Daily Reminder

These are red flags for women:
- Wears yoga pants or skinny jeans everywhere instead of dresses or skirts
- Has (any) tattoos
- Has pixie or boyish haircut
- DOESN'T want kids but animals instead
- Piercings other than ears, and should only be one piercing per ear
- Unnatural hair color/dye (blue, red, pink, etc.)
- Problem glasses

Avoid at all cost.

>Doesn't want kids
No matter what she says, this is always a lie.

They want kids more than they want to live.

We know faggot.

We know.

What did you do? Update your list or some shit?

>wearing yoga pants is bad

nigga are you gay

Are you black?


No, but that was meant to be a bit ironic.

Still confused as to why OP believes wearing yoga pants is bad. They're just trendy.

t. sells a shit ton of them in ecommerce

women don't like kids

women like the idea of kids

which is why they so easily transfer their affection to pets

a girl wearing yoga pants***

This. They may hold out for some time, but eventually they cannot resist nature.

>They want kids more than they want to live.
No shit, that's their purpose.

>- DOESN'T want kids but animals instead
No wonder they go blacked.

bottom left is actually very cute!

nihonjin wiht teh bantz

These are red flags for women to avoid as well, the times we live in...

some try, and for those we say f

rather than listing the red flags which consist of the majority (probably 80% of western women) you should lsit the green flags (minority) and how to spot them

for example, lack of giant man friend squad, shy, close to their parents (biological), employed, etc

that's why they offset the kids with animals

it fulfills some of the child-instinct

they're just trashy

comfortable trashy clothing, it's a way to wear something lazy and comfortable while trying to show off your figure

low effort lazy clothes, no wonder they're popular

>women don't like kids
>women like the idea of kids
Women enjoy kids if they haven't been brainwashed by popular culture.

They must give up their freedom and body in order to have children. In a culture where that is sin, it's hard to find a woman who can be saved through childbirth.

good signs:
attends a private school
natural hair color
demure attire, not flashy or provocative
can actually hold up a conversation

they don't want kids up until a certain point when all they want is kids

It's the dumbest shit ever
like a total reversion of interests
The only time I've seen a man do a complete 180 was when my alcoholic uncle went cold turkey after hearing his liver was in severe danger

Kek, this. Same with my girlfriend at age c. 20

Why is it all white women and why is the media pushing this over 30 year old white woman suicide meme

>you should lsit the green flags
We've known this for centuries. Let's break it down:
>She doesn't bring the people around her pain or harm.
>She's a hard worker who isn't afraid to do things herself and get her hands dirty.
>She feeds her family, often putting a lot of work and effort into it.
>She gets up early to prepare for the day.
>She is a business woman, and often has side-jobs to make the family money.
>She's a good investor and can handle money.
>Her hobbies help her house, and is often crafty and makes things for her children and husband.
>Her husband is a respectable man, not a neckbeard.
>She is dignified and strong
>Always keeps busy
>Her kids and husband love her.
>She fears the Lord.

The last one is the most important. That's how you will find one with the rest.

How is this even possible?
How can you ruin a liver with 20?
I've been treating mine like shit and it's stil up and kicking

Most women don't really have hard convictions, they believe what either the greater culture believes or the dominant males in their life believe. If you have proper amounts of testosterone and make her orgasm the women you take as GFs/wives will adopt your worldview.


what if I don't qualify for half the green flags myself?