This is the century of China
fake flag = fake opinion.
by the way china is purely capitalist.
They used to say that about Japan
Chinese are a race of autistic subhuman helots, Russia or Japan alone could easily exterminate them. If white countries ever go nationalist and stop buying cheap Chinese trinkets, one half of their population would eat the other half.
White people don't buy the shit directly. it's always the merchants.
Whatever the case may be, white countries must restrict trade with non-whites and build a global ethnic trade cartel.
Oh god I remember a black friend of mine wore a Chinese uniform, pic related. He's a weird weeaboo anime nerd, literally knows Japanese, and reads / plays games in Japanese. He's a very black and dark skinned person, super dark, he wore this Chinese outfit once (cause he's a freaking nerd) and people literally laughed at him when they saw that.
I couldn't help laughing either.
what the fuck
Race is real. Chinese appear to be biologically optimized for surviving in a Malthusian environment with no available excess calories, an environment which has evolved them into ravenous autistic sadists.
you mean this is the century of the free market right?
Everyone needs to read these...
Without immigrants there would be no new Sweden
I'm not even surprised by this. We may look at our own current meat eating habits and see that just as barbaric as Chinese casually eating human flesh in history.
Holy shit that is so fucking accurate about the chinks even today. Lived in China back in 2013. Also, not surprised one bit that China has a long history of cannibalism. When dealing with chinks you really shouldn’t regard them as a normal human being with morals or they’ll eat you alive, figuratively and perhaps even literally kek.
I just did.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: FUCK THE WHOLE CHINESE PEOPLE
China is the embodiment of your average internet communist.
Bump. More people need to see this...
I strongly suspect that at the end of this "Russian Hackers" trail lies a bunch of Chinese/indian fucks paying people off and shilling trying to get us and the Russians to try to wipe each other out.
Like I think Hillary, Colbert, and some of these democrats are literal Manchurian Candidates.
Chinks need to be wiped out and China needs to be partitioned... the sooner the better... chinks are not human...
Nothing of importance would be lost. Chinks are soulless mutts.
It’s time again to SINK THE CHINKS.
To be fair, whites did cannibalism too or else we wouldn't have Vlad and that blood lady bitch.
if sweden wasn't broken why did you fix it?
Chinese can not reproduce old and rusty soviet military shit, they can not be the leader of this world.
You're equating individual derangements with systematic practice. Vlad was a man with issues going back to his formative hostage years with the Ottomans.
Chinks are re-engineering themselves into Übermenschen
>comparing a few sick individuals to the culture of the most populated country in the world
You need to take your ass back to Peking, Wang Ling.
>makes aryan wife so you can preserve your genes without having to fuck a white roastie
Hurry before my sperm dies.
The Chinese are without a doubt the most disgusting race in the world.
Gutter oil, by the way.
Well, odds are that the Chinks would be on our side in the upcoming race war
If you fuck a genetically engineered aryan chink will your son still be a hapa failure? Pls answer
>aussie flag
Gee I wonder who this could be.
Sotu,Memo and the Rothschild murder plot train crash
Terry Davis time special
Unite my brothers !!!! Like fucking rome!!!
The Chinese are yellow niggers
>cooking oil made out of boiled shit and piss
>dogs, cats, rats, and mystery meats
Sick. Chinks are sick.
Chinks are fucked up. Look up “Lingchi” and “death by 1000 cuts”. Tons of sick pictures. Chinks are subhuman niggers.
I read that png before but your description of chinks is fucking perfect. The West needs to get red pilled on the true nature, culture and history of the chinks. We’ve been going way too easy on them.
This Japanese guy knows what’s up. The chinks have been conquered and raped too many times to count.
Nigger, what?
no it's not. nother century of western hegemony. get used to it cause we aren't going away.
I'm a chink and I can say Chinese are stupid and cowardly. Stupid yellow niggers never win a single war and like Filipinos, their original blood lines and Dinasty got colonized and mixed with mongols and barbarians.
Stupid chinks are soulless and totally unimaginative.
1488 white power.
God damn. It's almost impressive how barbaric chinks are
>The two breasts have been carved out, the chief-executioner throws the remains in a basket.
The remains of course are for consumption. Fucking ghouls
>Look up “Lingchi” and “death by 1000 cuts”.
Damn you, why'd you make me do that...
There is a Snopes articles about the Chinese eating babies and it doesn't even fucking deny it. It says that the photo is misconception but it basically says that yeah it could very well be actual cannibalism.
Fucking chinks... That’s all I gotta say after reading this thread. Fucking subhuman soulless insectoid chinks.
5000 years of culture.
5000 years of being shit
that's a regular albino chinese to help associate eugenics with nazis.
in reality asians ACTUALLY PREFER black hair, check the studies.
look what australia did in 200 years. maybe 2000 years from now your country will catch up.
I will never visit because nobody invites me to china. please respect this custom.
5000 years of culture and chinks still can't poo in the loo...