He will suppress the memo in exchange for DNC concessions over immigration. Screencap this.
He will suppress the memo in exchange for DNC concessions over immigration. Screencap this
big if right
Winning in either case. Shows the Democrats were so scared of the memo, they capitulated on immigration. Democrats might be better off with the memo honestly.
The chad move would be to get immigration done with the promise of never releasing the memo, then just release it anyway
All this drama might make you think that the memo’s claims are scandalous. But part of what’s so weird and disorientating about this whole episode is that, in a normal political environment, no Republican would want to draw attention to the F.B.I.’s reasons for surveilling Page. As The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, Page has been on the radar of counterintelligence agents since at least 2013. A 2015 criminal complaint against two suspected Russian spies, Victor Podobnyy and Igor Sporyshev, cited an intercepted conversation about their efforts to recruit a man “working as a consultant in New York City.” Page has acknowledged that he was the man they were referring to, and admitted to passing documents to the Russians.
If Trump caves on the memo, then I'll assume that whatever was inside wasn't going to lead to the arrests of clinton et al., because that would do more damage to the Democratic Party than stalling this DACA deal
besides, he said 100% they're releasing it, so fuck you DNC
He should release it later anyway.
He'll slit their throats while they're down and give them shit eating grin
So what you're saying is no memo plus 2 million spics in exchange for "the wall"?
No deal. Get fucked.
If your party gets nothing but "grace" from Trump by not releasing the memo, and he ends up getting everything, it is very hard to argue the Democrats didn't have something big to hide. No matter how twisted your view.
I get it would be a risk for Trump with his base, but for independents, they would realize the Democrats had something big to keep away from the public.
>DNC concedes on immigration
>Base turns on Democrats
>Trump releases memo
>Country turns on Democrats
Could Dems be kill?
>besides, he said 100% they're releasing it, so fuck you DNC
Ahh I suppose this is also true. Was just a theory of mine.. Goes with his art of the deal mantra quite nicely, especially after a SOTU filled with unity messaging.
actually makes a lot of sense though
He doesn't need to use the memo as leverage anymore. The SOTU address changed everything.
What he's promised as his compromise with the dems is now all the leverage he needs. If they don't agree to it, their base is going to be angry.
Let me reiterate: Trump's proposal is a deal made to the dreamers and democrat base. He made a deal with the voters, not the democrat politicians. When the democrats turn his compromise down they will indicate they don't give a fucking rats' ass about dreamers or their base. What they care about is importing votes. The economy can go to shit. Fuck the base, fuck the dreamers. So long as those sweet sweet immigrant votes come in, it's all good.
The dems have fucked themselves into a corner.
The memo is completely separate from the DACA situation now. The Dems are so outplayed here it's a joke.
If dems don't accept Trump's DACA deal, they will get nothing. Not even dreamer votes. And that is when their base will fucking eviscerate them.
Don't forget heightened border security.
No, here is what will happen:
Everyone gets their tax cheques tomorrow
Trump tweets about the tax breaks
Everyone is wondering if everything they heard about Trump is maybe wrong
Memo drops, maybe on tuesday
Everyone starts thinking the dems might really be corrupt as fuck
Dems say no to trump's DACA compromise
Trump says, fine, we do it my way then. No dreamers, chain migration, nothing. Everyone's deported
Dreamers fucking livid with the democrats
Something more or less like that.
>agrees to bury the memo in exchange for DNC cooperation on MAGA
>memo "leaks" anyway
>Dems are forced into a position where they either let it go, or have to crack down hard on white house leaks
14D Backgammon.
No point in added border security if we're just going to give amnesty to 2 million spics. If I wanted amnesty I would've voted for the used up cunt Shillary.
They aren’t calling because the just tried to murder 200 republican lawmakers and their families.
They definitely have something planned for President Trump. Please pray for his safety
I was thinking about this too earlier today.
>Trump suppresses memo
>Burguers get their wall
>DACA is a total shit for dreamers
>Base turns on democrats
>Memo 'leaks'
>The entire country turns on democrats
>The US becomes a one party country
>We lul for the next 36 years
I love how there is absolutely zero proof in your statement.
