
No entry-level shit allowed.

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When are you going to stream again, Dezaki-kun?

But this is entry level


Not allowing any entry level anime is as bad as the normal threads full of casualfags.
Actually all 3x3 threads are pretty gay

He's not wrong, you know...

What exactly is the difference between a 3x3 thread and a harem thread?


Is Lucky Star still considered entry-level?

I wonder about that.

>Is Lucky Star still considered entry-level?
I'd rather worry about everything else that you have there.

I'm most concerned about your middle panel user

This is the most concerning post I've seen today.



All subbed TV series are entry level. Step up senpai.

Entry level anime from 20 years ago is not entry level now, I swear guys!!!

6/6 currently watching iroha though


>no entry level anime
Derailing this thread with no survivors

Ok so when does something start to be entry level? When it has 50k fans on MAL?

>New Game
What a curve ball.

>entry-level shit allowed

But all the best shows are entry level

When newbies know the anime's name without begging for it.

You are cool user. If New Game has a good second season I might put it on my 3x3 too.


I really hope it has a good second season so I can keep it in my 3x3. If Hifumi gets a little more screen time it'll be fine though.

that rating system doesn't even make any sense!

>not rating me
Could you really not recognize a single thing in my 3x3? Sad.

Isn't that what you wanted though? This way you get to reply with a sense of smug superiority.

6/7 great taste Arakawa sucks though
2/3 or something? Very difficult chart
5/7 or 4/7 can't decide. I think, or is it 8? what's that in bottom left corner

>Arakawa sucks though
Not him but Arakawa is hilarious. I wish it had as many seasons as monogatari and that the latter was forgotten

>bottom left corner
Wings of Honneamise

The concept of people choosing an alternative lifestyle by living under a bridge was super interesting. I would love to see more of that. But it just had the worst style of comedy and wasn't taken seriously at all. I would love a more serious take on it with less stupid and awful jokes, and where the main character instead comes to respect those people's choice in lifestyle. But it does none of that, the people are not taken seriously and it's just a bunch of stupid lolsorandom jokes and not very funny.
More romance would also be nice.
Isn't that in right though? And Honneamise doesn't have any giant robots as far as I can remember



-.5 New Game, decent but one of the weaker SoL anime by Doga Kobo. Their best one is on my 3x3.


I know I'm shit but I loved all of these.

Toradora, Stein's Gate and Madoka are all great.
Code Geass is also acceptable. I found it a bit hard to enjoy properly because it was too intense, but it's pretty cool still, and fun to watch if you can force yourself through the episodes without being scared away due to the intensity.

Are these the 9 anime series you've watched?

1/1, but now I'm intrigued by the rest.

4/6. Nothing I really disliked, but four that I'm only half-and-half on.

5/6. You do a good job with your composition.

2/2. I'd change mid left to match the color scheme.

1/1, only because I haven't made it very far into YKK.

3.5/5. It's a nice mix.

3/4. If you like them, that's fine, but it's good that you recognize that there's a certain connotation lingering over most of those.

Told you I have shit taste. :(
I'm trying to get into older stuff, I just watched NGE the other day, loved it.


I could only manage a 2x2.

Lurk more before posting

2x2s are the future!


>Isn't that in right though?
Fuck I'm actually retarded. That's gunbuster, it might be fanart.

>Their best one is on my 3x3.
I haven't seen GJ-bu but I've heard good things. Hyakkoku Hajime's music was one of my favorite parts of New Game so I think I might start it soon
also 5.5/6


2x2 is cuter.

nice, ++ koe no katachi and k-on

+++ EoE, ++ monster, haibane, kino no tabi, รจ jin roh

k-on, gunbuster, eva and tatami, all great show

sora no woto was comfy, we need more shows like that

there's nothing wrong really, they're just super popular...re zero was shit tho

nice, bebop, shiki and SSY

great taste all of you...are 2x2s a thing now?

shit, i forgot mine

Arakawa's OPs are great. The series itself left a lot to be desired though I thought, instead of balancing the comedy against exploring the characters it's just a full-in comedy, and a very hit-or-miss one at that.

Ecce elegantia suprema animationum Iapanicarum. Res solae qui gloriam Romae augeant gloriam merent; cetera omnia unus assis aestimo. Irrumatores infatuati ab puella bella quae belle se gerant exasperant me et omnes cuius mens nondum arescant. Ita iudicabimini.

Nulla/nulla. Non virilis hoc; pudorne habes?

I/V. Medicus ille nomine Ginko gratus est, sed cur tantum puellae?

III/IV. Aurum mihi placet, et Comite Montis Christi fructus sum.

I/II. Ave Caesar.

I/I, propter Venitiam, puellis non obstantibus.

I/IV. Puellae bonae sunt, si milites.

III/III. Saevus est animatio Romana! Arma virumque cano...

III/III. Roma plura regna quam duodecim vicit.

II/II. Columnae illae similes columnarum Romanarum sunt.

I/III. Quam turpes vultus.

Nulla/I. Ubi sunt viri? Pueri puellaeque soli video.

III/VI. Illene est Marcus Grunnius Corocotta?




Me go hunt big wool many day. Me leave wife and kids and favorite three-three thread. Now me come back and what find? This thread big fuck. Thought find all talk three-three Eurasian cave painting. But me find not three-three! So dumb. Me teach you right way three-three.

Also, find wife eat by cave bear. Me hate cave bear!

