that has all the new chapters.

Weird, I think her style only improved in these past chapters,
Ashitaba-san also got a lot better than Okusan a couple chapters prior to the wedding arc and has been pretty enjoyable so far.
Let it sink in that the main girl of the manga got already pregnant.
In comparison, Okusan has been really boring for a long while.

What the fuck does style have to do with plot?

I really don't understand how anyone on here finds the Mom attractive unless they buy into the THICC meme that much.

She's hambeast as fuck and no this is not one of those situations where "it's a 2d hambeast so it looks good", she still looks like shit.

Yes, he went too far long ago. glorification of a trait is one matter, but this display of human body parts is just wrong. They are pathologically thick and the dude got a tumor in his pants.

That's a rude thing to say.

Post link to raws faggots


Asuna is mine.

damn that hambeast made me nostalgic I miss playing with the pigs on my grandfather's farm

>Ashitaba doujin gets translated
>it's a faceless guy fucking the entire household
>Mu-kun just watches as the guy starts fucking his fiance while she's telling him goodbye
>eventually sneaks in their room and impregnates her while they're asleep
I never thought I could fap to the same thing so many times in one day before I found that doujin

>too far

I don't get your question.

The one where Muu-kun fucks the mother is better.

I respectfully disagree.


Ashitaba-san raws are easy to get.
Okusan raws on the other hand are really hard to come by, the usual places are like two chapters behind.


Link them. The one with the latest chapters

I don't mind the bodies but the faces are awful.





I wonder if the doujins will actually begin drawing her pregnant.

Can't you NTRfags go into your own thread or something? Go make a general, I dunno.

I find everything about Ashitaba boring: I don't care if she gets pregnant and the wedding barely changes anything in the relationships.
I like the characters in Okusan much more and find the situation they're in really funny in comparison with a fat lady trying to seduce his son-in-law. Ashitaba does have "heart-felt" moments, but when they happen it's already hard to care about the characters involved.

Post raws

He's like Yoichi Takahashi, but with tits instead of legs. Look at OP's fucking post: tits twice as big as the head.

Asuna belongs to Wakaba from Okusan.


Yeah seriously, the fucks in this thread have hijacked "thicc" as an excuse (and probably as a form of denial) to like these clearly overweight disgusting whores. This isn't thicc, OP clearly is into BBW.

You are just low test.

Nice meme.


So did he cheat on his wife yet?
I don't think its gonna be long before the mom rapes him

The mom has his husband back now.

Doesn't stop her from being thirsty as fuck and the dude has a giant fucking dick

No really, where can you get Okusan raws?

Last tankoubon came out not long ago so there is that.



Literal titmonsters.

As long as he doesn't go full HeroHeroTom it's still salvageable.

HeroHeroTom actually started drawing way smaller women on his twitter.
They are almost Ashitaba mom tier now.

Ashitaba-san, Oku-san, or pic related.

Bonus stage/hard mode