He will suppress the memo in exchange for DNC concessions over immigration, and then many years later it will be "leaked" at the right time. Screencap this.
I hope
Oh shit this is way too funny.
The dems are going after the book of face and shitter - those sacred cows of socialism.
Rawhide !!!!
only if it fully funds the wall, ends chain, sanctuary cities and begins enforcing e var. Not a chance in hell will the democrats countenance. they would rather get caught raping children on camera then closing our borders.
Trump already holds all the leverage in the immigration negotiation. He offered 3x what they wanted in exchange for his wall, end chain migration and ending the visa lottery. If they don’t budge DACA is done and dems don’t get future voting cattle. 72% of people polled like his deal. The dems are fucked either way.
>Please pray for his safety
I want Trump to become a martyr. Trump taking a bullet is going to be the only catalyst strong enough and violent enough to kick off a civil war. Seven more years of internal struggles and languishing against a corrupt system isn't going to get the helicopters flying. I want liberals killed by the tens of millions. I want their jew masters lined up and shot. That isn't going to happen by a few Presidential orders alone. It's going to require half the country to fuck the other half until it dies.
the dems can't let trump close the borders. no one else will vote for them
They’re damned if they do damned if they don’t. Trump wins in either outcome.
Scared shill is scared
That’s just not good enough anymore. I want to watch someone hang for this shit. And I want to laugh at every leftist i see and humiliate them.
Doesn't make any sense.
Why suppress it in that case?
If it's so damaging that it makes them capitulate on immigration in order to stop it from release, then he'd be much better off releasing it and forcing them out of their jobs.
>Immediately cries shill
I love how there's zero argument or proof in anything you've said.
Nobody wants those kikes to hang more than I do. But at least provide some fucking evidence if you're going to accuse people of shit. You are the reason the board quality has gone to shit. Go fuck yourself.
i saw an article earlier where their big legislative push they are going to make is to repeal the tax cuts. yea the DNC is kill.
>not recognizing a win
shil, bait, or legitimate moron, I'm not sure
>2 million spics
>A win
For Bernie or Hillary fans maybe.
That's called blackmail, you ritard
I have given the Democrats and Repulicans involved in this false investigation built upon lies until the start of Hannity to accept my immigration and border security deal in full with no negotiations.
Before you ..... Call blackmail I DJT hereby pardon myself of all past and future crimes. It is time for the Democrats , and never Trumpers to shut up and get back to work making the American citizens life better.
>Why suppress it in that case?
Because despite running as an anti-estabishment candidate he still recognises the need for trust in our institutions.
lmao way too late for that, it would be a humiliating u-turn on all fronts, more likely is he'll hope he can spin it hard enough to oust rosenstein which is a stretch.
Can I just say how fucking retarded the GOP was with the timing of this though?
>had quiet controversy free month, approval ratings recovered somewhat
>had well received SOTU
>I know! let's start a massive firestorm that completely eclipsed the goodwill we might have gotten from normies the very next day
can Republicans stop cucking themselves? they're repeat offenders 24/7
Pretty obvious at this point, cancelling the memo in exchange for sending all the Jews back to Israel might be a good deal.
>We gotta do something with heart
*somehow the entire heart transplant list gets cleared*
Here is the biggest problem... Whther arrested for crimes or shamed out of office with evidence it kind of breaks the US GOV and nothing then gets done. Get them to deal before they go to court and plea down. The last two years I can do nothing and have done more for American citizens than Obama and Bush together.
you fucking twit, i posted the exact same thing two days ago, except i added that he would leak the memo anyways after the democrats were on record with an immigration deal that their base would think was shitty
Love the eloquent descriptions, gets me hyped.
This nigger needs to just release the memo
Nah, the memo is coming and it’s going to put the dems on blast so much that they’ll have to take the deal or look like crazy idiots.
Lol this must be a liberal person’s wishful thinking.
He's talking about the March 5th deadline. That suckers coming out
Well then your ripped off my post because I posted this several days ago but not as a standalone thread. That or retarded autistic hivemind.
> getting paid to shill
i though the dems were already calling his bluff on daca