Good paint but those feet not good for run. Weak bare feet. Get eat by wolf.

This not three-three! Me not even count more than three. This many-many. Who so dumb he see three-three thread and think, "me post many-many". So dumb.

This too dumb. More many than last many-many, so more dumb.

This fine. Think girl not should stand in box though. Maybe cave bear in box. Hate cave bear so much!

You not bad.

You most dumb in thread.

See roast bird. Am conflict. Want eat bird, but bird look bad. Bird look like me boss. Maybe eat big wool meat tonight instead.

Who blue girl low left? Can no see. Head cut off. Me think you miss joke chance.

Low right real cave paint. Big wolf bird. Me no see big wolf bird yet, but look bad. Maybe hate more than cave bear.

What matter? Brain so small no can make three-three? Go back to cave, neanderthal.

This what? Three-many? Wrong!

You not even talk right.

2.5/4. Get three-D out cave. No want to see.

You okay, but man-bug not. Kill man-bug if see. Man-bug maybe more bad than wolf-bird.

Caveman more smart than rest of thread.

>No entry level shit allowed
>posts pipi longstocking, anohana, and arriety

>You most dumb in thread

>pipi longstocking, anohana, and arriety
top bait.

>From the New World
Uchouten Kazoku

That is From the New World, though.

-Code Geass

It's entry level, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's shit taste.
-Now and Then, Here and There
I'm not counting Aria because I just started it, but I like it so far.
2x2's are too small to be a totally accurate judge of taste and character.
5/5 TV and OVA
5/5 Movie


>area 88

1/1 :^)

embryo here, what weird rating systems are you guys giving to each other? "6/6"?? literally the only thing I can come close to guessing that the format of it is, is
># enjoyed from your chart / # seen from your chart


That's basically how it works.

i was not expecting in the slightest that my guess was right

you guys are pretty nice to each other then



Nah, now everything you include is entry level. You better go and fuck yourself, if you go and ask someone with entry level knowledge about anime and manga they won't be able to identify any of these and don't try to deny it.

Depends on how well they know those shows.

Your problem is that you still expect words to have have intelligible meanings when used in an argument of opinions. "Entry level" could mean just about anything, or even nothing if the other party is posting in bad faith.

entry-level means normalfags know about it

That's a very poorly defined category.

No it doesn't.

+Kaiba, Eva
-Jin-Roh, Monte Cristo
+Geass, S;G, Re:Zero, Psycho Pass
++Perfect Blue
+Ping Pong, EVA
++Tatami, Perfect Blue
+Eva, End Of EVA, Porco Rosso, Aria, Millennium Actress
+Ping Pong, LOTGH, TTGL
+Eva, Millennium Actress

Holy shit one of my old ones are in there I'm actually somewhat proud

what's bottom left?

>re zero
being this normalfag

Well I updated my 3x3 for the first time in 3+ years and my top 3 (all time, not the rows) is never going to change I guess.

Only replying to ones with little/no replies because I'm lazy

1/1, although I'm about to start LOGH




0/1, although I've probably seen that miyazaki + space dandy is in my eternal backlog


What's top left?

3/5 -Space Danddy and NHK


3/4 -Kill la kill


Michiko no Hatchin.

Dirty Pair.

I assume it's one of the top two panels.

Proceeds to post pretentious entry shit

The top 3 are Paranoia Agent, Tatami Galaxy and Monster

Correct; it wouldn't necessarily remain entry level. The works of Seneca the Younger were entry level for their time; not so now. So too with anime.

What's middle right and bottom left?

2/2. As far as I know, none of the stuff on my chart is entry level.
7/7. K-On! is pretty entry level too, but it's far from bad, in my opinion.
6/6. It's not bad, but I wouldn't claim it's patrician, not by any means.
3/3. le smol anime mosaic.
>le teeth girle
I see you're a man of memes.
5/5 (TV), 5/6 (films).

This is unironically the best one in this thread.

Come at me, my body is ready.

Yet not so ready that you could remember to rate others. But lest I fall prey to your same mistake, 0/0.

How do you guys decide on what to read/watch next?

Sometimes I browse these threads in hopes of finding someone with similar taste so I can check out the other stuff on their 3x3 but it seems like every 3x3 is full of stuff I dislike. So I'm looking for other strategies.

I just follow my favorite directors, honestly.

I go for genre, if I want a SoL, for example, go to the category and read the description on MAL shut the fuck up and if it sounds good then I read it, if it's not good then I drop it although later on Sup Forums might push me to pick it up again. Don't be picky about "starting" anything, if it's not your thing just drop it and move to the next, there's too much anime to waste time on the shitty ones or even just slightly below average.


Looks comfy, been meaning to get into Adachi lately, would you recommend starting with either Touch or Cross Game?







Nice to see someone else who appreciates Shiki



Left is my favourite females, middle is series and right is favourite male characters.

Usually as I mainly check out what influenced which directors or I watch something retro then I switch to modern or seasonal, depends what kind of mood I'm in for personally.

Apologies. Ive lurked enough to know of 3x3 threads, but not enough to understand how rating works. Ill show myself the door...

The best 3x3 in the thread can't have clannad.
+Scrapped princess
8/9 This user is a legend

>after all this years I still don't know either
I was too afraid to ask, thank you

Not sure what's going on in this thread, but I thought I'd drop by.

who is invertedgirl